Any tips to stop binging when I get home from work

jennhott33 Posts: 14
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
I work an odd shift: 1030a-700p. My lunch break is at 1245. By the time I get home from work about about 745p, I am starving. I walk through the door and shove what ever I can get my hands on into my mouth. And most of it is not good food! Does anyone have some hearty snacks that will help combat this???
Thanks gang!


  • I work an odd shift: 1030a-700p. My lunch break is at 1245. By the time I get home from work about about 745p, I am starving. I walk through the door and shove what ever I can get my hands on into my mouth. And most of it is not good food! Does anyone have some hearty snacks that will help combat this???
    Thanks gang!
  • :smile: I face a similar issue. I've found stocking my desk with low cal, low carb energy bars as well as bringing an apple or other fruit allows me to have a little snack and helps a lot. I still eat dinner once home, but as I'm not starving I can enjoy modest portions and actually make something healthy for dinner rather than going for the quick and easy high calorie junk.
  • Emdog24
    Emdog24 Posts: 81 Member
    I make sure to keep my desk at work stocked with snacks and I generally do not go more than 3 hours without eating something so that when I do get home and have dinner, I'm not starving. Some of my favorite snacks are yogurt, packs of sliced apples (which I usually dip in vanilla yogurt..yum), tuna fish packets or the "easy peel" cans (even an entire pack of Starkist Lemon pepper tuna is only 150 calories!), 100 calorie packs of craisins, almonds, and Special k bars (the raspberry bliss bars are my current favorite). Hope this helps!
  • Thanks both the Chrisgd and Emdog24. I appreciate the feedback!
    Chrisgd, what kind of energy bars do you reccommend??
    Emdog24, where do you find 100 cal packs of craisins?? Those sound yummy.
  • cherapple
    cherapple Posts: 670 Member
    It helps me to eat several small meals every day, rather than three big ones. Then I always know I have another meal right around the corner! :bigsmile: I never have to let myself get to the point of starving. I also make sure I eat protein and healthy fats every time I eat something to make it more satisfying. Nuts, peanut butter, bananas and other fruit, whole grain bread, wraps, and tortillas, tuna packets -- they are all things you can carry with you and have at your desk, or in your car on the way home, so that when you get home you aren't ravenous.
  • Whole wheat mini bagels are my best friend on days when I'm pressed for time. You have a wide selection of toppings and they are a quick meal.:tongue:
  • Emdog24
    Emdog24 Posts: 81 Member
    I find the 100 cal packs at Stop and Shop (don't know if there's one near you) but when they're out of the packs, I'll just buy a big bag of craisins and just measure out servings and put them in plastic baggies to take to work. I find that keeping a big bag of anything is never a good idea for me so I have to portion everything out beforehand.
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Chug a bottle of water and eat a protein bar (or apple, or something with a little oomph) as soon as you get in your car before driving home. It should help take the edge of the hunger off so you can make it home and put together a decent meal without eating everything in sight before dinner.

    I eat a snack at about 4pm most days. If not, I am ravenous when I get home by 6pm (leave work at 5pm, pick up the kiddo from daycare, battle traffic) and I shovel food into my face too.
  • gsschulte
    gsschulte Posts: 79 Member
    taking a lunch that early in your shift really makes for a long afternoon. one of your other breaks has to become snack break. i personally like apples and bananas. but if i want to really knock out a hunger fit for as few calories as i can i do a scoop of whey protein and skim milk. it clocks in at 220 calories but its really sweet and i am never hungry after i drink it.
  • Booksarenice
    Booksarenice Posts: 70 Member
    Okay so I am a newbie and still struggling however- I do "KNOW" what to do just don't always do it. I commute 45 mins. to work and so that long hungry drive home makes me tried and cranky. At the beginning of the school year I started packing a -drive home snack. This is usually 1/2 apple and a protein of some kind. I seem to need a steady supply of protein. Sometimes I do a serving of crackers, a triangle of the soft cheese(name escapes me right now) and 1/2 apple. By the time I get home I can just change clothes, put dinner in the oven and do 30 minutes of treadmill or sta. bike.

    Just a side note- My husband works 4- midnight(cop) so I am eating by myself. I am the queen of freeze. By that I mean I never cook just 1 chicken breast, etc. I cook 4-5 at a time or a whole recipe of something and have it in protion controlled freezer containers ready to just take and go. I often just throw together a salad and add whatever cooked meat I have for dinner. Of course its that snacking all evening while sitting on my backside that has helped me get FAT!
  • wildkitty505
    wildkitty505 Posts: 222 Member
    In between breakfast, lunch and dinner I snack on:

    - carrots and hummus
    - Fiber One bars
    - yogurt
    - instant oatmeal
    - soup
    - quaker rice cakes minis
    - cottage cheese
    - fruit

    Helps keep me from ever getting to the point I'm starving and I just want to eat anything in sight. :laugh:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    I love the Quaker Oats lower sugar instant oatmeal. For just over 100 calories, it keeps me full and happy for the few hours between one small meal and the next..

    I also find Luna bars are good for a minimeal - at under 200 calories, these do not break my calorie count and keep me satisfied for a few hours at least.

    Maybe if you had an attractive bowl of energy bars, or fresh fruit situated just as you entered the house, this might be your first choice and give you some hunger-free time to fix a healthy meal.

    Good luck..
  • Thanks again everyone for your feedback. I have gotten some real good ideas that I am going to try!
    Thanks again
  • jpcs
    jpcs Posts: 9
    You should take fresh fruit or rice cakes to snack on at work. when you do get home have a bag of natural popcorn. Always drink a couple of glasses of water before you eat .Try it tell me what you think
  • my favorite is the myoplex lite chocolate chocolate chip crisp becuase it is a relatively low calorie 15 gram protien bar. I also have a bunch of del monte canned pears in the desk drawer that have 100 calories per can.
  • hurleycutie142
    hurleycutie142 Posts: 479 Member
    What i tried to today (because it was at the dollar store lol... im cheap) was south beach living mint bars... They are sooooo good.... It really doesnt taste like a diet bar at all... I also do a lot of granola bars... and also rice cakes... Those are what i use at school
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