SHORTY'S 12 Week Challenge! (Read more!)



  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    Im excited for this weeks weigh in...I feel like Ive been doing pretty good soo far, I went to zumba tonight which was an awesome workout. Our pool was just installed so now all I need is some nice warm weather so I can do water exercises I look forward to it. I wanted to share a healthy snack I had tonight they are called fruit kabobs. You can use any kind of fruit you'd like, I did bananas,strawberries, blueberries, cantalope and kiwi and put them on a skewer just like you would if you made shish kabobs. They were very tasty.

    goodluck shorties!!!
  • TacoGibbons
    TacoGibbons Posts: 136 Member
    Shorty's: I made this breakfast this AM and I had to share! It was SO yummy!

    1/3 cup oatmeal with 1 tbsp PB, 1/2 banana, 10 extra dark chocolate chips, and 1/2 tsp brown sugar/honey.

    (300 calories, 26 carbs (not including banana), 12 grams fat (8 from nuts), 8 grams protein)
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Shorty's: I made this breakfast this AM and I had to share! It was SO yummy!

    1/3 cup oatmeal with 1 tbsp PB, 1/2 banana, 10 extra dark chocolate chips, and 1/2 tsp brown sugar/honey.

    (300 calories, 26 carbs (not including banana), 12 grams fat (8 from nuts), 8 grams protein)

    Sounds yummy!
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Hey all. I really messed up last night. I was doing so well, but I started eating chips (my husband bought them and we haven't had any in the house for weeks). I told myself I wouldn't touch them, but I did. After eating so much, I was in a "salted state", I "realized" I needed something sweet. cream. I ordered a medium (which is really big) and ate it all! Uh! I don't know what I was thinking. I new I was doing it, but I couldn't stop myself. Trying to get back on track today.

    Kristin, I want to do P90X once I reach my goal weight. The last time I tried to do it, I was trying to lose weight and it wore me out. I think I need to be eating maintenance calories to do it. But I don't want to eat maintenance until I'm at my goal. So, my "goal" is to start P90X this summer!

    No worries, Beck ~ we all have a bad day or DAYS for that matter! I've been letting myself get away with too much lately. I find that it works well for me if I try to build in a small treat every day or if I work out in order to earn that treat. This way you don't feel deprived, and you're at less risk to binge. Good luck and keep going! :)
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    I was just thinking... I know we're halfway through our challenge, but when the 12 weeks is up ~ can we start a new challenge? I am going to miss all of you girls if we don't have a thread going! :sad:
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    I was just thinking... I know we're halfway through our challenge, but when the 12 weeks is up ~ can we start a new challenge? I am going to miss all of you girls if we don't have a thread going! :sad:

  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    I was just thinking... I know we're halfway through our challenge, but when the 12 weeks is up ~ can we start a new challenge? I am going to miss all of you girls if we don't have a thread going! :sad:

    Here here! I really enjoy this challenge.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    I was just thinking... I know we're halfway through our challenge, but when the 12 weeks is up ~ can we start a new challenge? I am going to miss all of you girls if we don't have a thread going! :sad:

    I am also loving this challenge! And the motivation it is giving me!
  • esmestarz
    esmestarz Posts: 30
    woow I wish there was more ppl doing charts and supotting each other that cool of u to do this
  • KristinAshli
    Well, good new ladies....I WILL BE STARTING ANOTHER SHORTY'S CHALLENGE! I've had several others ask a few days ago, if we would be doing it again..and I gladly say YES! :) But first....WE GOTTA MAKE SOME MORE PROGRESS ON OUR CHARTS FOR THIS COMING UP WEEK AND REMAINDER OF SHORTY'S CHALLENGE (PART 1!) LOL
  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    No change this week. I'm still at 130.8. It feels like I will be in the 130s for the rest of my life... I'm still down a total of 6 pounds, that's something to be proud of. I just need to keep reminding myself of this.

    Challenge Information:

    Height: 5'0"
    Starting Weight: 136.8
    Last Week's Weight: 130.8
    Current Weight: 130.8
    12 Week Goal: 125
    Total Pounds Lost: 6

    Kristin, I'm already excited for the new challenge!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hey everyone, Kristin that is fantastic that you will continue the shorty's challenge - it has definately helped keep me motivated :happy:

    I had a pretty good week this week, back to my normal workouts now that my kiddies are feeling better. It is great to get back into it again. I had a session with my Personal Trainer yesterday and ouch my legs hurt, she went crazy for squats and lunges but its kinda good to feel like I worked hard. I'm doing a boxing bootcamp type class on Saturday and I can't wait, its so much fun but a killer workout at the same time!!

    So I weighed in this morning at 154.3, a loss of 3.1 pounds. I was so excited because we weigh in kilos in Australia and that is 70kg, and I have not been under 70kg since before I got pregnant with my first child, she is 14 now!! So I'm hoping tomorrow when I get on the scale I'm in the 60's for the first time in 15years WHOOHOOHOO!!

    Height: 5'2"
    Starting Weight: 169
    Current Weight: 154.3
    12 Week Goal: 150
    Loss this week: 3.1
    Total Pounds Lost: 14.7

    Good luck everyone with weigh in
  • WishComeTru
    WishComeTru Posts: 88 Member
    Well somehow it turned into a nice weigh in for me ~ 2.8 lbs lost! I was really surprised considering I did allow myself some extra treats, but I'm finding that I'm learning not to overindulge like I used to. I'm doing really well overall with portion control at meals and cutting myself off when I need to. Every day isn't a perfect day of course, but the overall it's good.

    I also normally eat back some of my exercise/burned calories... I'm on a 1200 /day limit which isn't much so I need to be careful to each just enough so that my body doesn't think I'm starving it and get stuck. My concern is that if I stick to 1200 and then burn extra calories with exercise, it might still put my weight loss at a halt ~ And I certainly have no problem eating a little extra! :tongue:

    I can't wait to see everyone's results and move into the new week ~ Keep it going Shortys!!
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    Shorty's: I made this breakfast this AM and I had to share! It was SO yummy!

    1/3 cup oatmeal with 1 tbsp PB, 1/2 banana, 10 extra dark chocolate chips, and 1/2 tsp brown sugar/honey.

    (300 calories, 26 carbs (not including banana), 12 grams fat (8 from nuts), 8 grams protein)

    yummy that sounds sooo good I love oatmeal I usually just use cinnamon and brown sugar with a banan but I am going to try with pnut butter and choc chips...thanks for the great idea :)
  • astauff
    astauff Posts: 32
    After my small gain last week I wanted to push and make it into the 140s and I did. I weighed in this morning at 149.8 which gives me a 1.6 loss :) Also when I started this challenge I had already lost a few pounds prior to starting so I now lost a total of 10.2 lbs altogether. Goodluck shortys cant wait to see everyones results.
  • susanjackson66
    susanjackson66 Posts: 696 Member
    I weigh in this morning at 160.6. Thats a 1.2 lb loss. I can tell that my losses are getting less and less each week. But its still a loss, so I will take it!

    I will definately be in on the next challenge! Everyone have a great day and great weekend!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    I am SO glad that you are going to do another challenge. This one has helped me SO much and I'm so very grateful!! =) Plus, I'd miss all the shorties!!

    This week I came in at 172.4, so I'm down another 2.2 for this week. I am very excited but anxious b/c I really want to get into the 160's. Grrr. I'll keep pushing along. But I've finally lost double digits! Yay! Going to keep pushing along.

    Hope everyone is doing well this week and ready for this Memorial Day weekend!!! :tongue:
  • CarlitaK
    CarlitaK Posts: 139
    I weighed in at 131.4 today, which is a loss :)

    Congrats to everyone this week! and Kristin, so happy you'll be making another one!
  • Kraziekay89
    Kraziekay89 Posts: 45
    Weighing in at 150.7 according to at home scale.

    Ladies, just so everyone knows. I created a new profile because starting with the next challenge and any new challenge I am using my weight watchers weigh in.

    According to that I weighed in on Tues at 156.6. But of course that is telling me something completely different than at home. So what I will do is finish out this challenge with my at home weigh ins. So in the next challenge it will look like I've gained a ton of weight when really thats not the case at all!

    Good luck with your week everyone!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Sorry for the late weigh in! I was hoping I'd be down a little more this morning, but my weigh in for the week is 149.5... my seriously sore muscles aren't helping with the scale. And I'm shifting to more strength training and a bit less cardio. Hopefully that helps get things moving!!!