Removed (was a dumb post)

Pound_Destroyer Posts: 32 Member
edited June 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
Removed (was a dumb post).

Desperation makes you do idiotic stuff.


  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    No one is going to do that for free, that's way to much to burden an internet stranger with unless you're paying them.
    I suggest you google registered dietitians in your area.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    I am a 37 year old male, sitting here at 310 pounds. Looking for someone to review my macros and calories on a daily basis and give me tips/pointers. Looking for someone to set up goals for me. Someone who I can call or email daily with questions, and maybe a weekly consult on how we did this week. Please contact me!

    You know you have to do this for yourself right? And you don't really need your hand holding

    so here's what you do

    Start weighing and logging your food to your MFP daily defecit

    Learn how to double check the MFP database entries against packs and other websites to confirm the calorie counts

    Start there for a couple of weeks and see how you go adjusting the foods you choose to ensure you don't get too hungry

    You can look at macros later on

    Just take it in steps

    Step 1: Start logging
  • Pound_Destroyer
    Pound_Destroyer Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks! I've reached the point of DESPERATION.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Let's just say that you do find someone nice enough to do this for free.
    What happens once you've lost the weight and don't understand any of how it happened? How would you maintain.
    Plenty of people here will help you get started, no one here is going to do it for you.
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Be prepared for lots of PMs from Beachbody Coaches.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Thanks! I've reached the point of DESPERATION.

    So will you start weighing and logging?
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    ETA #2: Not looking for FREE.
    If you're not looking for free, but you do want to save money, look into the Nutrition office / department at your nearest college. You might get a good rate on a consult there. Also, check what is covered by health insurance if you want have it.
    Look for someone that is going to teach you actual nutrition and not make you dependent on them or that tries to sell you tricks and secrets. Mainstream nutrition and calorie deficit may not seem alluring, but it has the actual benefit of actually working.
  • Pound_Destroyer
    Pound_Destroyer Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advise. I'm just a desperate lunkhead.
  • ManiacalLaugh
    ManiacalLaugh Posts: 1,048 Member
    It wasn't a dumb post. I think a lot of us started digging around the forums in order to find help/guidance/support. The problem is, there's a limit here to how much assistance a bunch of Internet strangers can provide. You might find someone who's willing to be an accountability partner and give you some advice, but the problem is that person isn't going to know your life story, your medical history, your eating habits, or your desire to exercise.

    I don't know if this is economically feasible (because admittedly, this is a benefit I receive just from working where I do), but is there any way to get in contact with a licensed or (preferrably) degreed dietician where you are? They can provide that level of help. They're expensive, but if you can buy a few sessions, a good one will squeeze in what help they can.
  • Pound_Destroyer
    Pound_Destroyer Posts: 32 Member
    Thanks, ManiacalLaugh.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I am a 37 year old male, sitting here at 310 pounds. Looking for someone to review my macros and calories on a daily basis and give me tips/pointers. Looking for someone to set up goals for me. Someone who I can call or email daily with questions, and maybe a weekly consult on how we did this week. Please contact me!

    You know you have to do this for yourself right? And you don't really need your hand holding

    so here's what you do

    Start weighing and logging your food to your MFP daily defecit

    Learn how to double check the MFP database entries against packs and other websites to confirm the calorie counts

    Start there for a couple of weeks and see how you go adjusting the foods you choose to ensure you don't get too hungry

    You can look at macros later on

    Just take it in steps

    Step 1: Start logging

    It's really this easy to start. You can fine tune later.

  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    Thanks everyone for your advise. I'm just a desperate lunkhead.

    @Pound_Destroyer no dude you're not

    But you may be at a crossroads

    This might be the moment that you look back on and think "That...that was the moment I turned it around"

    'Cos seriously all you need to do now is weigh your food and log it

    Are you gonna? Or are you gonna sit there feeling sorry for yourself?

    What you planning on eating next?
  • webuiltthisnicky
    webuiltthisnicky Posts: 84 Member
    edited June 2015
    I get it, dude. You look at the scale or the mirror and realise that you've got to fix what you see, ASAP, and you have no idea how to start. People are waving fliers for Slimming World and Weight Watchers and HerbaLife at you and they all claim to be the BEST WAY EVAR TO LOSE WEIGHT but other people are telling you they're a load of rubbish and don't work. Counting calories can be difficult when your math is terrible, and even if your math is fine it's stressful and every brand is different an then you've got those people who tell you calories don't even matter. The thought of walking into a gym as a beginner makes you want to sink into the floor. It makes you feel totally at sea.

    The guys here are fab. They can definitely give you a few pointers to help you get started. You know now from what others have said that the leg work, if you want lasting results and a complete lifestyle overhaul, will have to be put in by your own self - by weighing and recording, building up exercise at your own pace, making sure to constantly challenge yourself while being careful not to cause yourself injury (low impact exercises might help you in the beginning - google is your friend for ideas on these). Get advice, by all means - from your doctor, a registered dietician, or a trainer if you feel you would benefit from these. By discovering what methods work best for you personally, and adapting your lifestyle to make your body work for you, you can, over time, become an expert on yourself. How empowering would that feel?

    Still, definitely use MFP to log intake and exercise (as hard as it is, log it as honestly as possible so you can properly keep track) and talk to its forum members. Even though most of us aren't experts or professionals in this field, we're always here to provide general advice, share our experiences, and offer support and tips when you want to talk about where you're at. There's always someone around to talk you up when you're feeling discouraged, and to congratulate you on your successes.

    Good luck!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    You don't have to know or understand everything in order to get started.

    Just begin tracking everything that you eat and all of your activity. You can gradually learn more and slowly increase your goals over time.