Beginner status

Hello All! C:

Obviously I'm new here C: I just started about two weeks ago. So far it has been a eye opener to my eating habits. I know I have a bad eating problem. But now I'm here to help others and hopefully receive equal support. I enjoy encouraging others, but I have a problem encouraging myself and staying motivated.


  • BIGLeagueQ
    BIGLeagueQ Posts: 75 Member
    That's exactly what brought me here...And some prodding from friends. ;) Feel free to add me, and good luck on your journey. :)
  • smithsmithb
    smithsmithb Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks BIGLeagueQ!
  • bobd4u
    bobd4u Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new at this as well. Cardiologist recommended this site and so far its been a real eye opener. Never realized how bad I was eating until I started using this site. Good luck to both of you.
  • ermand
    ermand Posts: 54 Member
    Hey i'm back here again after losing 60 lbs. Hoping to lose another 30. Gl and add me if you want. :)