Birthday Feast

Just had to right down that my Birthday feast is now OVER.
I am back to work on Monday 23rd May and Shape Fitness Evolved is waiting for my return.
I am hoping by posting on here, I will stick to my healthy eating plan and shift 14 pounds I put on, before I add to them.
I have got some friends on here and I am hoping that we will keep each other in check


  • SlimJacqui
    SlimJacqui Posts: 29
    Well I am back to work and have started as I mean to go on. Work out with YOur Shape on XBox 360.
    A packed lunch into work and buy a bottle of water instead of a capachinnio (full fat milk)
    Take full advantage of the free exercise at work (, i.e. move the full cages the lenght of the platform)
    For once I am looking forward to seeing what the scales showon weigh in.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    You go girl!!! I am in the same boat and I think my stomach prefers me for it as I felt a peaky after all the weekend's indulgence!!! Actually glad to be back on the wagon again!!! Let's get some good results!!! : )