calories consumed / verses calories recommended

SAR1L Posts: 51 Member
edited 6:13PM in Food and Nutrition

I have been looking at my tools, and it suggest 1900 as my intake, as a guy which works a desk job. This is for a plan of losing 2 pounds per week, ultimate goal 270 to 215, and I am 6'5.

I looked at the tools and what I entered measured out that I can do a day... comes out to... having 514 calories left over...

this is for

B - raison brand with cereal,

L - turkey sandwich, mustard, white bread.

S - sunday crunch bar from swans & a coke.

D - Salad ( with cottage cheese, instead of ranch for dressing + hamburger helper )

Most at 1 cup or serving, and I feel I could eat this and be full, or at least satisfied or not starving.

Most of my calories before starting were from the 6 cans of coke a day.. 800+ calories nearly 1/2 of my recommended consumption. Plus site says if I work out, which i plan to do 5 minutes of brisk walking / 5 minutes of sit ups / 5 minutes of jumping jacks... I would be burning 200 - 300 cal's.

Is this healthy to go under recommended calorie intake for no exercising, + exercising. my plan includes, meet, dairy, vegetables and water. Largest change being cut the coke and junk food I used to eat between meals.

Any huge flaws with this... how would coming in 500 below each day effect + burning 200 - 300 a day = 800.. is this dangerous? should I increase my healthy food intake above normal to compensate for lost calories in soda?



  • CassieAtEatLoveFit
    CassieAtEatLoveFit Posts: 14 Member
    You should try to get as many nutrients from food as you can without going over. I've found that it's the nutrient content of the calories you eat that is the tricky part of dieting. If you aren't getting enough good food then you are not treating your body properly. While I don't have a specific answer to your question, I would recommend taking some of those 800 calories you are used to feeding yourself with soda and replacing them with more vegetables, some fruits and complex carbohydrates. While the sugar intake of fruits is high it is much, much better for you than soda.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    if your goal before exercise is 1900, and then you exercise for another 300 cals, you should be eating a total of 2200 at the end of the day. try eating things with a higher cal content if the amount you ate today was enough to fill you up. things like peanut butter, nuts, avocados, yogourt. even something as simple as a glass of milk can help fill those cals up to the number you need daily.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    you should not go under your calories but any large amount. Better to go over just a little than to be so far under. Just make sure you get your 5-8 servings of fruit and veggies... 8 glasses of water(at least) . I used to drink 6 cans of diet pepsi and day and quit basically cold turkey and now have one maybe one a week or so.. Dont even crave them at all.. watch your sodium in processed foods you buy and stay away from fast foods as they are full of sodium.. play around with your menu. I have a salad both for lunch and dinner. Lunch i also have some sort of protein and then dinner I have a salad... meat or chicken or fish 3-5 oz a veggie steamed and maybe some brown rice. You will get into a routine.. there are things I like better than others and things I have often and others maybe one a week or week and a half..start with your 5 min exercise and then work you way up to 1/2 hour.. youll find its not that hard... I started with maybe a 10 min walk,, barely.. now I do the treadmill an hour plus the elliptical and do pool exercises for an hour everyday..

    Good luck and friend me if you would like.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • SAR1L
    SAR1L Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you guys,

    I appreciate the replies and info. My plans are raison bran /w milk for weekdays, a turkey sandwich /w mustard for lunch & can of beans, or fresh carrots, broc or veggie. Supper will be a toss up but will always include a salad, and a small portion of what I usually eat with my significant other, as that will help fill some of the calories.

    weekends figure high protein breakfast of sausage and scrambled eggs, or maybe some bacon from time to time, but pretty much the same routine otherwise in controlled portions.

    Probably an allowance of some of the same snacks I like as well, so I don't feel I am depriving myself, as long as it is within calorie budget.
  • velvetkat
    velvetkat Posts: 454 Member
    make sure you eat "smart" calories.. dont just eat calories to get the right amount. I see many people that will have something that is so unhealthy. Dont get me wrong.. you can have something like that once in a while just dont make a habit of it. read your labels.. Breakfast sausage isnt a smart food.. lots of fat and sodium. Egg beaters or something like that are good calories... in moderation of course. Almonds.. although high in calories and fat has good fat and a good choice if you are looking for something too add calories to get to your daily caloric goal.. Just get the non salted ones.
  • clarehaines
    clarehaines Posts: 49
    I find myself in a similar situation to yourself - ie the far below recommended calorie intake per day, with my 400 - 500 exercise calories to add to my 1200 im actually only eating around 800 - 900 calories per day.
    I eat full meals consisting of fruit, veg and salad, chicken or fish and still find myself well below the intake I should be.
    This is my first week on my diet (day 7 today) and ive lost 4 pounds, I dont find myself to be hungry during the day at all and generally feel a little peckish in the evening around 9 or 10 - probably because I eat dinner at around 5.
    I dont snack on anything bad and really watch my fat intake....

    The way I see it is that at present I am losing weight so why change what im doing?
    Im not starving myself, im eating healthy, balanced meals every day and exercising.
    I dont feel at all lethargic due to my low calorie intake either, so right now I have no major concerns.

    I have been reading up on what to do if the body reaches a plateau which basically says you need to change one thing at a time, ie increase your exercise OR increase your calorie intake, sounds crazy I know, lose weight by increasing your calorie intake but apparently it works!

    So I have come to the conclusion if my body reaches a plateau then its time to make changes to the calorie intake, until then im continuing as I am.

    Thought it might help to hear from someone in a very similar situation to yourself
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