All the moms out there! :)



  • twiigo
    twiigo Posts: 39 Member
    A "try not to stay at home" mom of four (4, 12, 18, and 4 months) three girls and a baby boy. Cronically over 200lbs. Training for 15k; did a half marathon last year got down to 208 then got pregnant. Need to loose 60lbs. Mfp helps me eat without feeling stressed. No guilt when i meet my daily goals. Excited to see what happens in those "5 weeks" mentioned each day.
  • biancawild
    biancawild Posts: 9 Member
    Me! I need some mom friends on here (MFP)!
    I am a SAHM to 3 kids ages 4, 3, and 19 months.
    I'd love some encouragement, motivation, and support!
  • njfitnessmom
    njfitnessmom Posts: 345 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm a mom of a 10yr old girl and a 5yr old boy and I work a full time job.
  • DoreenaV1975
    DoreenaV1975 Posts: 567 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm a mom, technically, but not a "new mom" ...does that matter? My kids are 13 and 20...
    Plus I have 4 fur-babies!
    Oh and I work full-time, outside the home.
  • Magui_M
    Magui_M Posts: 7 Member
    I have added you and a few other people. I'm new here have 2 kids a 3 month old and a 4 year old and I love to have others as friends to motivate each other!
  • liacutey
    liacutey Posts: 3 Member
    I'm a single stay at home mom. I have one daughter. I just started this app today.
  • tljohnson0015
    tljohnson0015 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a full time working mom of two 7 and 9. I weigh as much now as I did 9 months pregnant! That is depressing! I need to loose about 50 pounds and I really just want to see some muscles instead of all this fat. Could use some friends on here. Keep me accountable please! I'll return the favor
  • amandadomingue2015
    amandadomingue2015 Posts: 3 Member
    Mom of 3!! You can add me :) I am new on here and still trying to figure out how this works ! Ha!
  • sarahlou1114
    sarahlou1114 Posts: 17 Member
    Add me :) trying to figure out how to cook for a family of 5 and still lose weight in the process.
  • shannon_reese24
    shannon_reese24 Posts: 9 Member
    Hey girls I feel ya. It can be hard to get excersizing in and try to eat healthy w/ young ones
  • SouthernMiss2014
    SouthernMiss2014 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey! Mom of two, four years and four months, working full time. Feel free to add. :)
  • tinahencey
    tinahencey Posts: 9 Member
    Yes yes yes!!! I'm a mom of one and he's 4 months old today! Go exercise!!
  • yuiikarii
    yuiikarii Posts: 1 Member
    I'm a working mom of a 19 months old boy.
    I try to run one a week once my baby is sleeping and maintain a healthy diet for my family. Darn is hard! I need more hours in the day and sleep less lol
    Feel free to add me.