running and humidity



  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    never. lol. I am on my way to the Pacific Northwest whenever I can. but I've never been working on my fitness before. so this will be interesting. but I have a year to prepare.

    desert is nice. antelope canyon is lovely. but give me trees and rain and all the glory that comes with a temperate rain forest
    humidity i'll have to learn to deal with. lungs will adapt
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    moyer566 wrote: »
    there is some badge of courage being awake and running albeit slowly at 5am

    You get one from me! I don't get up that early for a run. If I run in the morning, It's more like 7am. Hotter than heck already, but I'm so not a morning person. I tend to run at night.
  • sportjunky578
    sportjunky578 Posts: 32 Member
    I like running in humid weather I don't like dry heat I just always have a bottle of water with me.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Depends. I currently run after sunset and at temperatures around 105F/40C. If the air is dry I'mnot doing well because I get dehydrated without the cooling effect of sweating. I do better when it's humid as my sweat doesn't dry as soon as it leaves the pore. My running is much less good than it was at lower temperatures though. But once autumn comes I'll be brilliant! and finally finish C25K.

    Your sweat drying in dry weather IS the cooling effect. The faster your sweat dries the stronger the cooling effect is. If it's humid as your sweat dries slower, you get less of a cooling effect. This is why hit humid weather is not as comfortable as hot dry weather.

  • librarydebster
    librarydebster Posts: 177 Member
    I'm a newbie runner too and this advice has been great! I was thinking of getting a waist belt with the smaller water flasks since I tried a backpack and didn't like the weight on my back.
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    yirara wrote: »
    Depends. I currently run after sunset and at temperatures around 105F/40C. If the air is dry I'mnot doing well because I get dehydrated without the cooling effect of sweating. I do better when it's humid as my sweat doesn't dry as soon as it leaves the pore. My running is much less good than it was at lower temperatures though. But once autumn comes I'll be brilliant! and finally finish C25K.

    Your sweat drying in dry weather IS the cooling effect. The faster your sweat dries the stronger the cooling effect is. If it's humid as your sweat dries slower, you get less of a cooling effect. This is why hit humid weather is not as comfortable as hot dry weather.

    It's also because it feels like you're sucking a swamp when you breathe. (Would happily move to a desert if one existed in my country)
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    sucking a swamp is a perfect metaphor

    I like the belts, I got a small one for my phone and keys. I'll be looking at another one with a water thingamajig and two pockets. I saw one at the store when I picked up my shoes

    5am is necessity. work starts at 7 and showers and food must be made before the 30 min commute. I plan on getting up earlier eventually as I get longer periods of running done
  • Timorous_Beastie
    Timorous_Beastie Posts: 595 Member
    Today's run was at about 79% humidity. This is me and my puddle of sweat when I finished. ;)hzdjm5541z6e.jpg
  • kristinareisinger
    kristinareisinger Posts: 37 Member
    I just started today using a trick for cooling off quickly post hot run.
    Pre-soak some small towels with water , put in freezer bags and then in your freezer. Pull a bag out pre-run (maybe add a few ice cubes if the bag will be sitting in a hot car while you run) and when your are finished your run you will have an ice-cold cloth to cool your head and neck with (and wipe off the salt and sweat). I just tried it today and it was like heaven. So simple and effective.
  • karynclarke
    karynclarke Posts: 184 Member
    I started running in April, and this humidity is killing me! I've just been taking 1 minute walking breaks when needed. I also bought a hip pack that carries a water bottle, my phone, my inhaler, and my car key (with parkrun key tag that has my ICE phone number on it).

    I'm just looking forward to running in September :smile:
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I love all the sharing :)
    I like the towel idea, that's why I love running in the rain too. so refreshing and I feel like I can go farther

    my intervals are blocks. walk, run 1/2 mile, walk 1 block, run 3, walk 1, run 2, walk 1
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,570 Member
    Cool, how long is your block, @moyer? At the current temperatures my 'runs' look more like: warmup walk (not that I'd need to warm up actually at 104F), run 8 minutes, walk 5, run 8, walk 5, run 5, walk 2, run 5 or so. Gets me to 5km. Humidity was only 34%. This is the kind of humidity where I wish I had a cotton shirt with water bottle holder as cotton holds moisture better. But it's supposed to be humid again tomorrow.
  • Vandy_K_love
    Vandy_K_love Posts: 1 Member
    Born and raised in TX this is a constant struggle. I actually can't run in the cold bc I'm more accustomed to the heat. I drink lots of water wear as little light clothing as possible that won't scare people
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Cool, how long is your block, @moyer? At the current temperatures my 'runs' look more like: warmup walk (not that I'd need to warm up actually at 104F), run 8 minutes, walk 5, run 8, walk 5, run 5, walk 2, run 5 or so. Gets me to 5km. Humidity was only 34%. This is the kind of humidity where I wish I had a cotton shirt with water bottle holder as cotton holds moisture better. But it's supposed to be humid again tomorrow.

    each block varies. usually a long city block and then a short one. I'm always happy when the when the walk block is a long side :)
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    yes. you get used to it. I actually enjoy running in more humid climates. i like the sweat.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    You will acclimate eventually but I'm with you, running in the heat and humidity can be unpleasant. Stay well hydrated (drinking small amounts of water during the day - not chugging a litre of water before your run) and remember, fall will be here all too soon (confession - I love running in the winter, it gets cold here and I'm a happy camper)
  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    I run in the morning before the sun comes up. This morning it was already 70 degrees and 90% humidity at 5am. I run in a light tank top and shorts or just shorts and a sports bra like this morning. I try to not push myself too hard, slow down when needed and try not to completely over exert myself while out there. I was exhausted at mile 3 but I went for my full 8 and even though I had to tough out some moments I'll never regret getting out there :)
  • VeggieStef
    VeggieStef Posts: 54 Member
    Born and raised in TX this is a constant struggle. I actually can't run in the cold bc I'm more accustomed to the heat. I drink lots of water wear as little light clothing as possible that won't scare people

    Me too! I am in Dallas. It is not easy in the summer but I do it. In the winter I have to have a mental argument with myself to get out there and freeze!!!!!!
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I run before sunrise but its still humid. The high tech moisture wicking clothing is a requirement and a hat of the same will help keep the sweat out of your eyes. It is also easy to wash the stink out of too. I run in the city so I plan my route to include some public water fountains on long run days.
  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    Today's run was at about 79% humidity. This is me and my puddle of sweat when I finished. ;)hzdjm5541z6e.jpg

    THAT is one impressive pool of sweat! ;)

    And my hat's off to anyone running in Texas in the summertime... I used to visit Dallas and Austin fairly regularly for work a few years back... summer temperatures were BRUTAL!