My life story-long

Hi all,

This may be a bit long so get your plain popcorn and water bottle ready.

I have always been the fat kid in my family. I guess it started in kindergarten. I was teased for being larger than the other kids and that's when my distorted eating began. I would often starve myself all day at school and then binge after school. This is what I did every single day of my school life.
I was bullied a lot during my primary school years but not so much in high school years. I guess it was because I was funny and had a bubbly personality, which is odd considering how low my self esteem was. I didn't really want people to know I hated myself so much.

During this time my parents had opened up a business that was going really, really well. Until so politicians made a decision that effected us. From then my dads contracts became less and less to the point my parents had to close the business. Our family went into turmoil, my mum had a mental breakdown and spent 3 months sleeping and only leaving her bedroom when us kids weren't around. I had to look after the family while also trying to complete year 11. This is when my eating disorder began.

I began starving myself and would purge when I ate anything close to 500 calories. At the height of my disorder I was surviving on 200 calories a day and exercising 2 hours a day. I was getting a lot of attention at school and off boys now so it spurred me to lose more weight. My lowest was 63kgs which doesn't sound very low but considering in September I weighed 118kgs and in January I was 67kgs it was a big deal.

My mum ending up moving out and living 4 hours away with my little brother and sister while I stayed with my older sister so I could finish year 12. Let's just say that didn't work out and my parents decided that it would better if I lived with my mum because she couldn't keep an eye on my eating habits.

This move, even though ended up stopping my vicious eating habits (I was still only on 600 calories a day though), ruined any hope I had in finishing year 12. I found it to difficult moving at such a critical time in my schooling life.

It was here that I met my current boyfriend. I fell pregnant in 2010 at 18. And decided that I just couldn't keep starving myself now that I was pregnant. I started at 63kgs and ballooned to 100kgs and added an extra 15kgs in the years after the birth. Since then I have tried on and off losing weight but never last long because I just don't know how to eat like a normal person anymore. I did end up losing 20kgs in 2013/2014 by starving again and ended up pregnant with my second child. So i gained all that weight back. So now I am back, 7 months postpartum and am determined this time because I just don't have any energy for my children and I see my eldest child going down the same path as I did all those years ago and I just want her to be healthy and happy. So I have to change to ensure that.

it was good to finally write all that out.

Thanks for reading


  • allaboutthefood
    allaboutthefood Posts: 781 Member
    I wish you much success in your journey, I hope that you can break this cycle and your kids grow up with a healthy and happy mom.
  • Winter_Girl92
    Winter_Girl92 Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you conniescakes1
  • Scott_2025
    Scott_2025 Posts: 201 Member
    Best of luck to you as you try to sort out all the issues you have going on in your life... do you have any close friends you can confide in? Or maybe a professional? Sometimes the emotional weight we are carrying is too heavy to carry alone...
  • Winter_Girl92
    Winter_Girl92 Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you Scott. I am actually in the process of seeking professional help at the moment. I appreciate your concern :)
  • ladeboer12
    ladeboer12 Posts: 1 Member
    I wish you the very best of luck! It's hard to change your habits but I applaud you for making your choices in hopes to benefit your children as well! I'll be thinking about you!
  • Winter_Girl92
    Winter_Girl92 Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you so much. All these beautiful messages give me so much more motivation!