

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,780 Member
    Meg ... You absolutely cannot leave ... I would miss your wit!

    I can no longer keep up with everyone also. Just spent the day reading 11 pages!! Honestly, I can only remember bits and pieces... And I think in the future I'm just going to jump in at the last page and work from there

    Alison ... When I read you scrubbed the floor, I nearly choked. You are too damned good for him ... And I would say more but I think the others have pretty much said it already.

    Becca ... I liked your advice and your list.

    The only thing that works for me is weighing/measuring my food, logging it all, and getting intentional exercise. Anything less and I fail. Which I do spectacularly.

    In the midst of my marathon reading of posts today ... You all inspired me to get of my duff ... Pulled out the wiifit ... Good grief how far I've fallen ...but I worked on it 20 minutes ...

    Margaret ... When you find clothes that work for your mom, can you buy multiples and just hang on to some until needed? It sounds like you're having a good visit.

    It seems both my sons are finally making progress in their individual health issues ... It's been such a long time coming for both of them ... I may just be able to breathe regularly again ...

    Mary ... Loved photos of new house.
    Poop/pip ... Cute lighting the bikes.
    Michele ... Pool looks great ... Snail is cute.
    Who has the very blue house? Really loved that it was hubby's choice! Sweet
    Kim ... Prayers go with you ...sheesh.
    Heather ... Stop yelling at your poor husband... You know men in general are not great shoppers.
    Tere ....Was it you with the spicy popcorn story? Well played.

    Yesterday I was invited to a friend's 50th birthday luncheon. Photos were taken and I was ready to cringe when copies were passed out. NSV! I was not the largest woman there ... Not by a long shot! This has not always been the case with this group of women

    Toni ... Keep pushing towards onderland!

    That's it. I'm done.
    Have a great night!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Janet I have to find 11-12 petite pants that have elastic waist. I can find them but I have to dig. For a shirt they have to be easy to get over her head. No V necks. the sleeves cannot be too tight. They also have to be attractive for her to like it,but not so nice that the get legs in the Nursing Home. Light colored clothes are not the best choice either. I have done this during the last two visits I was here, so I know how long it takes me to do it right. Even with her clothes labelled they get legs, so I think my plan to visit a Goodwill or Savers is the way to go.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    I lost 125# total. You're right it's not easy, but my weight just rolled off. I couldn't keep up with it. But I am thrilled and feel so much better. I have been able to get off of meds for Type II diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I had a right knee replacement just over 4 months ago. I breezed thru it, I'll have the left knee replaced in September. None of this would have happened 125# ago. I WILL keep it off. Thanks for the encouragement. Hang in there, the rest of yours will come off. I did start adding more activity/exercise than I'd ever done before on a regular basis.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • cpike
    cpike Posts: 1 Member
    This seems to be the right group for me. I'm 56 and have let myself get into some bad eating habits mostly due to the fact I have added stress in my life the last few months. Ready to take control of things again and tomorrow starts a new day...better eating habits...more exercise...and just good clean eating and living. Looking forward to everyone's posts and me being able to report how much better I feel in a few short weeks.
  • mah654
    mah654 Posts: 2 Member
    csofled wrote: »
    mah654 wrote: »
    Hello from Vermont.
    I am new to MFP . I was able to lose 17lbs in 6 weeks with diet and exercise.
    I lost ground this past week due to Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot.
    Goals for June
    Eat more fruits and veg.
    Continue 10 cups water a day
    Find exercises which help my foot.
    Start to lose weight again.
    Stay positive.
    Mary Ann

    Welcome Mary Ann! You've come to the right place for friendly support on your journey. I wanted to speak to your Plantar Fasciitis issue. I suffered for an entire year with it in my left foot. Other than the prednisone injections and stretching exercises I found taping my foot everyday helped the most during the healing process. See if this helps. I used sport tape from Walmart (lots of it). Best of luck!
    Cheri in Fairlawn, Ohio


    Thank you Cheri. I will try that.
    Mary Ann, Vt
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Checking in while the computer works!

    I can't remember giving you all an update on my knee... very large bone spurs on both sides of my lower leg bone. They are what makes things catch and hurt. Everything else is bone on bone and full of arthritis so I think another knee replacement is in my future. I hope it can wait until spring but not very optimistic. Hubby just came down and said the upstairs air is not working! Ugg! My head is spinning from all this "good" news. I am so glad I have you to pile all this aggravation on! There, I feel all better!

    Toni in Middle Tennessee getting ready to do 400 more steps and head up to bed in the 84+ degree heat.... or maybe I'll sleep downstairs...... Hope I can visit with you tomorrow
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Wow, you are like typing fools... hahahaha... At least we aren't a shy bunch eh?
    Pip, I am mentally sending you forms to fill out for us being family k? lol Oh and mentally packing as well for PARTIES.... ok too much mental....my husband can't believe that you all have a wooden bike! I said yep, he said, naaa....and we went back and forth for a bit, until I yelled uhuh...PIP SAID SO!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    How do you post pics on here....please explain...type slowly so I can get it...
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did a hour of spinning today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Jennette Jenkins Blast the Belly Fat DVD.

    I have absolutely no idea why my pictures show up in the middle of my posts. At least the pictures are there. Update: I think I figured out why, the pictures post wherever you put your cursor. This time I made sure to put it at the end.

    Joyce - I don't understand the non-urgency for the punctured uterine wall, either

    Donna - welcome! Sure wish I could help you, but I'm sorry that I can't. Can't wait to hear what others have to say

    - when I go to put in my post, at the top there is an icon of like a piece of paper with the right corner turned under. I click on that and then I find that it lets me search for a file (pic) that I want to display. The only thing I haven't figured out yet is how to get the pic at the bottom of my post and not in the middle

    Lisa - great advice to Donna

    tere - how wonderful that your SO is so encouraging and supportive!

    - lol Newborn baby!!!

    Terri - what a wonderful NSV to get off your knees to your toes during your planks. That's great!

    Poop - that's our pool. Then we have an upper patio part. Vince and I put down all that rock, believe me, hauling rock is no easy task! But it's done and I don't ever want to see another rock as long as I live! But you can see how there's so much beige, I need color! Here's a pic of the upper patio. trying to figure out your abbreviations for your exercises. "16 knees bent etc" I take it that's a crunch? What's 40c? cal?

    katla - I don't think the chipping of the paint on the ladybug was a problem with the paint. I think it was more the fact that acrylics were used over the glazes and then sprayed. Acrylics aren't meant to be out in the sun and our pool is in the sun most of the day (from about 10 to 7). I think that's what it had to do with mostly. I do think my painting technique has gotten better, I didn't have to redo the snail. Now I did have to repaint the praymantis and have it refired. Hopefully, the ladybug was my "learning" piece, so hopefully I've learned. I'm just sorry that I have to repaint it, but it might be a blessing in disguise. Have fun with your friends. Hope they do decide to buy that house

    mia - thank you for your kind words about the snail. I like bright colors, too. In a sense, I kind-of wish I'd done the body in blue since the purple is so dark. But then again, it'll be out in the sun, the purple will certainly catch your eye. As a friend said to me "you can get normal at WalMart". How many snails do you find with that yellow/orange combination? Great advice to Donna

    - when we left yesterday to go to ceramics it was coming down in buckets. Vince said that after I left it got even worse. But today has been so gorgeous. I was in the pool in the morning, then went to Aldi, then back in the pool (yes, I reapplied the sunscreen!). After exercising went to Bi-Lo to get some items on sale that I had coupons for, then home and in the pool I went..... I don't rightly know if the snail is a he or a she, guess it could be whatever you want it to be. I did want the tips of the tentacles to be a different color. Feel better fast

    Mary from MN
    - come on down! The water's fine

    yanniejannie - so sorry to hear about your cousin. Congrats on avoiding those brownies! great going on getting that cheese at such a great price Remember, you can freeze it too

    terri - you are so talented. I have so much trouble crocheting in the round.

    Heather - my diary doesn't make much sense, either. During the day I jot down on a piece of paper what it is that I have and then log it two or three times a day. I just put everything under "all foods" because I can't figure out sometimes if it should be a lunch or a snack. I'm mainly concerned to be sure that I'm getting enough calories/protein/fat/carbs during the day.

    - what a great example you are setting for you DIL. Our Newcomers group has a book club. If you have one (N) near you, maybe you could see if there'd be interest in starting one up?

    - happy birthday to your buddy. Yup, he looks excited beyond words.... Hope he's better fast

    oh, fanny, I'm so sorry about AppleJack

    Vince went to the MD today. Sometimes I think he's a bit on the hypochondriac side. His shoulder is hurting and he thinks it might be rotator cuff. I say, wait to find out what it really is. It hurts when he lifts his arm laterally. He also got these bug bites the other day when he was out by the pool. He's thinking that the reason I don't have them is because I use sunscreen. Who knows? Now he thinks they're chigger bites.

    Rummikub tonight

    - I check your diary lots, but it's always so good

    - you support us by coming in and posting, even if it's only "I can't seem to keep up". We know that you're with us all.

    mia - wish your dh would give my dh lessons on dessert. My dh seems to think it's something that you MUST have every day, and it always has to be some sort of cake/cookie/brownie, etc. Have a wonderful trip

    fiona and Mary Ann and cpike
    - welcome! Great weight losses

    - I didn't put the snail out by the pool quite yet. I did finish painting him/her and put the clear coat on. Now it has to be fired with the clear coat and by next week I should be able to put that one out by the pool.

    GRITS - I'm one of those people who don't add in their exercise calories. I note in the "note" section what exercise I did, but don't add in extra calories for it. I found that what would happen FOR ME is that I'd wind up eating junk just to get the calorie count up. I know that it's a mind-thing with me, but that's what I do

    kidsfirst - I don't go to any other forum on MFP except here. You're right, the kids are too young and just can't relate

    Yea Beth - bet you were the best looking woman in the pic

    - Alfred Dunner makes a lot of pants with elastic waist in petite sizes. I know because I see them, only I really don't like his style. To me, they're too much for an older person, I want something for a younger person. But I'm sure you'd find the kinds of shirts and pants you're looking for in his line of clothing

    Michele in NC



  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Just heard the news, we had a Edmonton Police Officer killed in the line of duty last night as well as another one shot. Both EPS members were part of the Hate Crimes Task force who were serving an arrest warrant for criminal harassment. Constable Daniel Woodall originally from Manchester, England was fatally wounded leaving behind his wife and 2 children ages 6 & 3. Sgt Jason Harley was shot in the back and the shot was stopped by his vest. He was treated and released from hospital.

    RIP Constable Woodall

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Michele I agree with you about Alfred Dunner. My mom had a number of his clothes before she went into the nursing home. In the last couple of year she has lost a lot of weight not in a good way. Hence the need for new clothes. I just have to find that balance between nice enough, but not nice enough to get legs. I bought her a darling sweater in April, and it is gone.
    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    I am so encouraged. Got back on the basis post-bariatric surgery eating plan, getting in all my water each day and honestly tracking my food. I have not felt hungry and I have so much more energy. Did my hour of water aerobics today, a quick run to Ace Hardware and then worked in the flowers for 45 minutes or so. Was hot and humid here today, but hey better than the flooding rain we've had for the past three weeks. So glad I became of part of the group. Fun to read everyone's posts and know there are a lot of us weight/fitness conscious over 50's out there. Good night.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    My daughter Karen rang. She has to go back into hospital for 5 days on Monday, Removing more lymph nodes. They think they also need to remove her ovaries and put her on anti-oestrogen and for her to have chemo. She is strong and Phil will look after her
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Lesley - (((hugs))) for you and your daughter.

    Wow - I actually read all the posts. 4 pages!!! Very good advice on dealing with the DH's who haven't got a clue what it is like to be inside these bodies!!!

    Saved the picture of the taping the plantar fasciitis for future reference. had it once and hope I don't need those instructions. I am off to see the foot doctor tomorrow. Apparently my feet are twisting. So different orthotics. Nothing $400 won't fix....eeeeekkkkkk!!!

    Goodnight everyone

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Heather, DeeDee, Yanniejannie – thanks!!!! I will need all the grace I can find, although I am glad I had today to process and let it go… and make some plans for how to handle the issues that will arise… - She has some type of mental health issue (duh!) but also is very jealous of my relationship with her children, surprise ! when you pick a god mom, they might take the job seriously and actually have a relationship with the kids…

    Mary – I too stay within calories, but choose to close my diary so no one can see what odd meals I may have at any given time.

    I am sorry to hear about Apple Jack, but what a great picture of him and DD

    Cynthia – awwwww he’s compliant but not thrilled!

    Terri – SO??? Did you go get a good antivirus?

    Alison – I just put my homeowners and car insurance out to bid… Called the 4 top players in this area Allstate, State Farm, Farmers, and AAA And ended up saving $750 a year… it was a real hassle, but for $750 I’m up for a hassle.

    Meg – don’t leave! Just read the current page and go from there… we don’t need you to catch up…

    Lesley – thinking of you and Karen!

    June goals:
    Walk every day 180 miles for the month (in May I did 175… thought maybe a higher goal would be good)
    NEW – 1 plank every day – and log them here - 6
    Log everyday
    Eat slower
    do 2 fun things every week - week 1 – no traditional fun – but working hard to get all embroidery jobs done, clean up clutter inside and out, so that my doggy sitter will not have that to deal with, and the house will look nice when I get home.

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, I wasn't able to find any info on Listada. Thanks for explaining husbands upbringing. It does explain a lot about his own behavior and what he expects of a wife. If only he could understand that you are also under a lot of stress. Some of it is the same stressors he has. Would be nice if he could just realize that and the two of you help each other in just that one thing, the redo. Then grow it from there. You make me remember a patient I had when I was working on the cancer unit. This man had had several awful tings happen in his life and then a cancer diagnosis on top of that and he was the happiest man, just taking everything in stride. So one day I decided to talk to him about my feeling on emotions. All emotions are a gift from God and are intended to be used, but in a helpful and beneficial way. Anger is one of those emotions. If you deny yourself of that emotion, you are denying yourself a gift from God. Later that day all *&(&& broke loose and this guy was finally letting his anger out. He later apologized to me and I just explained that he just needed to learn how to use it a little bit better. He did say that he felt better. You are an extremely busy woman, just like your husband is. You don't have the same kind of job, I have no idea what his is, but then you have all of your before and after job 'jobs' one of which is taking care of HIS father. I'm glad you could express yourself in a note and that he read it. Also glad he has his tail between his legs right now. But if he is anything like my husband, that tail will come out soon and he will soon forget that you wrote that note and wonder why the floor isn't mopped again. Hugs to you.

    Lisa, I love your analogy of the oxygen masks coming down and that we must take care of ourselves in order to be of any use to anyone else.

    MNMargaret, I can't remember what kindof condition your Mom is in but my MIL and I used to love to 'shop'. I had the Blair catalogue, Mom shopped from it all the time, and I would also go to store while I was out and take pictures of different tops and bottoms. When we went to see her we would go shopping off my phone or the catalogue. Oh I remember one time she wanted a cookoo clock. I looked at so many websites and took pictures of clocks. Then we would look at them and the ones she didn't like. I would delete. We would eventually narrow it down to three and it was up to her to pick from those 3. So that was how we 'shopped'. She was on Medicaid and the government would only let her keep a certain amount of money in the 'bank' at the nursing home. Sometimes when we didn't do enough shopping we would get a call from the office saying we needed to spend $1000! We would get things for her, hand the office the reciept and keep the item here for her when she could use it. Well she died before she could use all the things here. She was sued to shopping the Dollar General store and it took a lot for me to go to Sears, Pennys or Christopher Banks for her clothes. Eventually she was a very well dressed confused old lady. But she liked to look nice I'm not sure why, she never, ever cared while she had an apartment. There were many times when she wouldn't let me help with a bath but every 3 weeks. And oh, her diapers :#

    Heather, you need to leave your husband a nice love note. Oh, I see. He was missing his 'special loving'.

    Mia, my daughter's work place/cave only has one bathroom inside the cave and you have to go up quite a flight of stairs to get to it. With the water she drinks, she goes every hour. Her bad back just wouldn't allow her the time or energy to do the stairs.

    Chris,Ma, did you notice that the cave also has an area just for cars, RVs and boats? There are some classics in that cave. Perfect environment.

    Jules, It's like we are sisters! Are you left handed??? What kind of nursing did you or are you doing? When I first graduated I was on a medical surgical unit. The hospital really lied my head nurse. They told her one day when they were upgrading their cancer services that they wanted a medical and surgical cancer unit. So our unit was trained for the surgical unit. We also got a lot of chemotherapy so all of us had to be certified for that. A lot of general surgeries also. My favorite was the colostomies!!!! Really, it was. Then they wanted to upgrade the cardiac services. We had a good open heart ICU and a post open heart unit but not a simple angina, cardiac catheterization unit. So we all went through 8 weeks of classes to become cardiac nurses. Then they eventually trained us in telemetry and joined the two units. So we stayed one unit for many years, just changed floors and services. My husband was a pharmacy tech at the same hospital so we saw each other a lot.

    Mary, Minnesota, so sorry about your horse. He was a big fur baby but still jsut as loved as our little ones.

    Meg, do not give up and leave us. So what if you can't keep up. You are a very busy woman. Read what is on the page that is currently showing and that is all. You are part of our family and we want to know how you are doing.

    Welcome to all of our newbies dlevans59, Jade Pearl 3, Caz, Bonnie, Mary Ann, Kidsfirst30 and cpike.

    OK, some of you are helping teach us how to put pictures on the forum. Now how do I take pictures from my iPad and android phone and put them on the computer so I can then put them on here? Had a good day today, had Sunday School lunch and enjoyed catching up with the ladies. Two of them don't drive so their husbands come in and eat with us. we had home made oatmeal cake! Teeny piece. I don't know why I get them but Culvers sent me an email telling me happy anniversary for being with them for a year. Don't remember singing up for that one. So I had a coupon for a free concrete mixer. So I had a lovely strawberry/grilled chicken salad (left blue cheese off) and a few bites of his mixer. Not exactly a red letter day for me but I rarely get those coupons. We are trying to catch up with all the Jurassic Park movies. I have one taped tonight and then the third one is tomorrow night. And then we see the new release Friday. At least that's the plan. Our friends don't think an opening day matinee will be crowded.

    Joyce, Indiana

  • dlevans_59
    dlevans_59 Posts: 10 Member
    Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who posted a response to my husband situation. You have made it more clear for me. This is a great site.

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone, just saying hi.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Just checking in after a few days and oh my, it's so wonderful to read all your posts B)
    I have a lot going on so I have not been logging my food but trying to drink lots of water and make good food choices. Getting on the scale Friday morning to hold myself accountable!
    My DS graduates high school on Thursday and we have family staying with us from out of town. So far, it's going okay.
    Take care ladies. I count each one of you as a blessing <3
    Rosie in So Cal