Looking to get support

Hi, new to the site and looking for some community support.


  • salemthecat27
    salemthecat27 Posts: 16 Member
    add me! happy to lend some support!
  • klechner4
    klechner4 Posts: 6 Member
    Add me here, or on Instagram (@myjournal4) or email me (kamila_d.o@hotmail.com) I'm really looking for friends to help me keep going
  • esjae68
    esjae68 Posts: 3 Member
    Me too, add me ☀️
  • amycuz14
    amycuz14 Posts: 41 Member
    Happy to have active and supportive friends on here too :) I'll add you, feel free others to add me as well.
  • isidore33
    isidore33 Posts: 4 Member
    Add me I could use some support and motivation
  • lottiemarie
    lottiemarie Posts: 4 Member
    I could use some support too! Got about 25lbs to lose to start with but every time I lose any it creeps back in over the weekend! Feel free to add me
  • griersonwedding2015
    griersonwedding2015 Posts: 38 Member
    i just finished losing 73 lbs so i know you can do it! i am not on here as much i log my cals then log off basically!! hahabut if you need support find me here:
    instagram : sweatingbeautyshay
    facebook: search Schaeffer Grierson
    blog: schaeffermgrierson.wordpress.com

    i want to start having "online" "pen pals" connected through the fitness and health world! people i can talk to and possibly become long distance friends with through a healthy journey!!!


  • lottiemarie
    lottiemarie Posts: 4 Member
    73 lbs that's amazing! Congratulations you must have worked hard for that!