Weight Watchers

This is a very stupid question and I probably already know the answer to it.
I've been doing weight watchers since March. I stopped using the WW system about a month ago and have religiously been using MFP. I don't log points just my food on here. I'm basically just using the WW to weigh in on the weekends for accountability.
My husband I just started the Dave Ramsey Program and are trying to cut anything we can. He's wanting me to quit since I am not even using the WW system anymore. Should I go ahead and quit since I have you people to keep me accountable and a few friends on the outside, or keep going for the weigh ins?


  • benzieboxx
    benzieboxx Posts: 253 Member
    Weight Watchers is almost the same as counting calories except everything has a total point value instead. I stopped doing WW because I really hated paying for it. $19/month for the app? MFP is free and allows me to be way more concise with my measuring and counting. It's all up to you in the end, though. If you can keep yourself accountable without WW then I would probably cancel it. If you think you'll fall off the wagon because you no longer have the weekly weigh ins then maybe try sticking a little longer until you feel comfortable to cancel with them.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    I think only you can answer this. Do you feel the WW group support and weigh-ins are important in helping you stay on track? Is this worth the money you are paying?
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Are you having success with MFP and still losing weight? Can you not find another way to be accountable, like setting a specific weigh-in day and keeping a spreadsheet or something of your readings? Or join a forum group here on MFP for weigh-ins and accountability?

    If it were me, I'd quit.
  • ckspores1018
    ckspores1018 Posts: 168 Member
    If you're not going to stick to MFP without the accountability of weekly weight-ins, I'd say the price for WW is well worth it. But, if you can stick to this there's no reason to pay.
  • Tried30UserNames
    Tried30UserNames Posts: 561 Member
    When you say you're doing WW, you mean you're going to the meetings, right? I would continue to go to the meetings for the accountability if weight loss and maintenance is important to you. From everything I've ever read about weight loss plans and every ranking of them I've ever read, WW meetings have been shown to work longer term in a way that online programs (including WW online program) have not. The weekly accountability at meetings is key. Of course, at its core, it is just another CICO program like MFP and scads of others, but when you know you're going to step on a scale in front of someone each week and write the weight down in a little book, it helps you make better decisions. And meeting in person with a group of others to discuss nutrition, exercise and weight maintenance strategies is very effective. It's sort of like AA for overeaters. Online AA doesn't have the same effectiveness.

    I think it is worth the money.
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I personally found WW to be completely useless and a waste of my time and money but some people like it. I was a member of WW for about a year and lost about 20 pounds, but I have lost a lot more just doing MFP. Honestly, I don't need the weekly weigh ins or sitting in front of people telling my story to be motivated. That's a bit too "culty" for me.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    Seems like you are ready to quit. I did the same thing......started off with WW and ended up here.

    Good luck with the Dave Ramsey program. Hopefully you will be doing the debt free scream before you know it!
  • heather_hearts_travel
    heather_hearts_travel Posts: 864 Member
    If you're having success using MFP, cut the expense of WW. Especially if you're working to get out of debt, free beats paid every time.

    Once you're out of debt, if you feel like you miss the meetings and you were really getting benefit from them you can always go back.

    Best wishes to your family as you pursue financial freedom!
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    I've done both WW and MFP. The only benefit I got from WW was getting weighed by a person for the accountability factor. The meetings got boring after the first year because you keep hearing the same success stories, recipes, etc. I stay accountable on MFP by weighing myself every week on Monday morning and never skip it or change days. Logging consistently and accurately for all food is very important, too.

    And I like MFP better because it uses the very simple method of recording calories, which is a universal unit of measure unlike WW points (I went through 3 different point change ups and each time it cost me more money to buy the new books and calculators). I can get calorie info very easily.

    I'm also a Dave Ramsey fan and am thrifty with my money, too, so I think that once you are ready to make the leap from WW to MFP and save that $$$ every month you'll find a way to put it to good use (baby steps!). Good luck!
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    I've done both and now I just make myself accountable for my own "weigh in" by writing each result down on a chart. Not the same as going to a weigh in with a leader but it helps. Haven't missed the points system at all - my nutrition has improved a LOT since swapping to MFP because I realised I wasn't eating nearly enough protein for the exercise I was doing.
  • emilybeaver
    emilybeaver Posts: 365 Member
    Well I made myself a compromise. My etools and online does not end until July 16th. So I'm giving myself a month to do the accountability and the meetings. Once the month is up I can see how I've been doing and go from there. I may just go every other week and it will only be $30 instead of the $45 a month.
  • NikiChicken
    NikiChicken Posts: 576 Member
    I've done both Weight Watchers and MFP and been successful at both. I have been more successful using MFP but that has more to do with me and my mindset at the time I started each program. I prefer MFP because I don't like going to meetings and I don't have to calculate points - a calorie is a calorie! If you like the meetings and they hold you accountable and contribute to your success, then keep going. Many people get a lot of help and support out of the meetings and if you are one, you should stay for that. However, if you aren't going to the meetings, and instead just dropping in to weigh in and then skipping out, you can do that on your own and save a bunch of money. In the end you are only accountable to yourself and you can make your own "date" to weigh in each week at home and record the information.
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I personally found WW to be a waste of money after a while. I never really got off on the Rah Rah atmosphere of the meetings, and to pay someone (what was then $13/week) to weigh me and either pat me on the back or give a sad smile and say "Next week you'll have a loss!"

    I don't like spending money on stuff like that. I'd rather set that weekly money aside and buy new clothes. ;)

    If you can't be accountable to your own goals yourself...then how are you going to maintain the loss once you get to goal? You need to do this FOR YOU and answer to YOURSELF....and that doesn't cost a penny.

    You can join some of the challenge groups here on MFP - I am in the 100 Days of Summer Challenge. Before that I joined the monthly challenges, and you post your weight every week in the thread.
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    I was a WW member and did quite well on the program. I was online only, so, no meetings for me. It was cheaper ($19/month) and I'm not a meetings person anyway. I don't get the whole "I need to be accountable to someone" mentality. Why do people care about what the lady at the scale thinks? Totally agree with wizzybeth, that you need to do it for yourself, and be accountable to yourself.

    The cost of WW and the constant problems with the website and app are what made me switch to MFP.
  • leahcollett1
    leahcollett1 Posts: 807 Member
    im in the exact same boat! im a slimming world member i go to get weighed every sat i try and follow the plan but also log calories, im actually scared to leave in case i fall off the wagon
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    On the low, I attend WW meetings 2xs a month and I have not paid in years. I weigh in at home and I don't need their materials. I go for group support. I lost 100 lbs doing WW. Just walk in and sit down, especially if you have always gone to the same location.
  • emilybeaver
    emilybeaver Posts: 365 Member
    So I can still go to the meetings and just not pay?
  • dolliesdaughter
    dolliesdaughter Posts: 544 Member
    edited June 2015
    YUP, why not? I just walk in and take a seat, be descreet, don't announce I AM DOING MFP AND JUST COMING HERE FOR THE MEETINGS. I still purchase snacks occasionally. Like I stated, I went and paid for nearly 2 years and lost all of my weight. Also don't try to get any materials, you know they only give them to people who produce the weigh in card.

    Please be aware that I always go to the same location, I have not changed up.

  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    I used WW to reach my goal weight. I don't go to meetings anymore but weigh in every week at home with a friend so we're accountable to each other. It helps me stay on track and it's free! Do you have a friend you could do that with? Might be an alternative for you. :)
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    If you need the accountability of the weigh ins and the support from the meetings, look into TOPS (Taking Off Pounds Sensibly). They have weekly weigh ins and meetings and you there is no specific program to follow. There is a small fee to go to the meetings (a yearly fee of $32 plus $5 a month) but it might be what fits your needs while cutting the cost down.
