I am going to be doing my 2nd 2 Day Breast cancer walk in 3

I meant to write in my subject heading in 3 weeks - it won;'t let me fix it...

June 11-12, I will be doing a 2 day walk for breast cancer. June 11-12. The first day I walk 20 mi, 2nd day, 15.

I did it last year and loooved it. I signed up after losing my grandma, who died of breast cancer. she was very fit and healthy, and my role model for living a healthy lifestyle. I fell into a deep depression after she died, and prayed for something to help me get through it. I stopped at a bagel place to stuff my face, and saw a little cardboard stand with brochures for this walk. I felt it was a blessing, and jumped into it!!!

It's not through Avon or Susan G. Komen - it's in Long Island - in New York - and 100% of the money raised goes DIRECTLY to organizations here on Long Island who proovide meals, rides to chemo, and other necessities for families devastated by breast cancer.

I am so excited. You camp out overnight - they have great meals, music, and dancing on Saturday night. Last year I could hardly stay awake after walking in the hot sun all day. They also have great mobile showers. I also never ate so much in my life - at almost every mile marker they feed you with snacks donated by companies. and they give you a HUGE lunch, celebratory meal after, etc....

I have been looking forward to this since last year - I can't believe it's right around the corner!!!!!!

Actually, my profile picture is from last year's walk - I hope to update it with a pic from this walk :smile:

BTW- if anyone wants to sponsor me, there is a secure website you can do it - just message me. That wasn't the point of this message, but I always let people know in case they want to. Since my entire family has been through breast cancer, this is a cause near and dear to my heart.


  • ssernst
    ssernst Posts: 69 Member
    Great job!! What a great way to exercise and support a wonderful cause :) We have set up a team for the Relay for LIfe at my work and are getting ready for that next month. It's always exciting to support a cause that is important to us.
    Best wishes to you!
  • Jerzeeblondie
    Jerzeeblondie Posts: 236
    I've always wanted to do a breast cancer walk. I know that I will need to be in good shape to do it and have heard that the 3 day walk is about 20 miles a day. I'm not really sure how to prepare for something that long though and heard that people go through sneakers like crazy. I'm more afraid of the blisters on my feet stopping me after just 1 day... any tips on how to prepare for something like that would be great. I definitely want to do a breast cancer walk as soon as I know how to prepare for it!

    Good luck to you for your upcoming walk!
  • lipglossjunky73
    lipglossjunky73 Posts: 497 Member
    I've always wanted to do a breast cancer walk. I know that I will need to be in good shape to do it and have heard that the 3 day walk is about 20 miles a day. I'm not really sure how to prepare for something that long though and heard that people go through sneakers like crazy. I'm more afraid of the blisters on my feet stopping me after just 1 day... any tips on how to prepare for something like that would be great. I definitely want to do a breast cancer walk as soon as I know how to prepare for it!

    Good luck to you for your upcoming walk!

    I wore one pair of sneakers the entire weekend. Usually these walks host sneaker clinics before you do the walk to make sure you are wearing the right kind of sneaker - if you aren't, that's when you get blisters, lose toenails, etc.... there is no reason to go through sneakers since most sneakers go through at least 100 miles before needing to be replaced. I am planning on wearing a minimalist shoe for this walk.

    As for training - it can't hurt, but there are cancer survivors doing this. There was a woman last year who lost her foot to cancer and was walking with a prostehtic. If they can do it, you can!!! If you have a good base, this is totally doable!!!