Hello, my name's Brian and I'm an alcoholic! ..............sorry! Wrong group.

My name's Brian and I'm a tub of lard
Didn't used to be, and never really noticed the weight piling on. Obviously wasn't bright enough to realise that if you can't fit into your jeans any more it's time to stay out the pie-shop. Was always pretty active in my younger years, rock climbed, hill walking, canoeing, 12 years in the British Army, played and coached a bit of rugby. People are too polite to tell you that you're getting a bit tubby, which is hard to believe if you ever met any of the fkn idiots I mix with, but it's a fact. Married life means you get comfortable, .....too comfortable perhaps. Start moving around less and eating more; suddenly you've got home-made cooking on tap and plenty of it. Family life and work gets in the way of any physical training you might have done; the next thing you know it's fifteen years down the road and you're a huge sweaty mess.
The fightback starts here


  • WayOui
    WayOui Posts: 9 Member
    Love your title :D And to that last line, I reply with: YASSSS!
  • Daisyhatespeach
    Daisyhatespeach Posts: 51 Member
    Oh, Brian... I am right there with you lol. Gaining weight was a side effect of getting married for me, too!
  • walkonfire5
    walkonfire5 Posts: 648 Member
    Funny as hell
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    Have to be honest ...I'm fat because I like eating crap, no excuses, so I'm loving your no nonsense approach
  • walkonfire5
    walkonfire5 Posts: 648 Member
    Same here, no one else to blame but ourselves. Just love my food. Oh dear, i really love my junk. Everything about it. Who doesnt love a large pizza movie night and a bag of junk lol
  • belinda_73
    belinda_73 Posts: 149 Member
    What a great start, logging your food is a real eye opener and a way to get to know your body and what it needs to be healthy
  • luluinca
    luluinca Posts: 2,899 Member
    edited June 2015
    Your post is great fun but also a great beginning in realizing that you need to make changes! Try to make it fun as well and you'll be fine.....good luck!!!

    My suggestions are, acquire lots of friends here who will hold you accountable, log daily, pre-log if you can, and maybe add a little exercise into the mix!!!
  • bago08
    bago08 Posts: 360 Member
    Way to hold yourself accountable for you decisions. Ive found its easy to blame situations and say its out of your control. Im going through that discovery myself right now.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited June 2015
    BriWilly26 wrote: »
    My name's Brian and I'm a tub of lard
    Didn't used to be, and never really noticed the weight piling on. Obviously wasn't bright enough to realise that if you can't fit into your jeans any more it's time to stay out the pie-shop. Was always pretty active in my younger years, rock climbed, hill walking, canoeing, 12 years in the British Army, played and coached a bit of rugby. People are too polite to tell you that you're getting a bit tubby, which is hard to believe if you ever met any of the fkn idiots I mix with, but it's a fact. Married life means you get comfortable, .....too comfortable perhaps. Start moving around less and eating more; suddenly you've got home-made cooking on tap and plenty of it. Family life and work gets in the way of any physical training you might have done; the next thing you know it's fifteen years down the road and you're a huge sweaty mess.
    The fightback starts here

    Nah. The dryer did it. Miraculously, my dryer started expanding my clothes (eta: including the shirt I'm wearing in my profile pic) once I started watching calories. ;)
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited June 2015
    (woops! delete!)
  • honeybenn
    honeybenn Posts: 25 Member
    Hi Brian. I also feel like a tub of lard and my name is Chris. Feel free to friend me if you'd like. Encouragement is just a click away.
  • johnfletcher95
    johnfletcher95 Posts: 3 Member
    Sex is good for weight loss. Speak nicely to your misses. Or pay for it.
  • theswan0
    theswan0 Posts: 51 Member
    Made me smile it is marriage im a fitness instructor but got married then gave up smoking put a stone on but the first step forward is knowing it and making a change :smile: good luck
  • chljlleal
    chljlleal Posts: 230 Member
    Brian you made me laugh!

    Great first step, keep putting one foot in front of the other and the pounds will disappear :)
  • BriWilly26
    BriWilly26 Posts: 3 Member
    The pounds are disappearing alright!!!
    ......I spent two hundred on a fkn Fitbit smart watch on Wednesday!

    Your advice may be flawed JohnFletcher95
    I spoke very nicely to my wife earlier and after some persuasion she agreed. Three times she got humped by the window cleaner; ....and nothing!!!
    I think my scales must be broken; it's like they've been stood on by a fat bloke.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    BriWilly26 wrote: »
    I spent two hundred on a fkn Fitbit smart watch on Wednesday!

    You can find friends in the Fitbit Users group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/1290-fitbit-users

    Fitbit challenges are great motivation—and fun!