Chocolate Chip drug

slpmom67 Posts: 3
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
I've been doing really well with logging my foods and eating within my calories.........and then a coworker brings fresh, just made, chocolate chip cookies. They are like a drug to me. I keep thinking about them as they sit in there in the kitchen breakroom. I can eat one so fast you don't even see me eating it. Why do they do that to me? Other foods don't really make me crave them like those cookies. I ended up eating four and logging them all.....had 200 calories left for dinner. :frown:


  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    I have the same problem. I obsess about whatever it is (sweets) sitting where ever they are sitting and just have to go after it. Then I feel guilty about it after... Its usually cookies or baked goods for some reason... so I dont bake. At work its a lot more difficult. I wish I could tell you what would help, cuz I dont know either.
  • leelee243
    leelee243 Posts: 11 Member
    so sorry... I think about cookies ALL THE TIME too. I have the perfect recipe memorized and sometimes it occurs to me that I could make the dough in under 5 minutes... fresh cookie dough in under 5 minutes. dangerous.
    try counting out 10 M&Ms slowly and eat one at a time. :)
  • daybyday
    daybyday Posts: 537 Member
    Cookies are my drug too!! Especially cookies with my coffee. If you find out why they do that to us please let me know!!
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    I work in a bakery and go to school for baking and pastry. I have found that when you make something yourself, you are more likely to share them with others. Making others happy can help you lose weight. ha. So maybe you should be the baker for work and save an extra special cookie for yourself.
  • Fresh chocolate chip my weekness also..I can not be in the same building if they are fresh...and being at a mall is even harder...
  • Kjanthony
    Kjanthony Posts: 39
    i usually try to keep a snack on me such as the new skinny cow chocolate snacks. i will already have them figured into my calorie intake just in case but sometimes i don't use them. its good to know i can still have chocolate if i want to.
  • minxblack
    minxblack Posts: 40
    Thank goodness... I just finished baking chocolate chip cookies. I need strength and willpower. I ate one. But I really want to slather cake frosting between 2 and eat it slowly. I have put them in a baggie for work. If I reach for them again, I hope I have the strength to throw them away.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I make it my gourmet food. The one I only get at restaurants or bakeries. Then I plan it into my food for the day. Want a cupcake, well just any cupcake won';t do I want the $5 specialty cupcake served on china. Chips A'hoy would not longer do. If you make it special, it becomes a privilege you have to earn by eating well.

    This is why I don't do cheat days on cheat meals. I want this to be a lifestyle change and while I eat clean, it'd be foolish to thing I will never want a piece of chocolate or a cake or pie. What I do want is all natural ingredient and to be able to balance good, wholesome food with the occasional sweet.
  • slpmom67
    slpmom67 Posts: 3
    Thanks for the suggestions! The mall is hard too...........that cookie place calls my name as I go by. I love the ones with icing in the middle SO much! Or just icing on top. Icing on anything! I wish I didn't like sweet so much. That's my weakness.

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  • slpmom67
    slpmom67 Posts: 3
    I should keep something made of chocolate nearby at work when this happens. A small snack of something without too many calories.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
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