Starting 30 Day Shred...again!!

bunnybeth14 Posts: 33 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise
I started 30DS a couple months ago and only got to day 8 - what with my 7 yr old, 7 month old twins and supply teaching I got pretty tired! But I have the twins christening in July want to lose about 10lb by then. 2 lb a week is definately do-able! Also doing Race for Life next month have walked it for 4 years and am aiming to jog the whole way this time..wont be a fast time but I really dont want to walk at all!

So, who wants to join me on the 30DS or C25K?? I have done Day 1 of the 30DS today and am currently jogging 8 mins 3 times with 2 mins walking in between at the mo but hoping to start jogging 12 mins twice with 1 min in between this weekend! Could do with some motivation!! :-)


  • rjyoung
    rjyoung Posts: 17
    I will join you on the 30 Day Shred! I have also started it several times, but keep not following through! I have completed's such a great program!! I'm now working on the Bridge to 10K, and a friend is trying to convince me to do a 5 mile race with her next weekend. We'll see about that!!!
  • I started 30DS last night. And would like to lose 10-15 by July 4th so I'm with ya!!
  • bwyne03
    bwyne03 Posts: 137 Member
    Hi!! I did the exact same thing about a month ago. Started the Shred and to to day 11 and then ran into some obstacles! Feel free to add me. I do my workouts in the evenings, so I could start today as well. I need someone to motivate me as well! We are going to Florida at the end of June and I still have some weight to lose, but would love to have atleast 10 more lbs off by then!!
  • bunnybeth14
    bunnybeth14 Posts: 33 Member
    Great! Thanks for coming on board, I normally am really good for the first week maybe two then run out of steam so hopefully this time I will stick to it with you all and we can push each other!! Cant wait for the results ha ha! :-)
  • taranj21
    taranj21 Posts: 83 Member
    i would like to!
    i have 10 lbs i would like to lose by july 1st, -going to virginia beach!
    i started the 30 day shred last night, and did biggest loser boot camp this morning before work.
    i am determined to stick to it this time! i always fail, and this time, i'm going to do it!!
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    I would Love to do this too!! I have vacation the last week of June and need to lose about 10 - 15 lbs to be comfortable with myself in a bathing suit! I ordered the DVD today with next day shipping so I hopefully will be starting tomorrow evening and then maybe converting to mornings?!? I am so excited but am horrible with follow through so I definately need yalls help to stay motivated and keep doing this! This is my challenge, to start this and follow through and finish it! At least I have a built in reward system for finishing it, a new bathing suit and vacation with my family!! Woohoo, can we say byebye to the baby weight? :happy: So pumped!!
  • bunnybeth14
    bunnybeth14 Posts: 33 Member
    i am determined to stick to it this time! i always fail, and this time, i'm going to do it!!

    I am exactly the same!

    And I didnt get any baby weight from the twins (couldnt fit much food in!!) but still have half the baby weight from my 7 yr old...its about time I got rid of it once and for all!

    It doesnt matter when you start as long as we all finish!!! :-)
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    So glad to know I have others in the boat with me!
  • I started it last night, too, and then did L1 D2 this morning. Plan to do elliptical tonight. I'm with you!
  • bunnybeth14
    bunnybeth14 Posts: 33 Member
    Day 2 done! Was hard today cos still aching from yesterday but I know if I stick with it it wont ache as much!! Hope you are all getting on ok!:smile:
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    So I received my video in the mail last night and I did my first workout!!! I was so proud that I was able to get through it!! I am so sore today, but I feel great and can't wait to do Day 2!! Good luck everyone!
  • I was so sore all day yesterday (after two days of Level one), but I managed to force myself to do it again last night and I feel so much better! Soreness is just about all gone and can't wait to do L1 D4 tonight!
  • bcl003
    bcl003 Posts: 331 Member
    Ok so I'm not quitting, but I did take the long weekend off because we went out of town for the holiday. I'm going to continue though, Day 3 for me. I am pretty sure I will be ok though because we went to Six Flags Over Texas where I sweated my butt off and walked a ton and then the next day we went to the Dallas World Aquarium and I carried my 8 month old for pretty much the entire aquarium, so I got pretty good work outs in anyway! Lol! Hope you ladies had a fun and safe Memorial Day weekend!
  • bunnybeth14
    bunnybeth14 Posts: 33 Member
    Ok so I'm not quitting, but I did take the long weekend off

    Me too! My other half decided wed go to visit his family for the weekend but I got straight back on it yesterday and tried out Level 2 (which Im regretting now!!!) and did 2 hours of line dancing last night too! Back to Level One today and will be going for a jog at some point!
    Well done guys, keep up the good work!!! :-)
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