Who am I? Who are you?



  • luvgsp
    luvgsp Posts: 1
    Hello! =)
    1- This is my first time posting on these boards; I just started with the app on my phone yesterday!
    2- I have a 2 month old baby boy (I'm here to help lose the baby weight!) and an 8 year old as well.
    3- I got married last year.
    4- I am almost done with my masters degree.
    5-I have a shih-tzu maltese mix who is the biggest diva princess dog ever.
    6-I was in the best shape of my life at my wedding and then I got pregnant...LOL
  • ziggle_7
    ziggle_7 Posts: 81 Member
    hey, I'm Kristy

    1) I grew up in the country
    2)I'm a university student studying bio with a minor in psych and chem
    3) im 19 (but my 20th bday is in about 2 weeks)
    4) I'm in love with all things vampire (Vampire academy is my fav book)
    5) my nickname in highschool was Kbear
    6) i have a bf and this october will be our 5 year anniversary =)
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    I'm Kristy

    1. I'm Australian
    2. I have 2 daughters (2 and 4 years)
    3. I have lost 15kg so far this year
    4. I love doing yoga
    5. I'm a scorpio
    6. I want to retire in a beachside shack
  • almondeyez
    almondeyez Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I new to this but so far it's looks like there nothing but love here!!
    My name is Holley,
    1. I have 3 teenagers
    2 Army wife almost 11 years
    3. I love to cook
    4. Full time student for a Criminal Justice Degree
    5. Love discovering treasures at flee markets
    6. Playing Video games, sims, Little Big planet and Left for Dead
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    I'll do it. I dig this lol.
    1. I am 23
    2. I am single
    3. I do not have kids, nor do i want them.
    4. I answer 911 calls for a living.
    5. I love rock music
    6. and I love Irish music

    Dispatchers have tough jobs. I have been on the receiving end of your business for nearly 20 years (Fire/EMS). With your music tastes, you must like The Drop Kick Murphy's!

    My husband is a Dispatcher also and he is also an EMT has been for 10 years. : )

    me Im 23 with 2 kids and I work in a boys home for troubled youth. I have 2 kids ages 3 and 20 months. I have finally lost my pregnancy weight and am on my way to bust through some weight I have been holding onto for 6 years.
  • lady95
    lady95 Posts: 46
    1) My real name is Jennifer
    2) I'm a writer/artist and this leads to days of mostly sitting around and little else
    4) I own a boston terrier puppy who is driving me insane. She chews everything!
    5) I'm very lazily going through college. I'm in no rush.
    6) I am currently taking care of my mother, who has had hip replacement surgery and helping her walk again. Otherwise, unemployed. (Thank you, Crappy Economy!)
    7) I think "House" is a kick-*kitten* show
    8) I love almost every genre of music out there and am a pretty good singer
    9) I love comic books - I'm a Marvel girl, and my favorite character is Deadpool.
    10) Anime and manga are also a favorite. :)
  • adrianamezam
    hi! im adriana!!

    1. ive lived in Houston, TX all my life, in the same six block radius!!
    2. i have a suuuuuuper close-knit family, there are TONS OF US!
    3. im in the process of beginning a new chapter in my life, and I WILL BE POSITIVE!!
    4. i use !'s excessively :/ ...i think they show happiness/excitement :) lol
    5. ive been in retail for 8 years and currently am in luxury outerwear sales :D
    6. i cant WAIT to go back to school, id like to, ultimately, be a math teacher!

    welcome to MFP! i truly wish you the best of luck in achieving your goals!
  • mairzy
    mairzy Posts: 5
    <3 Haha I don't know anyone else on MFP, so I'm definitely open to making new friends!! This seems like a great way to introduce myself as well!! :-)

    1. I'm 26 and FINALLY starting to really take care of my body! (I want to be in the best shape I've ever been in by the time I'm 27!)
    2. I have my BA in Studio Arts/Painting from BYU (Provo)
    3. I currently work as a customer service rep and receptionist at a used book company, but I do photography and other art in my spare time (looking to take up screen printing this summer!)
    4. I have a DIVERSE range of interests!! I love LOVE to read, to knit, to write, to draw and create. . .and also love PC gaming (L4D, Portal, Call of Duty, BioShock), have a ridiculously strange sense of humor, enjoy scary horror movies. . . I'm a bit crazy!
    5. I'm single, but have lots of guy friends :-)
    6. I live in the beautiful Washington state. . .and have taken up hiking as my new favorite weekend pastime.


    Good luck everyone on their weight-loss journey! I'd love a friend - or two - to share mine with if you're interested (ADD ME!) ;-)
  • almondbliss
    almondbliss Posts: 115
    Hi I'm Erika,

    1. I'm going to be 32 July 26th
    2. Born and raise in Deep South Louisiana
    3. I LOVE ice cream
    4. I'm a Mommy to two Cuties & Wifey to a Great Guy
    5. I'm scared of bridges (like getting stuck on top of one)
    6. Want to go to school for hair.
  • GreenGablesJes
    Sounds fun so I'll Join in!!!!!!!

    1. I am 27 yrs old!
    2. My favorite hobbies are Geocaching and Photography!
    3. I work as a Med Tech in an assisted living facility!
    4. I live in a county that has twice as many cows than people!
    5. I have an obsession with Starbucks and Chocolate!!!
    6. I love to work on 2,000 piece jigsaw puzzles!
  • leeuuh143
    leeuuh143 Posts: 48
    Totally love this post so interesting to read all of these and learn about people on mfp :)

    1.my name is Leah (leeuuh)
    2.I love volleyball
    3.I love to sing
    4.I work for a grocery store and love it for the most part
    5.I'm gay
    6.I want to lose weight to be healthy for myself and all of my loved ones

    Thanks for posting :)
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    Really enjoying this thread!

    My real name is Rachel
    Parvati is my daughters middle name
    I am from Canada
    Im Married with 3 kids, 2 boys & 1 girl
    I recently became a personal trainer
    I have exercise OCD!!
    My latest passion is Stand Up Paddling (SUP)
  • ladybugz_247
    ladybugz_247 Posts: 120
    1. My Name is Wendy and I'm 32
    2. I'm a mommy to a 16 year old daughter, and my boys are 15 and 7
    3. I married my HS sweetheart and have been together for 17 years
    4. I love scrapbooking, gardening and cooking
    5. I love running and still do it at least 3 times a week
    6. I am a lic, Pharmacy Tech but have been a stay at home mom for a long long time =)
  • paulaGetshealthy
    I was not expecting this many replies! This is awesome :) Nice to meet all of you! Feel free to add me (Apparently I've gone over my friend request limit!)
  • cindylou911
    cindylou911 Posts: 30
    Hi, lets see, what can I say...
    My name is Cindy, and I am 31 years old. I have been a 911 dispatcher for almost 6 years now, and love my job - even through the stress, aggravation, and worry we endure. I was born and raised in a small town just outside Charleston, SC called Moncks Corner. I am currently enrolled as online student with University of Alabama to achieve my bachelors degree in business administration. I would love to advance in the profession that I do - but prefer to have the education to back that advancement.

    Why I joined?
    A dear friend talked me into joining this site - as he is also a member. Tim has known me for almost 10 years now and has seen me through my ups and downs - one of the greatest friends a person could ask for. I have always struggled with my weight since childhood. Regardless of being active growing up my weight has always been issue. I played sports - softball, tennis, and even basketball growing up, with softball and tennis being my best sports. Being active growing up and in high school - while I didn't lose weight - kept the weight problem under control. It's when I graduated high school that I really started having my problems. I gained weight during that freshman year, ended up not going back to college, tried to go to the local technical college - didn't last long - then got a full time job working in ER Registration at a local hospital. From here I continued to gain weight and where my unhappiness began. I currently fight several medical issued - severe diabetes, depression (weight related), headaches, fatigue, muscle and bone -heck might as well say the whole body - aches. I have done numerous attempts at losing weight, you name it, I have probably tried it. Even as to recently trying to get chosen for a PILOT program for gastric bypass. Maybe having supporters from this site will help keep me motivated to keep up my attempts this go 'round.

    My Interest...
    My interest include singing, spending time with my family and friends, reading, listening to music, visiting new places, meeting new people and much more. I love exercising - however I just have no energy to get up and do it like I want. :-(

    I guess thats about all for now. Thanks for reading and feel free to add me if you like!!

  • SassyBiker68
    1. My name is Michelle.
    2. I teach country western dance - both line and partner.
    3. I got my motorcycle endorsement last year and am loving motorcycle riding.
    4. I am 42
    5. I am completing my MEd with an emphasis in Higher Education and Leadership
    6. I am married and will be celebrating 5 years in October.

    I just signed up today and am looking to lose the weight and get healthier.
  • vic72
    vic72 Posts: 84 Member
    I have loved reading these so I'm going to join in!

    1/ I'm 38 years old
    2/ I live & work in the South of England
    3/ I am very happily married (been together 7 years now)
    4/ I have no children.... at present!
    5/ This is the first time in my life where I can see my weight goal in site and I am psyched.
    6/ I am loving running and have signed up for the Brighton Marathon next year.... eek.

    Good luck to everyone on their journey!
  • Scentlessapprentice
    Scentlessapprentice Posts: 170 Member
    Hi everyone,

    1. I'm from Scotland
    2. I'm 31
    3. I've been married for 17 months and with my husband for 7 years
    4. We have an amazing 4 year old son.
    5. I'm a SAHM but qualified nursery nurse
    6.I'm heading to Las Vegas in July to celebrate my husbands 40th birthday and we are going to get married agin...by Elvis :)
  • CarolTempleton
    CarolTempleton Posts: 244 Member

    1. I am 31 yrs old, almost 32
    2. I have a bachelors degree in Graphic design
    3. I currently do Photography
    4. I want to lose weight to be healthy and to have babies one day soon.
    5. I love to Travel
    6. I was born in Arizona but live in Alabama now
  • bigalfantasy2004
    bigalfantasy2004 Posts: 176 Member
    I'm Alan.

    1. I'm 41.
    2. I've been married for almost 11 years now
    3. I have two wonderful daughters.
    4. I like to run 5Ks.
    5. I like to do P90X.
    6. I love to eat and I'm here to fix that.

    Feel free to send me a friend request too. :smile: