Learning to eat healthy

How did you get out of the habit of eating unhealthy foods... I know I wanted to loose weight and I know I have to eat better and less but I don't know how.


  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    Eliminate the concept of 'unhealthy' food. Food is just that food.

    Set your goal - calorie goals and macro goals - based on your current stats, goals, and activity level (or have MFP do it for you).

    Pick foods that help you meet those goals...
  • juliebowman4
    juliebowman4 Posts: 784 Member
    Slowly.......slowly.......I'm learning to sift through the vast amounts of info on nutrition and decide (for myself) which fits my life and which I should discard.
  • asunnysnowman
    asunnysnowman Posts: 56 Member
    I agree that food is just food. So long as you're enjoying yourself, and fully aware, that's all that matters. I did, personally, have to cut some things out for a period of time so that I could get out of habit, but I was able to slow reintroduce it and was much better at controlling my portions
  • DjsMom243
    DjsMom243 Posts: 16 Member
    I just had a baby and I think I might still be eating how I did when I was pregnant.
  • s2mikey
    s2mikey Posts: 146 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    Eliminate the concept of 'unhealthy' food. Food is just that food.

    Set your goal - calorie goals and macro goals - based on your current stats, goals, and activity level (or have MFP do it for you).

    Pick foods that help you meet those goals...

    I dont know if Id eliminate the concept of unhealthy food. You will use up calries and macros very quickly eating mostly junk. Plus, they will be empty calories so you'll be short on nutrition which isnt good for the long haul.
  • dbomb76
    dbomb76 Posts: 171 Member
    Replace the garbage foods with healthier options. Replace soda with water and unsweetened tea, french fries with baked potato, chips with carrots and celery, etc...
  • Jasmunr
    Jasmunr Posts: 147 Member
    It depends what your goal is in the long run. You can lose fat by eating in moderation and staying under your caloric goal. So if weight loss is your only goal then I'd look to just practicing portion sizing.

    If you are looking at making your body healthier. Clearer skin, smooth lips, fuller hair etc. Types of food does matter as well as water intake. You can also start exercising to improve heart and lung health.
  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    It's a personal matter, but you're going to have to experiment to decide how much you value certain food's taste. For instance, if you really love eating a bagel for breakfast, then eat a bagel. Just figure out the exact number of calories (including that you put on it), and how that will affect the remaining calories you can eat the rest of the day.

    But say you realize you don't "love" bagels, and would be just as happy with a healthier breakfast, then try it (oatmeal, eggs, etc). It really takes some trial and error. After years of packing a sandwich for lunch I finally realized "wait, I don't even like sandwiches that much!" so I experimented with bringing in different types of salads until I found something I like a lot, and keeps me fuller for less calories.

    Think of it this way: some women value designer purses and will save up for them. Others will say "eh, I don't really care about brand names. I'll be just as happy with a purse from Target and will save the money for something else" It's exactly the same concept. Think about your calories as a budget and decide which foods are totally worth it, and which are just so-so.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    s2mikey wrote: »
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    Eliminate the concept of 'unhealthy' food. Food is just that food.

    Set your goal - calorie goals and macro goals - based on your current stats, goals, and activity level (or have MFP do it for you).

    Pick foods that help you meet those goals...

    I dont know if Id eliminate the concept of unhealthy food. You will use up calries and macros very quickly eating mostly junk. Plus, they will be empty calories so you'll be short on nutrition which isnt good for the long haul.

    Which is why I suggested making sure you pick foods that help you meet the goals you have set. You obviously missed that part.

    Why is the counter argument always "eating mostly junk"?? No one ever suggests such a thing.
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member


    And there may very well be some habits you want to change. But just change them, don't demonize it. Like if you're eating half a box of cookies every day, don't do that. But that doesn't necessarily mean you can't have cookies... stop buying so many bags a week. Decide when you will have cookies in your day and how many and log that. Make substitutions for other times -- fruit, greek yoghurt, nuts, beef jerky, whatever you like. Or give something up, but not everything. (Like, I don't buy soda anymore, and haven't in years. I'll order the odd one in a restaurant, but otherwise, it's just a habit and expense I can live without. But I didn't give up every food labelled "bad" by someone in the world.)

    You can lose just fine eating whatever you want -- you just need to hit your calorie target, and you'll need your day's foods to keep you feeling full and energized, so you'll need to make smarter choices on the whole than you would if you were able to eat with no limits on calories.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    dbomb76 wrote: »
    Replace the garbage foods

    Don't eat out of the garbage; it's unsanitary.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    DjsMom243 wrote: »
    How did you get out of the habit of eating unhealthy foods... I know I wanted to loose weight and I know I have to eat better and less but I don't know how.

    Food is food. No need to label one as healthy and unhealthy. Eat what you want, but at a deficit. Invest in a food scale, and tighten up your logging. As long as you're in a deficit, you will lose.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    learn to cook...

    my diet consists largely of whole foods and meals prepared from scratch, whole ingredients and/or minimally processed food stuffs...none of this has to taste like cardboard or be boring and bland...if you know how to cook, you can make awesome meals.

    Anything and everything I make is a far cry tastier than any equivalent I could get pre-packaged.

    Maybe I'm just weird, but my cravings aren't for dorritos or potato chips and the like...I actually crave nutrition.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    learn to cook...

    my diet consists largely of whole foods and meals prepared from scratch, whole ingredients and/or minimally processed food stuffs...none of this has to taste like cardboard or be boring and bland...if you know how to cook, you can make awesome meals.

    Anything and everything I make is a far cry tastier than any equivalent I could get pre-packaged.

    Maybe I'm just weird, but my cravings aren't for dorritos or potato chips and the like...I actually crave nutrition.
    Well said!!!

    And just to add one more thing. Don't be intimidated by cooking. Its not rocket science and there's unlimited recipes online.

    I'll take a from scratch meal full of flavor and seasoning processed stuff anyday, not because it's "healthy" but because it tastes way better
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    DjsMom243 wrote: »
    I just had a baby and I think I might still be eating how I did when I was pregnant.

    If you aren't sure how you are eating, as implied by this post, might I suggest you start with the primary design of this site and log your food? Save the good/bad, clean/junk debate for later. None of that will matter if you don't know the number of calories you are putting into your mouth.