20 something Mommies

I don't know about y'all, but I'm the only one of my friends to have a child and it extremely difficult to relate to them fitness wise. So, this is for all of us who need some support and motivation while trying to lose that stubborn baby weight!


  • laurakelly6
    laurakelly6 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Charity! I'm sorry I just recently ventured out of my 20's in April but I thought I would comment! I was in the exact same position 3 years ago when I had my daughter. None of my friends understood baby weight, stretch marks, hip problems or even bladder issues! Baby weight can be stubborn but being a healthy mommy will help you keep up with your little one and be an amazing example for your kids! You carried that baby for 9 months; that is incredible and you can totally kick that baby weight in the keister!!
  • sophiasmom0914
    sophiasmom0914 Posts: 5 Member
    I was looking for a post like this!!
    I have stubborn baby weight I need to lose. Honestly, I don't think I've put my best foot forward in trying to lose it. But I am sooo willing to work hard now!!
  • Aguilar910
    Aguilar910 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm a new mom as well. I have a 7 month old and I need some motivation/help to get back on it! I'd love to join the mom group!
  • Leah_Payne
    Leah_Payne Posts: 9 Member
    Aguilar910 wrote: »
    I'm a new mom as well. I have a 7 month old and I need some motivation/help to get back on it! I'd love to join the mom group!

    Add me :)
  • sharmajoti
    sharmajoti Posts: 2 Member
    I don't know about y'all, but I'm the only one of my friends to have a child and it extremely difficult to relate to them fitness wise. So, this is for all of us who need some support and motivation while trying to lose that stubborn baby weight!

  • sharmajoti
    sharmajoti Posts: 2 Member
    Yes new mom here too! I have a 16 month old and still bf...wondering why these last 10 pounds wont budge! So glad to find support ad motivation to keep me thinking positive!
  • tiffbeckett336
    tiffbeckett336 Posts: 139 Member
    I am a news stay at home mom to a seven year old and a 5 month old! I am 27 and trying to get bAck prebaby weight from my first one which means I need to lose aboit30 lbs!
  • scarlettsmom2013
    scarlettsmom2013 Posts: 67 Member
    Hi, I'm a sahm to 3 kids. I'm 28 years old and have about 30lbs left to lose. Would love to have more friend who log in everyday!
  • mommyyogi340
    mommyyogi340 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi I'm 23 and I just joined this app :smile: I log in everyday if anyone wants to be friends and support each other. I am a SAHM and have a 4 year old daughter :)
    My stomach is the hardest part of my body to fix but I think I'm seeing results. Hard to tell since I'm 2 weeks in this new change. I want to build muscle and be toned. I use the Bodyrocktv stuff. They are free on YouTube and also have beginner workouts. Also in yoga the boat pose will kill your tummy.
  • erinp523
    erinp523 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello. I am a 25 year old working mother to an almost 2 year old. I made a commitment Dec 27th I was going to make a change at 175lbs. Today I am at a happy and healthy 140lbs with 5 more lbs to go. I have surpassed my pre pregnancy weight and now onto the college weight. Its has been a journey but it is far from over. I log everyday consistently both good and bad. I still eat what I like I just try to find a healthier modification or budget my calories. I have cheat meals instead of cheat days. I also work out at home because I don't have the time or money for a gym. Jillian Michaels body revolution is amazing!!! I still have stretch marks and my shape has changed from having a baby but I am happy with my results. Feel free to add me. My diary is also open.