Can't put down the sweets



  • sabrinacrandall
    sabrinacrandall Posts: 74 Member
    two things i do to try and satisfy my cravings for sweets. i eat berries, picking up and eating each one separately like a would with a box of chocolates. 2nd, i pop a low fat/no fat greek yogurt in the freezer for 45 minutes and eat it like ice cream.

    What an excellent idea with the yogurt--I'll have to give that a try!!

    I have this exact problem. It's really hard to get over. I definitely give in, normally on a weekly basis, but make sure that once I eat that sweet, I log it and still try to eat at a deficit, even if it means going to bed hungry because I ate a sugar fix instead of a nutritious meal. Not the best solution for sure, but hopefully I can learn to combat those surprise cravings better. Lately I've been doing better by simply eating what I have with me, but still subconsciously I know there's sweets down the hall.

  • Francis_beland
    Francis_beland Posts: 11 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to friend me if you want. I feel your pain. I don't have any problem saying no but if I start, I can't stop. I found out that no sugar Jello is a good way to satisfy my sweet needs.
  • headofphat
    headofphat Posts: 1,597 Member
    can't or won't?
  • EspoirdeDieu
    EspoirdeDieu Posts: 1 Member
    I have that same issues. I do not have any problem saying no to sweet, but if I start, I will not be able to stop.

  • cindyangotti
    cindyangotti Posts: 294 Member
    This happens at my work place also. I say "no thanks" but I didn't always. When I didn't I would feel angry at myself for not being stronger and for messing up my calorie plan for the day. Feeling that bad is not worth any donut! Besides that nothing ever taste as good as I think it's going to. I make sure I keep healthier snacks at my desk that I really enjoy for such emergencies. Although as time goes on I need my emergency stash less and less. I am quite dedicated to my goals.
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    I can't/won't give them up, but I did alter my desk drawer selection. Instead of full size chocolate bars, I have the minis or snack sizes. I bring a piece of fruit every day to curb the cravings. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I take a walk at lunch instead of sitting in the break room with everyone else. They tend to share lunches and they're not all so healthy. Avoid temptations as much as possible, but don't deny yourself a craving. You'll just end up on a binge.
  • cmills003
    cmills003 Posts: 21 Member
    headofphat wrote: »
    can't or won't?

    Well put - it's a choice
  • superkat2013
    superkat2013 Posts: 2 Member
    I was at work today and I went to break wanting something sweet... I'm a big sweet craver. And usually I can talk myself out of it. So I walked by looked at the candy bars and then decided wasn't worth it to waste my calories. But i still wanted something sweet!! So I walked over to the ice cream area and was checking out the pints of ice cream.. i came across some called ARTIC ZERO. For 1/2 a cup it's only 35 calories and the pint is only 150lbs. So even if u wanted to splurge ... u could and not feel so guilty. It fixed my sweet tooth. I now know when I have a craving I can fix it without feeling bad!! It is a bit costly for the pint but if u don't share lol it will be totally worth it!!!