um advice about working out and eating

Hi I just need some advice I am trying to do alternative modeling I just started doing cardio 2 times a day in morning and late at night hmu for advice please.


  • Tayshacan
    Tayshacan Posts: 10 Member
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    What are your goals? Weight loss? Weight gain? Getting fit? Are you eating to suit your goals?
  • Tayshacan
    Tayshacan Posts: 10 Member
    I am trying to start alternative modeling and I just started working out yesterday once in the morning that includes
    Bike 35 min fast pase on inclines and declines

    Stare stepper medium pace 20 min

    Tred mill fast walk pace 20 min

    Trcep/thigh/ inner thigh/ glutes/ shoulders and chest sets each 3x sets of 15 to 20

    Night time 12 to 1 am swimming laps 30 min steam room 15 min dance 20 min free style
    Inner thigh reps arm reps 3 pounds in that one day that was yesterday I drink almost 2 gallons of water a day eat once protine bar in the morning and eat salad or beans at night around but not after 5 then sleep then walk to the gym andback 15 min there 15 min back work out drink water bed
    What are your goals? Weight loss? Weight gain? Getting fit? Are you eating to suit your goals?

  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    What are your goals? Weight loss? Weight gain? Getting fit? Are you eating to suit your goals?

  • Tayshacan
    Tayshacan Posts: 10 Member
    Goal is 100 pounds before next year

    60 pounds so far without working out eating one think less
    No gain

    I want to get fit but not bulk
    Just toned

    I eat morning and middle of day drink tones of water c: i think so i lost 3 pounds so far it can not be water weight I drink over a gallon a day.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Weight loss involves eating at a deficit. If you are losing, you are doing this. Meal frequency or timing is irrelevant - you could eat all your calories after 10pm and still lose weight. One meal a day, 10 meals a day, whatever works for you.

    Eating as much as possible whilst losing, eating sufficient protein and doing resistance training will help you maintain as much muscle as possible (a good thing). Severely restricting calories unnecessarily will cause your bmr to drop and make weight loss more difficult (bad thing) as well as causing you to lose muscle mass.

    It is hard enough for women to gain muscle in a surplus, in a deficit you will never ever get big. Being toned has nothing to do with exercise - being toned means losing the fat over the muscle so the muscle you have is more defined.