bigger problem thanks belly fat... love handles



  • meganbmorsillo
    meganbmorsillo Posts: 2 Member
    Abs start in the kitchen, and weight loss is 80% what you put into your mouth.
    There is no real way to target belly fat alone, doing a good mixture of lifting and cardio + time will get you results.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    The time it takes is directly proportionate to your effort to educate yourself and make the necessary changes to your lifestyle. I have MFP friends that have lost more than 50 lbs in less than a year... and then there's me... I have been here for over a year... and well lets just say... I am going about things a little differently. MY focus is not so much to lose weight... I would rather my friends and family NOT start thinking I have cancer.. so.. I am hitting the gym (recently upped the ante to 5 days/week) in order to build muscle and strength as well as my aerobic and anaerobic capacities... I am certain that at some point I will tip the balance in favour of losing fat with a body that is fit and capable.

    there is NO measurable time frame.. IF you want it bad enough YOU will find a way... the patience thing... is a euphemism for DO NOT give up... the path is not linear... and the path is different for ALL of us... all we really have in common is a desire to improve our physical well being... and BY doing that.. Improve our very lives... weight loss is NOT a magic bullet... YOU can't shed X lbs and suddenly have the clouds open up and hear Angels blaring their trumpets... an d"*poof* you have reached that magic place called "normal" to get to that place you have to understand that it IS a lifelong pursuit... NOT a short term place where you can just deprive yourself of this or that for a few months and be "Normal" because what you think is normal... now.. is NOT what you are going to think is normal looks like in a year... two years... 10 years...

    SO... be patient... find your motivation, and understand this is YOUR life...does that NOT deserve your patience?