Advice- diet and weight training (calories help!)


I am a little confused and wanted some help.

I've got my macros at 40% carbs, 30%, 30% protein but Myfitness says I only need 1200 calories?

I am currently 150-155 (it varies). I am focusing on gaining muscle and lowering my fat.

Weight training-
MWF 1 mile run (8.34 minutes fastest I've done and 10 min slowest),
tricep and bicep weight lifting 3 sets of 10 at 25 lbs
chest press 5 sets of 5at 60 lbs
50 no weight squats
50 squats with 10-15 lbs
5 deadilfts at 35 lbs
back exercise (machine pulls the handle towards your back) at 40-50 lbs

Cardio- 2-3 miles at least twice a week ranging from 1 hour to 2 hours (intervals added and done outside)

Do I need to do more cardio? I eat a lot of carbs on cardio days otherwise I feel famished and try to keep my protein high on weight days.

I can see the muscle growing, but I still have a stomach...

I am having trouble drinking enough water. I aim for 8 cups but I get at most 5.

I don't east fast food but I do enjoy Starbucks alot, however it still meets my macros. I think my sugar might be too high though.


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    edited June 2015
    If MFP has you at 1200 calories then odds are high that your weight loss goal (pounds per week) is set too aggressively. Depending on your goal, MFP subtracts a certain number of calories from what it calculates you can eat and maintain your current weight.

    Pound per week goals
    75+ lbs set to lose 2 lb range (-1000 calories per day)
    Between 40 - 75 lbs set to lose 1.5 lb range (-750 calories per day)
    Between 25-40 lbs set to lose 1 lb range (-750 calories per day)
    Between 15-25 lbs set to lose 1 -.50 lb range (-500 to -250 calories per day)
    Less than 15 lbs set to lose 0.5 lbs range (-250 calories per day)

    MFP won't go below 1200 calories for a female so if your goal deficit would put you below 1200 calories, 1200 is the number you get. You may want to consider editing your goal.

    When you exercise, MFP will add in your exercise calories to your daily goal to maintain the deficit you chose. You should be eating back at least some of those calories.

    How much sugar you are eating will not affect weight loss as long as you are meeting your calorie goal.
  • strong_curves
    strong_curves Posts: 2,229 Member
    What is your goal? To lose weight? or maintain? You don't say in your original post.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    gquiros1 wrote: »

    I am a little confused and wanted some help.

    I've got my macros at 40% carbs, 30%, 30% protein but Myfitness says I only need 1200 calories?

    I am currently 150-155 (it varies). I am focusing on gaining muscle and lowering my fat.

    You're not going to gain muscle on 1200 calories per day. Lose fat, probably...but you can't build substantial new mass with so few calories. The 'new' muscle you're seeing is most likely what was already there but previously covered up by fat.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ceoverturf wrote: »
    gquiros1 wrote: »

    I am a little confused and wanted some help.

    I've got my macros at 40% carbs, 30%, 30% protein but Myfitness says I only need 1200 calories?

    I am currently 150-155 (it varies). I am focusing on gaining muscle and lowering my fat.

    You're not going to gain muscle on 1200 calories per day. Lose fat, probably...but you can't build substantial new mass with so few calories. The 'new' muscle you're seeing is most likely what was already there but previously covered up by fat.


    I would also suggest looking into a structured program like strong lifts, starting strength, or new rules of lifting for woman.

    your current strength training sounds unbalanced....
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    hmm bi and tri isolation, useless in this context

    push/pull with press and cable row, best part of your program imo

    skwatz n deadz, weight is too low to be useful
  • gquiros1
    gquiros1 Posts: 9 Member

    To answer a few questions...

    I am not trying to lose weight, mostly maintain and gain muscle for a fit look. Legs and arms toned up within two months but tummy still there and butt needs more lift but I think I hit a platea. I am trying to review optios.

    Yes- muscle has been gained. I went from not being able to lift anything higher of 10 lbs to now I can do 50-60 for some machines in less than 2 months. Both free and machine weights are increasing in increments of 10 lbs. I started off doing 5x5's for most weights as I like that program

    Yes- I have fat to lose but are you suggesting I am gaining no strength when I couldn't lift anything more than 10?

    -to help answer all weights used are at maximum for me where I reach muscle failure towards 4-5

    TRICEP DUMBBELL KICKBACK 3 sets of 5 at 25 lbs
    TRICEPS PUSHDOWN 3 sets of 5 at 50 lbs
    STANDING BICEPS CABLE CURL 3 sets of 5 at 50 lbs
    LAT MACHINE 3 sets of 10 at 40-50 lbs
    Chest press 5 sets 5 at 60 lbs
    Deadlifts 35 lbs (I can't lift higher on my lower back when I use free weights)
    Donkey kicks 3 sets of 20
    Hydro lift 3 sets of 20
    Squats 10-15 lbs 50 total
    Squats no wtf 50 total

    On Cardio days I do 100 with weights and 100 without. Squats change from pylie to deep squat.

    Suggestions for more balance?
    Doing too much all on one day?

    MFP has me listed as lightly active because I have an office job 9-5. I eat on avg 1500-1600 calories because I don't trust the 1200 calories it tells me.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Increased strength does not equal increased muscle mass.

    My suggestion is to pick an established program and follow that. If you have to post a program and ask if it's balanced, you are unqualified to create your own program.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Follow an existing programme

    Why so many reps and no progression on weights?

    An office job makes you sedentary not lightly active

    If you are maintaining why are you set to lose weight ...1200 is a defecit ..set it to maintenance and continue lifting heavy following a decent structured programme
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    gquiros1 wrote: »

    To answer a few questions...

    I am not trying to lose weight, mostly maintain and gain muscle for a fit look. Legs and arms toned up within two months but tummy still there and butt needs more lift but I think I hit a platea. I am trying to review optios.

    Yes- muscle has been gained. I went from not being able to lift anything higher of 10 lbs to now I can do 50-60 for some machines in less than 2 months. Both free and machine weights are increasing in increments of 10 lbs. I started off doing 5x5's for most weights as I like that program

    Yes- I have fat to lose but are you suggesting I am gaining no strength when I couldn't lift anything more than 10?

    -to help answer all weights used are at maximum for me where I reach muscle failure towards 4-5

    TRICEP DUMBBELL KICKBACK 3 sets of 5 at 25 lbs
    TRICEPS PUSHDOWN 3 sets of 5 at 50 lbs
    STANDING BICEPS CABLE CURL 3 sets of 5 at 50 lbs
    LAT MACHINE 3 sets of 10 at 40-50 lbs
    Chest press 5 sets 5 at 60 lbs
    Deadlifts 35 lbs (I can't lift higher on my lower back when I use free weights)
    Donkey kicks 3 sets of 20
    Hydro lift 3 sets of 20
    Squats 10-15 lbs 50 total
    Squats no wtf 50 total

    On Cardio days I do 100 with weights and 100 without. Squats change from pylie to deep squat.

    Suggestions for more balance?
    Doing too much all on one day?

    MFP has me listed as lightly active because I have an office job 9-5. I eat on avg 1500-1600 calories because I don't trust the 1200 calories it tells me.

    my suggestion remains the same, look into one of the structured programs I listed and run it for three to four months and then re-assess. I think you will like the results.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Gaining strength does not mean gaining muscle ...not at defecit
  • gquiros1
    gquiros1 Posts: 9 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    gquiros1 wrote: »

    my suggestion remains the same, look into one of the structured programs I listed and run it for three to four months and then re-assess. I think you will like the results.

    I initially started with Stronglifts and enjoyed it the months I did it last year. I will look at that program again.

    rabbitjb wrote: »
    Follow an existing programme

    Why so many reps and no progression on weights?

    An office job makes you sedentary not lightly active

    If you are maintaining why are you set to lose weight ...1200 is a defecit ..set it to maintenance and continue lifting heavy following a decent structured programme

    I stated earlier that my weights increase by 5-10 lbs when reps are becoming easier.

    MFP called me lightly active because even though it is an office job, I am on my feet... that's what I meant

    Doctor says my normal weight range for my heigh 5'6" is supposed to be 140-145. However, with weight training, I was unsure how to log that and if I should worry about losing those 10 lbs. I switched it over to 0.5 lbs per week.