What was your 'no more!' Moment



  • nichole8605
    nichole8605 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 28 and rarely have energy. My job is not that physically hard so I hated that I didn't have energy at night. Plus my love life is suffering. I recently had blood work done and found that I have high cholesterol due to being over weight. I'm 5'8 and have a solid build. Big rib cage and broad shoulders bleh. So I'd like to get down to 150 lbs. I've been there before and looked good. But the fact that I have high cholesterol and am a heart attack waiting to happen at such a young age scared me. Major eye opener! I started tuesday cutting back on the bad habit foods and drinking a gallon of water a day. I'm power walking a mile every night and doing other exercises and stretching. Feeling better already with 4 lbs gone. I CAN DO THIS!!
  • shuskey4200
    shuskey4200 Posts: 8 Member
    Wanting energy!!! and staying fit and feeling sexy again. This is the longest I have stayed with a plan but Im seeing great results. :) I really want my husband to give it a shot with me! He has no energy and lays around when he is home. He has said he wants to loose weight and get into better shape. I encourage that with what i buy in the store and what I cook and telling him he would be so attractive if he did get into shape.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    I had my moment on a business trip to Taiwan. I can't talk about it in polite company, unfortunately.
  • summerdaze120
    summerdaze120 Posts: 425 Member
    My "oh snap" moment:

    I only wear dresses to work. I bought five new beautiful dresses at the beginning of the year that fit me amazingly! Towards the middle of the year I was having somewhat difficulty zipping up by myself, so my husband would help me - no biggie. Towards the end of the year, I will never forget this day, I asked my husband to help me zip up one of my dresses. He did, as usual, but started having difficulty. I knew at that moment that the dress wasn't going to zip, and if it did it would probably rip. My husband told me that he couldn't zip it up without pinching my back, so I gave up and got out one of my "stretchy" dresses. That day I was in denial. It wasn't until a few weeks later, when I tried the dress on again by myself, that I realized I had let myself go.

    I bought a six month membership to a local gym that offers a variety of group classes and I have stayed dedicated! I have lost weight before and, obviously, put it back on. I always tell myself:

    "It came on slow, so it has to go off slow. It is no lie, that if you exercise and eat a balanced diet, you will get/stay healthy in time."
  • sapelch
    sapelch Posts: 2 Member
    Valentines Day...2015....after 5 or 6 years stuck at 205 lbs and not being able to shift an OUNCE ...I weighed myself...218 lbs...holy crap. My all time non-pregnant high weight. I was more than disgusted, I was revolted. I began a nutritional cleansing program on Feb 23rd...here it is June 13th, 2015...and as of last week I had lost about 44 inches and a whopping 37.5 lbs... (I lost 8 inches off my chest and 6 off my waist alone) I'll weigh and measure myself and gain next week (120 day mark) to see where I'm at. I've had to buy new underwear, shirts and shorts because everything is HUGE on me now...
  • a_manda
    a_manda Posts: 36 Member
    I was recently diagnosed with pseudotumor cerebri which commonly affects obese women in their early twenties. The best thing for my health is to lose the weight so I don't have to rely on medications and possibly brain surgery.
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I had one every time I needed an attendant at Six Flags to help me buckle into a ride (that's a lot of "no more" moments!), but I didn't actually do anything about it until I stumbled across MFP entirely by accident. 34 lbs down, 76 to go.
  • Mum24Kids
    Mum24Kids Posts: 20 Member
    For me, it's more like the same "no more" moment, over and over again. The most recent has been in conjunction with moving house, and wanting to feel better as we all transition to life in a new place. I don't want old, unhealthy habits to follow me to the new town. So I begin again.
  • mjgrin
    mjgrin Posts: 883 Member
    An older family friend was retelling a story and asked which one us was the heavier one when we were children (in front of a huge group of my family). It was me.

    I'm sick of being remembered as the fat girl. I'm tired of being the fattest girl in the room. So here I am.
  • Monklady123
    Monklady123 Posts: 512 Member
    My first one was in the Target dressing room. You know, that expose-all lighting and three-way mirrors. :scream: I was trying on pants and the shirt I was wearing didn't work with that style pants so I had to take it off also. omg. I put all my own clothes back on, put the pants back on the rack, and didn't buy anything. However, that didn't really give me the push to start eating better.

    But the second one did -- Our dining room chairs have arm rests and I realized one day that when I'm sitting in the chair my butt is pushed up against both arm rests. :anguished: Then, combined with this, my daughter told me that in the fall her sorority is having some ceremony where the mothers can come and be called up on stage to be given a pin and recognized as the mom of that particular girl. :scream::scream::scream:

    Well, those things combined has given me the kick in the rear that I needed.

  • TootzG
    TootzG Posts: 3 Member
    cazbit wrote: »
    Do you have one?

    I have done diets in the past, half heartedly, losing half a stone then falling off the wagon, always feeling deprived when on a diet, I was stuck in that cycle for ten years.

    Two months ago I was brushing my teeth, looking at the reflection in the mirror I seen this big swollen fat face that didn't look like me. Five stone overweight. I thought, nope, no more!

    That's was it, utter disgust. Two months later, 16lbs down and I have changed my whole approach to my nutrition and change my hobbies so they are less about reading books, watching TV and more being part of a running club and going to exercise classes and swimming twice a week. I look better, I feel better and it feels more like a way of life than a 'diet'

    Did you have a defining moment that put you onto this path?

    My moments have come and gone over the years...it's never been about realizing I'm overweight...it's been about not following through. I have let issues from my past stop my progress. Well,this year...well since school started for my teen son,it has been hectic to say the least. So much of my time and energy was/is about him,making sure I am doing everything I can to keep him in school,out of trouble,out of foster care...my goodness,it's been crazy! And through us having to go to family counseling,I have learned that the past is just that..the past. There is not ONE single thing I can do today that would change my past..but there are MANY things I can do to change my future,for me! Most importantly,it has to be for me,otherwise it's just doing what ppl expect me to,and living up to their standards. Yeah, I'm not gonna do that! So here I am,learning a new way to eat healthy and to be accountable!
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    putting my before (nice weight) and now (looking kinda fat ther) photos beside eachother seeing how bad I let myself go.. that was enough for me firstly and then the way i felt from not eating healthy a >Mess<
  • emziekvezeau
    emziekvezeau Posts: 18 Member
    I didn't even notice that I was 100 lbs overweight!! I was a new mother, tired out and just simply put myself on the back burner.
    What was my epic moment of " ah man!!" Was going through Christmas photos with my sister!! I didn't recognize the jolly, plump lady posing with her 2 beautiful babies!!
    Long story short , 4 years later I'm down 90lbs and fighting tooth and nail on this last 10!! That is why I'm here!!
  • sarah_hite
    sarah_hite Posts: 41 Member
    Mine was looking at the scale and seeing that I was around 300 lbs. It's been a bumpy ride since then, but that was when I said 'no more'.
  • saltypancakez
    saltypancakez Posts: 17 Member
    What a great idea for a discussion, thanks everyone for sharing.

    My 'no more' moment was when I had to go shopping for nice clothes for an important job interview and I realized that I am 2 sizes up. I still bought the nice shirt and pants I wanted only 2 sizes larger. And it shows, damn it shows. Summer time in Sweden finally now and I don't dare to take out my shorts from last summer.

    No more...
  • Debbjones
    Debbjones Posts: 278 Member
    When I started to near that 200 pound mark on the scale and my physician wanted to put me on diabetes medication. 196 pounds on my 5'4" frame finally pushed me to a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetic. Working in the field of diabetes for so many years, I knew I could "wipe out" that diagnosis with a change in diet and weight loss.

    One year after beginning my journey, my doctor removed the diagnosis from my medical record and now I serve as an example to her other patients for "yes" it can be done... without medication.

    I also need to add, I have never been happier, felt so energetic and healthy in my entire life... :-)
  • arv51862
    arv51862 Posts: 115 Member
    For me it was hitting the 200 mark on the Dr's scale...
    I was on that mark but I absolutely refuse to let myself go over.
    It is an out of control mental upper limit for me.
    That was 2 months & 15 pounds ago...
    Still looking to drop another 15 over the summer...
    THEN, It will be a matter of maintaining my weight,
    & toning up...
    Suddenly single again at 53, Safe to say that I need to try to be at my best !
  • salynch50
    salynch50 Posts: 7 Member
    cazbit wrote: »
    Do you have one?

    I have done diets in the past, half heartedly, losing half a stone then falling off the wagon, always feeling deprived when on a diet, I was stuck in that cycle for ten years.

    Two months ago I was brushing my teeth, looking at the reflection in the mirror I seen this big swollen fat face that didn't look like me. Five stone overweight. I thought, nope, no more!

    That's was it, utter disgust. Two months later, 16lbs down and I have changed my whole approach to my nutrition and change my hobbies so they are less about reading books, watching TV and more being part of a running club and going to exercise classes and swimming twice a week. I look better, I feel better and it feels more like a way of life than a 'diet'

    Did you have a defining moment that put you onto this path?

  • Solkre2
    Solkre2 Posts: 29 Member
    I was taking 2 blood sugar pills, and a Victoza shot. 100% because of weight and not exercising. It was BS and I put a stop to it.
  • salynch50
    salynch50 Posts: 7 Member
    My moment was when I had a back spasm and I could not walk 3 months ago. I gained 50 lbs in the last year because my Back/hips have been getting worst over the last 10 years and exercising was impossible the last 3 years.

    I was a bodybuilder for iver 20 years, taught aerobics daily, was a personal trainer, advent runner, running 6 miles 5 times a week. It is hard to see yourself this way. I have a 15 year old son with autism, and up until recently, he consumed all of my time and energy and slowly I have become 100lbs overweight. I realize, I may never be able to maintain that level of activity again, but getting control of my weight will definitely alleviate some of my hip/back problems., by the way I had my son when I was 39, so you do the math. I

    I have a predisposition for diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid cancer and high cholesterol, my mother, grandmother and 5 of my siblings has one or more of these illnesses. I am the youngest of 7 and my brother died at 50 from complications of his brittle diabetes. So far, I have been blessed not to have any of those chronic illnesses. It is now or never to work on my wellness.

    I lost 80lbs after my first son (who is 35) and kept it off until 5 years ago as my back/hips got worst and my activity level decreased. I eat fairly well having excellent blood pressure, cholesterol level and blood sugar levels, but after years of working out for sometimes 4+ hours a day, my body rejects any attempts of low level activity. I also think my stress levels are off the chart as I am a therapist during the day and come home to manage my son with autism/as perfects.
  • soozquu
    soozquu Posts: 66 Member
    Mine wasn't a single that's it moment. It was more a series of events over about 8 months.

    1. I went on a cruise with 12 members of my family (never again, but that's a different story lol). Everything on the cruise was too small... chairs, the shower, the room. I had trouble walking around the ship. I had trouble walking around the ports we stopped at.

    2. I saw pictures of myself from the cruise. It ... wasn't pretty.

    3. Two months later, I started a new job after not working for a few years (which is the time frame I gained almost all my weight.) I couldn't make it through the day without being in severe pain. (The job requires being on your feet most of the day.) I had to sit down almost hourly. I was taking handfuls of otc pain meds.

    4. Three months into the new job, I was having severe knee pain. One of my knees was having trouble supporting my weight. So I went to my doctor. She insisted I get on the scale (I had been refusing to be weighed for 3 years.) She had be stand on the scale backwards so I didn't have to look at the number. We went back to the exam room, she put my chart on the table then left the room for a minute. And like a gory accident you know you shouldn't look at, but can't help stare at anyway, I looked at my weight. It was about 100 pounds heavier than I had guessed I weighed.

    5. My doctor ordered some blood tests. When the results came back, there were some issues. Back into the doctor's office a week later and my doctor explained, in firm, simple to understand language (yet was somehow completely non judgemental), exactly what my health problems were currently, and what I would be facing soon if I didn't get my weight under control.

    6. This is a big one --- My doctor didn't just say "lose weight" and then shove me out of the office. She refered me to a registered dietician and to a doctor that specialized in treating morbidly obese patients. Both these new providers were extremely non judgemental, but they didn't mince words about how serious my health issues were. My dietician introduced me to MFP. She talked with me about nutrition. She helped me set up food plans with foods I would actually eat. She was (and still is) extremely supportive. She cheered my small victories while gently pushing me to make bigger changes.

    7. So there I was. 7 months after my cruise. Still as fat and unhealthy as ever. But now I was no longer in denial about my weight and health issues. I joined MFP and weight watchers. I started going to meetings regularily. I didn't use my irregular work schedule as an excuse to miss meetings or to not log my food. I bought a digital scale and took advantage of my love of tech (and of my mild ocd - I am a completionist and love all things list related) and embraced the changed I had to make in my life. I focused not on losing weight (like I did on all other diets in the past) but instead on making changes that I felt I would be able to live with for the rest of my life.

  • silagh
    silagh Posts: 1 Member
    I've been avoiding mirrors and full body pictures for a while. The scale has been too high for too long. But just now. A load of laundry basket is too wide to fit through the door. My gut is now so big that sideways through the door with the laundry basket scraped my hand. ENOUGH!
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    I didn't realize I had been gaining weight til I saw a former boss after several months. Not one to sugar coat anything, she says to me "Aw Nick, you got fat. You need to lose weight." I wasn't offended cause I knew it was true...but at the time I was just too depressed to care.

    4 months ago I ended up in the hospital for depression/anxiety issues, and it made me realize that I needed to make changes in my life and start better taking care of myself. Weight loss wasn't a priority I just wanted to be healthier...so I quit drinking, started lifting again, and stopped eating so much crap.

    Those changes combined with meds and therapy, and I'm feeling better than I ever have.