my intro and need buddy

I m Ruby. i m new to this so bear with me please. i need friends whether newbie or the oldies, doesnt matter as long as we keep pushing each other. i'm trying to loose some weight, already lost abt 7kg and now 7kg left but this seems little difficult as i feel like yo yo. loosing the 0.5-1kg and then gaining the same.
hope someone out there be my friend to suggest. discuss etc etc
btw i m mummy to two gorgeous boys, 5 yrs and 6 m.


  • juliastowell
    juliastowell Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Ruby

    I'm new too, so we could try keep each other motivated! :)

    I've just had a baby, she's 6 weeks old and am trying to shift some of the baby weight. So far I've lost 2lbs this week and I have another 16lbs to go.

  • rubyandmani
    rubyandmani Posts: 31 Member
    thanks for your reply. congratulations on baby birth Julia. is she your first?. just joined very recently so dont actually know how to add people. please add me. i need to loose the same as still are better then me as i aalready lost around 15lb aftee baby birth.
    its more of my tummy that i want to get rid bit of course loosing weight will lityle help to tone up. i m doing Jm abs nearly everday for my mummy tummy