Had my OMG moment and now trying to lose.

opalle Posts: 234 Member
Hi everyone. I'm kinda new here. Joined last year but didn't do much with either the app or the weight loss.  10 yrs ago I lost 30 pounds. Kept it off through a nasty divorce. Since then life got prettty good. I got a great new job, great new man, but since he moved in a few years ago the complacency pounds have piled on.  Last year I hit 170 and dowloaded this app with all good intentions but didn't stick with it. A couple days ago after going though my summer clothes, which were tight last year and struggling to put on a pair of size 14 capris I got last summer, I finally faced the scale. It read 187.  I can no longer pretend I just have a few extra pounds to lose.  I'm 5"4 so 187 isn't just a little over weight.

Its also heavier than my partner who is currently a trim 165. It bothers me that I weigh over 20lbs more than him.  I got a couple summer outfits for work this weekend since almost nothing I have fits.  I didn't even show him.  I'm embarrassed I had to buy them, and even though they are nice,  I still think I look huge in them.

My end goal 150. Ideally I'd like to be 145 but was able to maintain 150 for a long time and haven't been 145 since my 20s. (I'm 41)

Right now I'm trying to get a handle on my eating and getting more active. I know this will take time so I have a few mini goals

1. 174 - this puts me out of the obese bmi range
2. 160 - so I weigh less than partner
3  150  - goal weight

I really hope using MFP helps me stay on tract.


  • nneretin
    nneretin Posts: 5 Member
    I've been doing this for two months now and it seems like we have very similar goals. I really respond to the five week wait prediction after I complete my entry. I am in NYC, nikki
  • roelly22
    roelly22 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! Reading your post sounded like I was reading about myself! I too managed to drop about 35 pounds about 4 years ago. I moved in with my boyfriend (now husband) following the two years of weight loss and struggled to keep it off. I got very comfortable in the relationship and gained all weight back plus more! Three weeks ago I had my moment where I was so upset with myself that I had let go and weigh what I currently weigh, which is more than what you posted. I'm also 5'4 and my first goal is to be down to 160 and then 140 - 150. I've never tried having mini goals but I figured I'd try something different....hopefully it keeps me more encouraged. We'll see...good luck losing the weight! I don't have many tips but I've been reducing my sugar and carb intake and completely stopped drinking pop. This has seemed to help with the feeling of hunger.
  • opalle
    opalle Posts: 234 Member
    Thank you both.

    Cutting pop will be a huge help. You seem to be doing the right things. We never had opo in the house when I lost the first time but the BF likes it. He likes a lot of fattening things but is very active at work an has a high metabolism. Its going to take more willpower this time.

    I like mini goals because, since I'm planning the slow and steady route, Its going to take a while to lose all of it. I'm hoping small successes will keep me motvated.
  • donsbetterhlf
    donsbetterhlf Posts: 40 Member
    I as well, download the app several months ago. Didn't start getting serious about until January of this year. Had quite a few loops, pot holes and set backs. So I created a new account a few days ago, been wearing a fit bit, and got serious about this.
    It's not gonna be easy, but we CAN do this Good luck! Feel free to add as a friend.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You can find friends in the Fitbit Users group: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/group/1290-fitbit-users

    Fitbit challenges are great motivation—and fun!
  • jerrica30
    jerrica30 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello ladies, I'm pretty much in the same boat. I'm also 5'4" and in December I weighed 180 after having my second child I have lost 14 pounds since then i also would like to get back to my weight of 145-150, but it has been really hard because I'm in nursing school so I'm trying to lose as much as I can while I'm on summer break before i go back in August. How did you ladies lose your 30+ pounds previously and how long did it take? Thanks
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    jerrica30 wrote: »
    How did you ladies lose your 30+ pounds previously and how long did it take?

    A healthy, sustainable loss is .5 lb. per week for every 25 lbs. you're overweight. And you lose weight by eating fewer calories than you eat—period.

    Read the Sexypants post. It's full of good "how-to" information: https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/1080242/a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants/p1
  • opalle
    opalle Posts: 234 Member
    jerrica30 wrote: »
    How did you ladies lose your 30+ pounds previously and how long did it take? Thanks

    It took me 7 months. I was 10 years younger though. I cut out all junk, pop was a big one, and stopped nighttime snacking. Ate healthy meals and starting walking. 20 minutes at first at a slowpace then moved tp 30min at a faster one. I found the first 20 went pretty quick in 3 months but the last 10 took a while.