Someone review my weekly gym routine!

MFD7576 Posts: 271 Member
Hey guys,

So I recently started a gym routine, and I was wondering if someone could do some critiquing?

My goal is to build muscle, lose weight and overall feel stronger and more comfortable.

Right now I do Push, Pull, Legs. What this translates to is

Monday- Push

What I do on those days is this:

Flat Barbell Bench Press: 3x5
Standing Barbell Shoulder/Overhead Press: 3x5
Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3x5
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise: 3x10-12
Rope Pushdowns (circuit machine): 3x10-12
Overhead Dumbbell Extension or similar triceps exercise: 3x10-12
Shrugs (dumbbells): 3x10-12

Barbell Rows: 3x5
Lat Pull downs with (Long Bar) (circuit machine): 3x8-10
Seated Rows (Circuit machine): 3x8-10
Face-pulls: 3x-10-12
Barbell Bicep Curls (Normal grip): 4x-10-12
Hammer Curls: 3x10-12

Barbell Squats: 4x5-6
Leg Press: 3x8-10
Leg Extensions (circuit machine): 3x10-12
Hamstring Curls (circuit machine): 3x10-12
Standing Calf Raises (circuit machine): 5x10-12

All of this courtesy of

With that all said and done, What could I add? Remove? Should I do cardio everyday in-between? Is one day on the weekend good enough? Side note, any recommendations of pre workout?


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Do you know what your current body fat % is?
    how long have you been lifting for?

    I would say program looks good, but no deadlifts? IMO you would want to find a way to incorporate those.

    I would be curious on others opinions but it seems like a lot of volume to me.

    For example, on your Monday routine you are doing to do to heavy sets and then the next four - assuming ten reps by ten - you are going to be doing a total of 120 reps, plus the strength sets in the beginning.

    I might suggest instead of 10-12 range to back that off to 8-10...

  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    where are the deadlifts?

    And circuit machine meaning what?
    Weight stack or cable?

    Weight stack:


    I couldn't find an image of the row machine I've seen in circuits.

    Using the cable tower for rows and lat pulldown has proven to be more beneficial, at least in my experience.

    rope pushdown, aka tricep pushdown then overhead tricep extension?
  • MFD7576
    MFD7576 Posts: 271 Member
    Well, I weight 268 on a good day but I know that doesn't help, I don't know my % is. Ill have to get my hands on one of those electric pulse things that lets you know water, bone and fat %'s.

    I can most definitely work in dead lifts and Ive been lifting for about a month now. I'm sort of naturally strong so its just trying to get my form set up and get the auxiliary muscles woken up.

    I've also had a couple instances where my sets after the heavy feel like I'm doing nothing beneficial to my muscles. Like its more of a routine motion then a building feel. Should I just increase the weight on those exercises?
  • MFD7576
    MFD7576 Posts: 271 Member
    It varies on the exercise. All of push and pull are on cable machines, and all of legs are on weight stack if I remember correctly.

    I know I need to do deadlifts haha Ive done them periodically when my girlfriend is doing them too :P
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    It varies on the exercise. All of push and pull are on cable machines, and all of legs are on weight stack if I remember correctly.

    I know I need to do deadlifts haha Ive done them periodically when my girlfriend is doing them too :P

    Do them more consistently.

    I <3 deadlifts. Favorite lift.
  • Numb5kull
    Numb5kull Posts: 249 Member
    Total number of sets per day looks ok. Breakdown looks ok.

    But where is your progression? How are you determining your weights and when to add weight? Are you after size or strength? This is most definitely a hypertrophy setup with all the volume involved (as previously mentioned).

    Most of the community will steer you away from the sites 'programs'. Have you looked into Stronglifts, Fierce 5, All Pro's Beginner Routine? Those are all great programs for making gains and full body compound lifts with tons of support and feedback in the forums.

    Ultimately, find what works for you and stick with it. Consistency is where you will get your gains.

    I'd stay away from cardio the day before leg day, just based on my own personal experience.
  • MFD7576
    MFD7576 Posts: 271 Member
    Ive been using Fitness Buddy to track personal progression of weight addition. Ive been narrowing down what my targets are for each exercise. My goal is to have size increase too. Although wouldn't that translate to strength too?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Well, I weight 268 on a good day but I know that doesn't help, I don't know my % is. Ill have to get my hands on one of those electric pulse things that lets you know water, bone and fat %'s.

    I can most definitely work in dead lifts and Ive been lifting for about a month now. I'm sort of naturally strong so its just trying to get my form set up and get the auxiliary muscles woken up.

    I've also had a couple instances where my sets after the heavy feel like I'm doing nothing beneficial to my muscles. Like its more of a routine motion then a building feel. Should I just increase the weight on those exercises?


    Have you only been lifting for a month?

    Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get a feel for your experience level and what not..

    Based on your current weight, I think you really need to focus on losing weight and worry about building muscle when you get your weight/body fat down. If you are new to lifting, you will get some newbie gains, so initially you will add some muscle and lose body fat, but that will cease after a while.

    if you are a beginner to lifting, I would suggest looking into starting strength, strong lifts, or new rule of lifting..oh and wendlers 5/3/1 also has a beginner program built into it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Ive been using Fitness Buddy to track personal progression of weight addition. Ive been narrowing down what my targets are for each exercise. My goal is to have size increase too. Although wouldn't that translate to strength too?

    no necessarily..

    you can increase strength without adding new muscle; essentially, you are just training your muscles to be more efficient. I believe the term is neuromuscular adaptation you can do more with the same muscle...

    On my most recent cut my deadlit has gone from 305# to 315#, I have not gained muscle, I have just trained my muscles to do more with the same..

  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    edited June 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Well, I weight 268 on a good day but I know that doesn't help, I don't know my % is. Ill have to get my hands on one of those electric pulse things that lets you know water, bone and fat %'s.

    I can most definitely work in dead lifts and Ive been lifting for about a month now. I'm sort of naturally strong so its just trying to get my form set up and get the auxiliary muscles woken up.

    I've also had a couple instances where my sets after the heavy feel like I'm doing nothing beneficial to my muscles. Like its more of a routine motion then a building feel. Should I just increase the weight on those exercises?


    Have you only been lifting for a month?

    Sorry for all the questions, just trying to get a feel for your experience level and what not..

    Based on your current weight, I think you really need to focus on losing weight and worry about building muscle when you get your weight/body fat down. If you are new to lifting, you will get some newbie gains, so initially you will add some muscle and lose body fat, but that will cease after a while.

    if you are a beginner to lifting, I would suggest looking into starting strength, strong lifts, or new rule of lifting..oh and wendlers 5/3/1 also has a beginner program built into it.

    I’m no expert, but I agree with this. Your exercise routine looks overly complicated at this point, and unnecessarily so. You can do very well with following a basic starting program, where you go to the gym 3x a week and do the basic compound lifts: deadlift, squat, bench press, overhead press, barbell rows/power cleans. Boom, you’re done.

    Edited to add: you won’t gain muscle mass, barring any beginner gains if applicable, while eating in a caloric deficit, but you will gain strength. My lifts improved a lot while losing weight, but I didn’t gain any muscle (wouldn’t it be nice). You need to decide whether you want your focus to be fat loss or muscle gain, as you can’t really do both concurrently (unless you’re recomping, which takes a long time)
  • MFD7576
    MFD7576 Posts: 271 Member
    Only a month yes, I was in and out of just dieting but I feel more inclined to diet if I have some pain and gain following it. My girlfriend (Troutsy) has been on the dieting and lifting train for well over a year now so shes been helping me out too. I know I need to look at a better long term weight lose plan too, I figured lifting would kill 1.5 birds with 1 stone and get me on track. Besides, I love the feeling of lifting.
  • BeFitBri2
    BeFitBri2 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm just a beginner (been lifting for only 3 months with personal trainer and already seeing great progress) but I think your workout plan looks great. It's similar to what I do. I would incorporate some cardio on 1-2 more of your rest days. Great work!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Only a month yes, I was in and out of just dieting but I feel more inclined to diet if I have some pain and gain following it. My girlfriend (Troutsy) has been on the dieting and lifting train for well over a year now so shes been helping me out too. I know I need to look at a better long term weight lose plan too, I figured lifting would kill 1.5 birds with 1 stone and get me on track. Besides, I love the feeling of lifting.

    Ok...thanks for the info ..

    a push/pull routine is usually considered a little more intermediate due to the volume of the work outs and what not.

    I would suggest looking into starting strength, new rules of lifting, or strong lifts < pick one of those programs and run it for four to six months. After four to six months, then you can graduate to a more intermediate program.

    You can also mix in some cardio on your off lifting days to help with increased calorie burns.

    How many calories are you going to be consuming per day?
  • MFD7576
    MFD7576 Posts: 271 Member
    edited June 2015
    Im at the site generated rate of 2300 per day. That's 1.5 lb lose per week and going from 280 to 250lbs
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Im at the site generated rate of 2300 per day. That's 1.5 lb lose per week and going from 280 to 250lbs

    OK ...keep eating to that number..pick a lifting program, and do it for four to six months..

    sounds like you are on the right track.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Only a month yes, I was in and out of just dieting but I feel more inclined to diet if I have some pain and gain following it. My girlfriend (Troutsy) has been on the dieting and lifting train for well over a year now so shes been helping me out too. I know I need to look at a better long term weight lose plan too, I figured lifting would kill 1.5 birds with 1 stone and get me on track. Besides, I love the feeling of lifting.

    I know that Troutsy is running SL.
    Why don't you just do that with her?

    If you want something with a little more oompf than SL, ICF is a bastardized version of SL with iso work.
  • MFD7576
    MFD7576 Posts: 271 Member
    Thank you NDJ, your input has been very valuable :D

    and thank you to the other posters too! Any other general tips, such as lower level routines to invest in are greatly appreciated. Im flexable to something new, but I do enjoy what im doing now, even if its complex.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Only a month yes, I was in and out of just dieting but I feel more inclined to diet if I have some pain and gain following it. My girlfriend (Troutsy) has been on the dieting and lifting train for well over a year now so shes been helping me out too. I know I need to look at a better long term weight lose plan too, I figured lifting would kill 1.5 birds with 1 stone and get me on track. Besides, I love the feeling of lifting.

    I know that Troutsy is running SL.
    Why don't you just do that with her?

    If you want something with a little more oompf than SL, ICF is a bastardized version of SL with iso work.

    But then we'd have to rotate 4 people through the squat rack in the morning instead of 3 because our gym only has one squat rack :s ......... :D

  • MFD7576
    MFD7576 Posts: 271 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    Only a month yes, I was in and out of just dieting but I feel more inclined to diet if I have some pain and gain following it. My girlfriend (Troutsy) has been on the dieting and lifting train for well over a year now so shes been helping me out too. I know I need to look at a better long term weight lose plan too, I figured lifting would kill 1.5 birds with 1 stone and get me on track. Besides, I love the feeling of lifting.

    I know that Troutsy is running SL.
    Why don't you just do that with her?

    If you want something with a little more oompf than SL, ICF is a bastardized version of SL with iso work.

    But then we'd have to rotate 4 people through the squat rack in the morning instead of 3 because our gym only has one squat rack :s ......... :D

    :cry: :cry:
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    Only a month yes, I was in and out of just dieting but I feel more inclined to diet if I have some pain and gain following it. My girlfriend (Troutsy) has been on the dieting and lifting train for well over a year now so shes been helping me out too. I know I need to look at a better long term weight lose plan too, I figured lifting would kill 1.5 birds with 1 stone and get me on track. Besides, I love the feeling of lifting.

    I know that Troutsy is running SL.
    Why don't you just do that with her?

    If you want something with a little more oompf than SL, ICF is a bastardized version of SL with iso work.

    But then we'd have to rotate 4 people through the squat rack in the morning instead of 3 because our gym only has one squat rack :s ......... :D

    Get a better gym!
    Or better yet, a home set up! =P