Current weight - going down the scales versus going up

I find this kind of funny. When I was gaining, gaining, gaining, I found the number I am currently at - 198 pounds (14.1429 stone) - absolutely horrifying. My top weight - 230 pounds (16.4286 stone) - was mind-boggling. But now, at what was previously a horrifying weight, I feel almost slim. I feel lighter, I feel smaller, I feel almost not ashamed of what I look like. I even feel younger, and I have more spring in my step. I have really noticed how much easier it is to climb the stairs to my apartment without lugging that extra 32 pounds along with me (almost 4 gallons of water). It's just funny to me. "WOW, I only weigh 198 pounds!!!" Cracks me up. :)

Anybody else feel this way?


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Less the weight for me than the size I think. I've always kind of been happiest when I have to buy new clothes.

    : o )
