Introduction to new accountability....

JoyK76 Posts: 26 Member
Hello, my name is Joy (from Houston, Texas). I started MFP in an attempt to save some money that I was paying out on a monthly basis for another program. The online food/exercise tracking is SO similar to my other program, it made me wonder why I was dishing out money when I could be taking advantages of the wonderful set up on MFP.

I started the "other" program at 226 lbs. I'm 35 yrs old (about 5'8") and that was by far the heaviest I had ever been. Currently, I am sitting in between 185 and 190. It has taken me since October 2010 to get to this point and I keep fighting with the same 5 lbs. My GW is about 145 and I'm getting frustrated at this point. I have not been as vigilant with my food choices here lately. Somewhere around my birthday (in March) I decided that I didn't want to pay attention to the food I was putting in my mouth and I wanted a break. That break has lasted longer than I would like. I am still trying to track but I find that when I "cheat" I do not want to track my food. It is like I'm expecting the computer to laugh at me and point it's mouse at me (electronic form of a finger) and say, "YOU FAILED!"

Aside from the 36 lb. loss that I have already experienced I will say one other accomplishment that I have managed is getting rid of the mentality of "quick weight loss". It is so tempting to fall into that pit of believing I need to get it off quick but I realize that the health implications of doing so are not something I wish to have in my life (already been there and done that).

So, all that being said, I am excited of continuing on my weight loss journey with the MFP community and I want to wish you all the greatest success with YOUR goals and endeavors as well!


  • KaciWood19
    KaciWood19 Posts: 553 Member
    Good luck!!! This a great community, where people can really relate and support and motivate! Feel free to add me for support! :flowerforyou:
  • giammarcor
    giammarcor Posts: 217 Member
    Thanks for sharing Joy, very well said.
  • JLEinGCM
    JLEinGCM Posts: 13
    Hi Joy,

    I recently started MFP. I would like to lose about 80 lbs - that number seems so huge when I type it. I'm just taking it one day at a time. Good luck with your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like. :)
  • janey027
    janey027 Posts: 3

    I too have just signed up for the MFP today. Just wanted to wish you all the very best. I too am hoping that the accountabiity of having to weigh in here etc will drive me! Jane xx
  • sunshine__angel
    sunshine__angel Posts: 366 Member
    Welcome!! This page is VERY helpful for tracking your foods and nobody on here judges you. You can still judge your "cheats" as you can make your food diary private, although nobody here is judging as we are all in the same boat!

    I need to lose about 20 more pounds but I am aiming for 10-15 on top of the 10 I have already lost. If you need any friends for inspiration, motivation or moral support, feel free to add me. You can never have 'too much" support!!
  • SLambertAlaska
    SLambertAlaska Posts: 197 Member
    Thanks for the post, Joy, and welcome. If you want accountability from a real person instead of just the computer, feel free to friend me.
    My husband was impressed when I "logged" my baklava yesterday, but I assured him, and you as well, that part of the point of this program is to be honest with myself. If I'm going to eat it, I need to be able to look myself in the eye and admit that I ate it. Even on weeks when I'm not logging (like when work gets crazy) I've gotten in the habit of looking at myself in the mirror and saying "I am going to eat this." It helps when it comes to the second cupcake.

    For me, it's an important part of a lifestyle change. I've finally grown up enough (at 47) to realize that the only way to become the person I want to be is to BE THAT PERSON. I'm doing this not only with what I eat but other things as well. for example, I always wanted to be the person who went to shows at the performing arts center in our city (Anchorage, Alaska) but never felt like I could spend the money. When I turned 45 and realized that there are no second chances at life, I started paying for tickets. My husband and I are loving it!

    So realize it's not the computer sticking it out its tongue at you - it's the person you want to be who is inside you trying to get out. Make friends with her.

    Good luck!
  • kashe8
    kashe8 Posts: 23
    Wow you have lost a lot of weight! Give your self credit! You can get back on the wagon...afterall that is what you are here for. We are here to support you. I set my diary as public to friends because I want to make sure I am honest with myself. If I kept it private I would most likely cheat. But I think we all need to cheat once in awhile but not go over board.

    It's inspiring to see how far you have come! I would love to support you in your journey! I need support as well, we all do! (We have the same goal weight too!)
  • gatewo11
    gatewo11 Posts: 2
    I just started with MFP today and I already love it. This is defiantly the motivation I was missing the last time I tried losing weight and for the first time I don't feel like I'm at this all alone. Everyone is so supportive so you don't overlook even the minor accomplishments (which I have always been guilty of doing). Best of luck to you and I hope you love this place as much as I already do.
  • mary127
    mary127 Posts: 90 Member
    Welcome Joy!!! We're all here for support....feel free to add me as a friend.

  • Wish2BSkinny
    Congratulations on your progress so far. That's incredible. You and I started at approx. the same weight and although my ultimate goal weight is lower, I will most likely be adjusting it :smile: You are right, it's a slow process and definitely a lifestyle change.

    I, too, am like you and need someone to remind me every now and then to get my bootie back in line and log my food. I joined MFP to provide the support the diet plan I'm on doesn't provide; however, the owner of the diet program is a bit of a Hitler and yells at me when I'm bad. :laugh:

    Good luck at what's sure to be further success. Feel free to add me as a friend and we can support each other along the way.
  • howaboutit
    howaboutit Posts: 68 Member
    Welcome Joy! I love the support and food tracking capability available through MFP and my friends! Please feel free to add me and we can support and hold each other accountable through this journey.

    Best of luck.
  • bel738
    bel738 Posts: 29 Member
    welcome in the food tracking and support ! i also live in houston near katy trying to gather some women and do walking in park etc. let me know if you would be interested or just add me on to your friend list and we can do this toghther..

    ** belinda
  • dublindoors
    dublindoors Posts: 13
    Good job so far Joy!
    I am enjoying the food tracking part of this as well. I am a graduate of another diet program but as soon as I would miss a week, I would cheat. Or get this...after my friend and I would weigh in we would go to McDonalds for that food item we had been craving all week. What a way to do it, eh? NOT!
    I want to be healthy and stay active. I want to be here for a good long time yet too.
    You can add me as a friend if you like.
    To your continued success...