Under calories, over fat??

kdel0818 Posts: 4
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I got the portion control down, I have been doing pretty good eating under my calorie goal (this week anyway). However I have been going over the fat goal almost daily. The highest fat food I had today was a serving of almonds. I know there is healthy fat and unhealthy fat, and I know some of the things I like have the unhealthy fat, but I’m wondering how bad this is hurting my progress.


  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I feel your pain, im in exactly the same boat. 99% of the things i eat have some fat in, so being told to eat 3-400 calories more a day, im thinking how can i, without going over my fat count for the day?!

    The dietician said to not worry about going slightly over my fat count. Calories are the most important thing...as long as you dont go stupidly over your fat count :)
  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    IMO if you are not going over often and almost all your fat is healthy fat, then it's probably not hurting you too much. However, if you're eating a lot of saturated fat, that could be pretty bad, not just for your weight loss but for your health. I personally think going over fats (with unhealthy fats) is far worst than consuming too many calories if those calories are from nutritional choices.
  • epj78
    epj78 Posts: 643 Member
    If you open up your diary we might be able to help more. I eat almonds daily, but generally end up significantly under in fat. You are right in it all depends in what fats you are eating --- I personally care a lot more about saturated fat than I do total fat. So if you have lots of healthy fats in your diet - maybe change to look at Sat fat vs. just fat.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    It largely depends on the source of the fats. Good fats are ok, fats in processed foods not so much. Almonds are good fat, but of course you can still have too much of them. Being slightly over (by maybe 10) isn't going to be a huge problem, particularly if it's mostly from good fats. If you stay under on cals, any amount over isn't likely to necessarily cause a problem with weight loss - but a large amount over, consistently, it can cause health issues.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    As far as weight loss, a calorie is a calorie, and it doesn't matter if it comes from carbs, protein, or fat (there are some that will argue this, but calories are simply a measure of energy, and carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are different ways of storing them).

    Are you going with the "standard" balance of carbs, proteins, and fats? I mean the one that MFP automatically gives you. If so, you don't want to adjust fats up, but if it's already been personalized, you may want to go back to the standard. There are "good" fats, but too much of any kind of fat can be unhealthy. There is a lot of fat hidden in a variety of foods (especially processed or pre-made), and if you trim a bit of the unnecessary fats elsewhere you can have the healthy sources of fats without too much worry.
  • lallaloolly
    lallaloolly Posts: 228 Member
    i am over my fat count almost every single day, i don't eat cheeseburgers and fries everyday or anything, but i am always over. however, i also exercise every single day (even on my day off i take a leisurely walk), and i stick to my calorie goal, and i have lost between .5 - 1.5 pounds per week for the last 7 weeks. unless it's a lot of saturated fats, i wouldn't worry on it too much.
  • Rloral
    Rloral Posts: 112 Member
    I was always under my calories and over my fat when I first started logging food and couldn't understand why I wasn't losing. Matter of fact I started gaining.I had to start watching my fat in addition to everything else.I do think our bodies are all different but I would try to stay within the fat range if you can. Good luck .
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I was always under my calories and over my fat when I first started logging food and couldn't understand why I wasn't losing. Matter of fact I started gaining.I had to start watching my fat in addition to everything else.I do think our bodies are all different but I would try to stay within the fat range if you can. Good luck .

    My experience is exactly the opposite. I lost over 20lbs over the course of a month by watching my calories, eating healthy...whole foods in general, and ignoring EVERY other part of the diary I was on (including protien...which I go over by at least double every day...and I still would prefer more). I eat whole butter, olive oil, cashews, almonds, peanut butter (by the jar), and that's just the start of my fat intake. Dietary fat doesn't translate into fat fat in my experience, and I'll know my cholesterol levels here shortly as I had a lab done today.

    I'm sure they're well in line...as they've been every other time I've had labs done.


  • kdel0818
    kdel0818 Posts: 4
    oops my diary is open now I thought I had already done that
  • Rokets34
    Rokets34 Posts: 2 Member
    In my opinion, what you should really be worried about is your daily intake of carbs. Fat, both regular and saturated, are good for you. Your body needs it to fuel your muscles, metabolism, and brain. Too many carbs, in general, end up turning to sugar and are stored as fat. If you haven't seen it, I would suggest that everyone watch the documentary "Fathead" for a different perspective on what is and is not good for you. (.www.fathead-movie.com) It has changed the way I choose to eat, and I'm down 14 LBS in a little over a month. You can watch it for free on hulu.com.

    I have cut my carb intake, and increased the calories from fat and protein (yes i know it sounds like Atkins, but I have not cut any thing out of my diet just reduced the amount of bread I eat. Still eat veggies/ fruit etc...) My daily carb intake is usually between 50 and 100 grams and I avoid sugar as much as I can (maybe 10-20 grams a day). Of course this changes based on your caloric intake per day. For me I shoot for 15% Carbs, 30% Fat, 55% Protein.

    I have bacon, sausage and eggs for breakfast every morning. Contrary to what I am sure a lot of you are thinking, my cholesterol is in a healthy range. I will open my food diary to any of you that would like to see it.

    Im not posting to get into any debates, I would just suggest that people watch the movie, or visit the site for more info.

    Good luck with your goals!
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    In my opinion, what you should really be worried about is your daily intake of carbs. Fat, both regular and saturated, are good for you. Your body needs it to fuel your muscles, metabolism, and brain. Too many carbs, in general, end up turning to sugar and are stored as fat. If you haven't seen it, I would suggest that everyone watch the documentary "Fathead" for a different perspective on what is and is not good for you. (.www.fathead-movie.com) It has changed the way I choose to eat, and I'm down 14 LBS in a little over a month. You can watch it for free on hulu.com.

    I have cut my carb intake, and increased the calories from fat and protein (yes i know it sounds like Atkins, but I have not cut any thing out of my diet just reduced the amount of bread I eat. Still eat veggies/ fruit etc...) My daily carb intake is usually between 50 and 100 grams and I avoid sugar as much as I can (maybe 10-20 grams a day). Of course this changes based on your caloric intake per day. For me I shoot for 15% Carbs, 30% Fat, 55% Protein.

    I have bacon, sausage and eggs for breakfast every morning. Contrary to what I am sure a lot of you are thinking, my cholesterol is in a healthy range. I will open my food diary to any of you that would like to see it.

    Im not posting to get into any debates, I would just suggest that people watch the movie, or visit the site for more info.

    Good luck with your goals!

    Well said...your diet sounds much like mine...other than the only things I worry about are calories and protien for the moment. The carbs and fat I don't monitor, but simply make conscious decisions on eating...moderate carbs, don't worry about fats.

  • SarahR1984
    SarahR1984 Posts: 212
    I changed my tracker to saturated fat instead of fat :)
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I changed my tracker to saturated fat instead of fat :)

    I don't even mind saturated fats...as long as they're from healthy sources...dairy, animal fats, certain plants or nuts...and the like.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    Not seeing a lot of fruits or veg. Where's your fiber? Also fruit and veg tend to be low in calories, and filling so you could increase your calories and not your fat by incorporating more of them into your diet.
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