
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Congratulations on the beginning of your journey! Yes, it's possible to lose 50 pounds by 2016, but as others have said, it does take dedication and a strong will. I've lost close to 50 pounds since mid-January with daily logging and activity (a fitness tracker helps, too!).

    "Muscle memory" is a fallacy. Rather, things become easier as new muscle tissue to made to repair the tears in the tissue formed during exercise. The "memory" part actually comes from your brain remembering how to do things!

    Muscle memory isn't just having the mental patterns for lifting down. Once a certain level of muscle has been made, it is easier for the body to reach that same level again. There is a proposed mechanism in that growing muscles leads to more nuclei, which do not seem to die.
  • JanelleG0122
    JanelleG0122 Posts: 323 Member
    Awesome !! If anyone has time can someone take a quick look at my diary and let me know what you think

    Your diary is good for the meals that you eat. I would try maybe adding some protein. Especially on workout days. Besides that your calorie intake is very similar to mine, and i've been losing the weight steadily.
  • lissaejerome
    lissaejerome Posts: 16 Member
    I actually planned to grab a piece of chicken after the gym tonight !!!! My body craves protein after a powerful workout !!!
  • yavonne67
    yavonne67 Posts: 11 Member
    I want to join this group, too. It is clear I cannot do this on my own without accountability & support -- even if it is virtual.
  • lissaejerome
    lissaejerome Posts: 16 Member
    We are all in this together !!!!!! Here are my results just after three weeks not so much but I can still see and feel some. Feel free to post before and after photos they really help 89oyg7lz8wm7.jpg
  • smithsmithb
    smithsmithb Posts: 10 Member
    I also have similar goals. I need to lose about 54 - 55lbs to be at my goal weight. I am also not very tall and I just had my first child in 2013. I was fairly active before he was born but after I have just gone down hill. I would very much like to join this group for the support and encouragement needed. I am still very new to this app and I would be very grateful for anyone to add me :)
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Thank you all for the instant support and advice ...I'm glad that I have a group of people who are all on the same journey. I am aiming for December because I want to go into a new year at a healthy weight. I will continue to work out everyday and eat healthy and let's see how it goes. As for eating more I want to stay eating at a 1200 intake until I gain more muscle and then I will add more healthy calories.

    You say you are tall and weigh 230 lbs. 1200 calories for someone of your size is probably not appropriate. 1200 calories is usually reserved for short/petite women and older women (like post-menopause). You could probably lose very well eating more. You want to be able to sustain your weight loss, so make your calorie goal sustainable. 1200 calories can be very hard to do, and with your size, you may find it's much much too low and you'll experience negative side effects (like hair loss for example).
    Thank you !!!!

    Has any of you used or know anything about garcina cambogia ??

    Over the counter supplements are a waste of money. Don't buy into all that BS. Just maintain your calorie deficit and you will lose weight.
  • lovelyhulett
    lovelyhulett Posts: 37 Member
    If anyone wants to add me please do so. I'm looking for motivation and also wanting to give it to others. Feel free to look at my diary as well. I would love to try to lose 2lb a week
  • ar_burton76
    ar_burton76 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi Lissa! I'm Amber from Oklahoma. I am also trying to lose a significant amount of weight this year (ultimate goal is 65 lbs...but not necessarily all by the end of the year ) My daily calorie goal set by my dietician is 1300, but I'm a shortie at 5'2. Would love to help keep each other motivated!
  • klizabeth14
    klizabeth14 Posts: 1 Member
    Good for you and it is do-able. I've done it before, 250 down to 183 from January. until July. Then I kept it off for seven years until I had a reoccurring foot issue and had to have five surgeries. I lost my mojo and slowly gained most of it back. I am better, foot is better and I'm turning 50 in December! I know what to do, I just need to stay focused. Right now I'm weighing in at 244.4 and I am totally uncomfortable. I am also never going to be a size 3 nor would I want to! I did my first Hiit training today and I survived! I love it bc its 30 minutes of torture and then its over. You also keep burning calories after. Not too sore so I am going back tomorrow. Anyway...on my first weight loss journey, I had my best friend who inspired me by losing 165lbs! Unfortunately, she passed away from a blood clot after skin surgery...so, fair to say I was devastated. I miss that girl for many reasons but I realize that one is the companionship in the process of regaining my health. But i don't usually chat on computers so forgive my ignorance about how this works

  • lissaejerome
    lissaejerome Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement .... Please help !! Hubby wants to go out for dinner tonight and I need ideas on a chain restaurant (international franchise ) I am in Canada that I can go to tonight so I can eat a meal under 500 cals
  • cake_n_wine
    cake_n_wine Posts: 8 Member
    I have about 50 lbs to lose as well.. Going from about 224 to 155. Maybe we can keep each other motivated? Because, God knows I need it!!
  • prototypejoy7
    prototypejoy7 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello All, I'm Joy & I have a goal of 50lbs to lose as well. I would love to join you all in support. I never realized how important the support of others can mean when it comes to weight loss. You can add me as well
  • caligirl4life
    caligirl4life Posts: 1 Member
    I recently had a blood test & my cholesterol was high :( doctor recommended diet & exercise - DUH! lol - and I'll go back for another test in December.
    I would love to have great results & am aiming to be out of the 200's by then. Working hard to lose at least 40lbs before my next blood test. So I'll join all of you with similar goals!
  • slassi37
    slassi37 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm Sharna and I have the same goal 50lbs and my daughter, would love to join you ladies.
  • bridgetpepple
    bridgetpepple Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all! I too have a goal to lose 50 lbs by December, but would like to continue that weight loss following reaching the initial goal. I just started my fourth week into my journey, and I am down about 12 lbs. I have been trying to hit the gym daily, it helps that is only about 6 minutes from my house, and the owner is a friend. I would be glad to join in and offer the support. The more the merrier!
  • DLinnell58
    DLinnell58 Posts: 87 Member
    Hi there! Im at 44 lbs lost currently. I have another 22 to go. You can do this! Lets be friends!
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    Certainly do-able. Just concentrate on the long term by making small changes and you'll get there with no problem. I'm down 50 and just re-set my goal to lose another 20, but at this point the small changes have become habit, so no longer seem like changes.

    Good luck!
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    Sending friend requests but if I miss anyone feel free to add me
  • bizgirl26
    bizgirl26 Posts: 1,795 Member
    Applebys list their calories if that helps at all. Otherise Subway has some options too