New and need motivation! Let's be friends!

hensonkay Posts: 2 Member
Hey I'm Kayla!
I need to lose some weight and need motivational people to help me keep going! Please add me as a friend and I'll help motivate you as well!


  • BecomingMe101
    BecomingMe101 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey I'm here if you wanna chat and need the occasional kick up the bum ;)
  • AmyBethBoothroyd
    AmyBethBoothroyd Posts: 32 Member
    Go ahead and me! Love the support and eouragment form MFP!!
  • Bee242
    Bee242 Posts: 2 Member
    Heyy:) add me if you want im looking for someone to do the same sort of thing:D
  • mrscami
    mrscami Posts: 4 Member
    Please add me as well! Im new on this journey and totally need all of the motivation and encouragement I can get.
  • badge83
    badge83 Posts: 23 Member
    More then welcome to add me for a motivational friend.