
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I cook my breakfasts for the week on Sunday. I scramble an egg, egg beaters, egg whites with turkey sausage, kale, spinach, mushrooms, and garlic.
    For my serving:
    Cals 312
    Carbs 10
    Protein 43
    Fat 10

    You can add more fat or carbs in a side (like toast with butter, oatmeal, etc.) if you want/need.
  • crypsyx
    crypsyx Posts: 858 Member
    depends on what you mean by not a lot of time. are you asking for quick things to cook or items you can just grab and go? i scramble up eggs with goat cheese, asparagus and smoked salmon. great protein filler and not high in calories. but it take about three to four minutes to cook.
  • StuartGD
    StuartGD Posts: 2 Member
    Depends in large part on what you're looking for in a breakfast. Yesterday I found a great and simple smoothie recipe. Very high protein to carb ratio. 37g protein, 6g carb, 4g fat, and 201 calories.

    2.00 tablespoons, Peanut Butter, Powdered
    3.00 Heaping Tbsp (30g), Soy Protein Shake Natural Flavor
    0.25 cup(s), Break free 100% Liquid Egg Whites
    0.50 Cup (240ml), Unsweetened Cashew Milk

    Blend with 4-5 ice cubes (A Vitamix is a magical tool)

    Next time I plan to try more egg white. First time on this recipe I didn't have any, and it was more of a slushy. The egg white helped keep everything in suspension more, and made it much smoother.
  • luckycharmed4
    luckycharmed4 Posts: 1 Member
    A hard boiled egg with a piece of fruit usually works for me when I need something quick. I usually cook the eggs on a Sunday, peel them and store them for the week. B)
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    butlersoft wrote: »
    do not eat breakfast in fact do not eat anything for 5 - 8 hours after you wake. this burns more fat than you can imagine and also nothing wrong with doing it perfectly healthy for you. its called intermittent fasting read up on it. i have been doing it for about 8 months now awesome. it is hard first 4 days but then you adapt to it. hope this helps good luck.

    all kinds of "NO" "NO" NO" !!!!

    Why? Breakfast isn't important, nothing wrong with skipping it...

    Nothing wrong with skipping a traditionally timed breakfast if you aren't hungry (really, the first meal of the day is "breakfast" since you are "breaking" your "fast"). There is no need to force yourself to eat at specified times. That said, if you *are* hungry in the morning you should eat. Intermittent fasting isn't necessarily skipping breakfast, or waiting 5-8 hours after waking to eat - it's more a matter of limiting your intake to a specified window of time during the day (usually 8-10 hours). And, like anything else, while some people find it very helpful and useful, others won't

    To the OP: I had cottage cheese (1/2 C), with grape tomatoes (8), sunflower kernels (1 Tbs), and half an avocado for breakfast. Fast, delicious, filling.

  • colors_fade
    colors_fade Posts: 464 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    scrambled eggs...all of 5 minutes.

    Yep. Basically same thing here. I make a breakfast burrito. Eggs, bacon, tortilla, salsa. While the eggs are cooking, everything else gets prepped in about 90 seconds.

    The bacon I prep for the week (usually longer) in a glass 13x9 pan (kitchen tip: cooking bacon in the oven in a glass pan is way cleaner than splattering it on the stove, and it turns out perfect). Burrito gets two slices of bacon, and the rest of the bacon goes into a ziploc for the remainder of the week (usually longer than that; a package of bacon usually lasts about 10 days). The bacon is literally the only food prep I do (because... bacon).

    The whole burrito takes 5 minutes tops. Eggs get scrambled in a cup and slapped into the pan: 30 seconds. While that's cooking, tortilla on a plate with 2 strips of bacon from the ziploc: 30 seconds. Into the microwave for 30 seconds to warm. Pour salsa over bacon. Flip scrambled eggs. Put stuff back into refrigerator. Another minute and the eggs are on the burrito, and it's wrapped.

    Tasty, warm, delicious. Whole thing comes in just ~500 calories. Satiating. Lasts until lunch. And beats the hell out of protein bars, cereals, and whatever else...

    A warm, delicious breakfast is a 5-minute treat. And starts my day of great.
  • FPool
    FPool Posts: 2 Member
    Shredded wheat or wheatabix with bran fibre on top and semi skimmed milk. If you want something sweeter add a tsp of honey or some berries.
    Adding the bran fibre has really helped curb my hunger 'til lunch time. Otherwise I'd be hungry by 10.
  • Toadstool_
    Toadstool_ Posts: 120 Member
    I generally have breakfast I can take on the go. Berries with yoghurt and granola, porridge oats and dried milk (just add hot water and leave for about 5 minutes to cook) with blueberries, cereal with yoghurt or milk, there are loads of breakfast muffin recipes about which freeze well, or sometimes I will just grab a banana.
  • suzieannfat
    suzieannfat Posts: 47 Member
    do not eat breakfast in fact do not eat anything for 5 - 8 hours after you wake. this burns more fat than you can imagine and also nothing wrong with doing it perfectly healthy for you. its called intermittent fasting read up on it. i have been doing it for about 8 months now awesome. it is hard first 4 days but then you adapt to it. hope this helps good luck.
    This is awesome. People tell me not to do it but I never get hungry until like 9:00 am and I'm up at 4:30 am I've been doing this for two weeks and my body still hasn't gotten use to it though. But I don't eat after 6:00pm the night before. Does this matter?
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    If there is any sort of insulin resistance or pre-diabetes going on, don't skip breakfast. Have breakfast the same time every day.
  • ihatetodietalways
    ihatetodietalways Posts: 180 Member
    I am a diabetic, and I only have cream for breakfast (in my coffee). I have been doing this for over a year. It is fine. My HbA1c has gone down by a point, my lipids are fine, my weight is down, and my glucose readings during the day are normal.
  • hutchin88
    hutchin88 Posts: 83 Member
    I boil an egg while I'm in the shower, drain it, wrap the unpeeled egg in a paper towel and toss it in my purse. Eat it at my desk with my coffee or tea, no fuss no muss. I like to get out the door quickly in the morning. :)

    I also keep some ry-krisp at work ( I'm allergic to wheat ) to eat with my egg if I need something more.
  • bethberg12
    bethberg12 Posts: 40 Member
    Ditto on the overnight oats! Super easy - BUT you have to be okay with the texture and temperature (cold oatmeal).

    I also like green smoothies (spinach, banana, almond milk, PB2 and other fruit if I have it). Hard-boiled eggs, 1/4 avocado smashed onto toast, greek yogurt (try Oikos Triple Zero for less sugar) with fruit or flax for crunch.
  • eveaugust7
    eveaugust7 Posts: 5 Member
    Oatmeal and fruit is like my morning saviour takes 5 minutes to make!
  • reepierce86
    reepierce86 Posts: 2 Member
    Fruit, granola and yogurts!! ;)
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member

    Forgive me, I haven't work out serving sizes or calories, but these are freakin' amazing. I made 10 regular size muffin cups and plan to eat 2 for breakfast. Like I said, I didn't work out calories. 1 minute in the microwave and some hot sauce - YUM.

    Bumping for this recipe...looks delicious!!! Thanks!
  • ANewCrystal4Life
    ANewCrystal4Life Posts: 121 Member
    edited June 2015
    At work I scramble one egg, one diced up (fully cooked) turkey sausage link, and half a piece of diced up WW jalapeno string cheese and microwave in 30 second intervals, stiring in between... done in under 90 secs (usually 75 secs).

    Or I take half a serving of Joseph's Lavish bread and fill with a scrambled egg, a bit cheese, and bacon (whatever you want). Make it the night before and just pop in microwave for 30 secs.

    I love Better Oats steel cut Brown Sugar and Cinnamon instant oats with a tablespon of either 1/3 less sugar whipped Peter Pan PB or I add in a Tablespoon or PB2.

  • Elle_Bronwyn15
    Elle_Bronwyn15 Posts: 296 Member
    Quick Breakfasts

    Protein Shakes
    Egg white Omlet
    Oatmeal with fruits
  • Bry_Fitness70
    Bry_Fitness70 Posts: 2,480 Member
    I generally eat the same breakfast every day (just varying the yogurt, Quest bar, and coffee flavors):

    Overnight Oats (combine and refrigerate overnight):
    -Quaker Oats - Old Fashioned 100% Natural Whole Grain, 1/4 cup dry 75
    -Mp Combat Powder - Protein Powder- Cookies N Cream, 0.5 scoop 70
    -Simply Balanced - Raspberry Greek Yogurt 0% Fat - Fruit on the Bottom, 5.3 oz (150g) 55

    Quest Bar - Cookie Dough, 1 bar 190
    Dr. Mcdougall's - Organic Instant Oatmeal Light Maple Brown Sugar, 1 packet 150
    Green Mountain - English Toffee K-Cup, 1 Cup 2
    Klarbrunn - Sparkling Water Lemon Flavor, 1 Can 0

    607 calories
    84 carbs
    13 fat
    54 protein

    Since I eat this everyday, I tolerate it well no matter what I'm doing and can eat it prior to exercise without worrying about digestion issues, including long runs and lifting (I may delay coffee until afterwards, but eat everything else)
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 398 Member
    Dried apricots & a hard-boiled egg. Or Greek yogurt with frozen strawberries or blueberries or banana added to it.