What's in YOUR closet?

pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
Something a little humorous buy kinda sad as well. I just started cleaning out my closet and went through all of my pants (jeans, khakis, work, shorts) and counted 49 pair of pants that range form 48" down to 36" waist that I don't currently fit into. I have collected these throughout the years of yo-yo dieting I guess. Not to mention 2 suits, 10 pair of dress slacks and about a dozen dress shirts that aren't the right size. I do have 2 sport coats that are now too big for me. YAY!! I plan on donating all the oversized clothes to charity in hopes of reducing the thought of "getting back into them" in the future. I figure if I don't have any big clothes to wear, it will be more incentive to stay skinny. What's in YOUR closet?????


  • mageepilot
    mageepilot Posts: 289 Member
    I know what you mean! I recently donated my former tight but now too loose pants. Got into some former tight but were fitting nice pants. Was missing the next size so went thrifting as I don't want to spend a bunch of money on pants that hopefully will be too big before long. I still have a pair of too tight pants and bought a pair of too tight jeans that is a goal to fit into :smile: I also gave away a nice jacket that I never wore because it was a little too tight and then it was too big! My closet is getting thinned down too. I think it's a great idea to get rid of all but one pair of your biggest pants. And I am keeping that one pair to take a picture in when I get to goal.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I have a box of "skinny clothes" that I'm scared to pull out of the hall closet and try on.

    I also now have a box of "fat clothes" ready for next year's annual clothing swap my friends hold. What ever is left over get donated to charity. Almost everyone walks away with something "new"-to-them that they love.
  • lizzys
    lizzys Posts: 841 Member
    my closet has alot of my fat cothes:noway: :noway: jeans tops robs hanging :huh: no dresses i"m to fat on the top shelf i have sweatshrits on it:grumble: that are just a littel to small on the botton in two big cothes hampers i have my tops i had when i weighted 130 i have shoes a suitcase and a hamper with my scrapbooking i hope in a couple of monthes to donate everything thats hanging
  • DropsOJupiter
    DropsOJupiter Posts: 131
    Like you, I had a large range of clothing as I'd have to replenish as I ate my way up, up and up.. As I began to lose weight, I tried on everything that seemed remotely in the reduced size. The minute it became to big, I put it in a bag that stayed in my closet to give to a women's shelter or other charity. Thus far, I've given 7 garbage bags full of clothing throughout the past 1 1/2 years. I continue to keep a bag in my closet. I agree that getting rid of clothing is a definite positive step to assure you don't get comfy after hitting goal weight. Having lost as much weight as I have thus far, I've also had to replace shoes!
  • With minimal exceptions, I won't give up my Dirndl, I pitched everything that didn't fit when we moved in 2009. That leaves me with 3 pairs of pants, 3 skirts and 5 pairs of jeans. I don't get new clothes until I get back down to a 14. Although my weight has been steady in the 215 to 220 range my sizes have ranged 14 to 18, for the same clothes. Lately, I've been in the higher range - which prompted me to find this site last week.

    Having so few gives me more motivation to get the weight off.
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    not a lot! lol
    Seriously, I lost lots of weight so got rid of all my 'fat clothes'.. then fell pregnant... and..yep I went back up! :( so my maternity wear is no longer fit for purpose and having lost weight again I've come back 'down' into skinny clothes but now I have nothing that is skinnier! lol once I go down another stone I'll HAVE to shop.. I bought some midway point jeans off eBay as it was cheaper than buying new and I didn't want to waste the money on a size I wouldn't be happy in for long.

    So.. shopping I'll have to go! With not a lot of money.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    From my current inventory, I won't have to buy any clothes for another 80 to 100 pounds.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I went through my closet a couple weeks ago and bagged up 4 lawn bags of clothes. A range of 4 pants sizes, 3 shirt sizes, and 3 bra sizes. Not a lot left in there from a loss 7 years ago. This is the smallest I have been in 25 years. I have a bunch of department store gift cards I haven't used from Christmas, so I will be shopping soon. I figure maybe another 20 pounds and I will have nothing left in the closet.
  • Purplebunnysarah
    Purplebunnysarah Posts: 3,252 Member
    Currently my closet is filled with my husband's clothes and not mine. I've lost 35 lbs and so far that means I've gone through all my clothes twice and filled 3 garbage bags with stuff to donate (and tossed about half a garbage bag worth of stuff that wasn't worth donating).

    Because of my shape and where I lost first, I went from a size 24/3X to a size 16/1X really quickly, so I've gotten rid of all the 3X stuff and most of the 2X. I still have some size 18/20 pants as well for days when I'm more bloated.

    Looking forward to those hopefully being too big for me by June 6 as we're doing a clothing/money/household goods drive at work to help people displaced by wildfires in the northern part of the province, and I wouldn't mind donating another bag of things.
  • I did this a couple months ago, doesn't it feel awesome? Now I have a couple shirts that are too small that are incentive to get into :) Keep up the awesome work!
  • lajuice24
    lajuice24 Posts: 409 Member
    I have playing with the idea of going through my closet. I KNOW there clothes that are way to big and clothes that do not fit just yet. Guess Iknow how I will be spending part of my holiday weekend!:wink:
  • arielsinlove
    arielsinlove Posts: 17 Member
    I just tossed all my "maybe one day after I lose x amount of weight" clothes. I'm trying to focus on slimming down out of my current clothes and reward myself with new ones =)
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    I'm going to take a bunch of clothes up to North Minneapolis to the Prayer Center tomorrow. There are alot of hurting people up there and because of the Joplin MO tornado, they have been kind of forgotten.
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    If I get down to my goal weight I'll be the thinnest I've ever been in my life, so I'll have to go do some shopping. The smallest size in my closet are size 8 pants, but I think they run big cause I normally wear 10's and they fit me fine. So I can't wait to add some 6's and regular-fitting 8's to my collection :bigsmile:
  • ladyeyessogreen
    ladyeyessogreen Posts: 42 Member
    MOST of my clothes currently fit or a bit snug. I do have some old too small clothes that I have kept over the years (yes, years) that "someday" I will get back into. For the most part, they are all out of style. I should get rid of them so when I release weight, I can treat myself to some new duds... :tongue:
  • hermione_ar
    hermione_ar Posts: 68 Member
    I recently chopped up a pair of my too big pants and a too big dress, and made a pannelled tunic out of them! I have a bag of my too big clothes in the closet waiting to be chopped up. I also have a suit case of skinny clothes in the cupboard waiting for me to lose about 10kg...
  • rsmacfarlane
    rsmacfarlane Posts: 10 Member
    Although I haven't been on mfp for long, I started losing in November and have dropped 30 lbs. DH made me go through the closet and get rid of the too big stuff, then suggested I go shopping when he noticed I was stealing the kids clothes!!:happy:
    I just keep hitting thrift stores for now as I am not thrilled with spending money on things that won't fit for long, as I have big goals!!
  • nkswans
    nkswans Posts: 469 Member
    I have about 5 different size jeans/pants in my closet ranging from 2-10. I put away the 2's in the basement and not sure if I will ever fit into them again. But I have some other jeans that I am hoping to fit into again! I've done some closet shopping the other day and am able to fit into some old jeans again! :smile: Hoping to do a swap and put my 'fat' clothes in the basement and take out some of those 'skinny' clothes again!!
  • nsp1981
    nsp1981 Posts: 10
    I have three closets and all of them are full of clothes. Plus clothes still at my mother's house. My clothes range from a size 14 up to a size 24. I praying to see a 14 again. I could wear a 14 three years ago when I lost 60 pounds. However, I gained it all back. Now I praying to God to keep this weight off this time. No more emotional eating for me! :happy:
  • amberaz
    amberaz Posts: 328 Member
    I only have what fits and what is a little too tight in my closet. As soon as something is too big, out it goes. I can't stand ill-fitting clothes, whether they are too tight or too loose.
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