first time at the gym and at a total loss

I joined our local Anytime Fitness yesterday and will be going to workout for the first time EVER tonight after my 1 yr old goes to bed. I have never been to a gym and I'm looking for an android app or website I could use to give me an idea on what machine to use, how long ect. I am 260 lbs and was 398 and my goal is 160. Ive mainly used my at home treadmill and running around after 4 kids so all the other stuff is very new. If anyone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it! Thanks.


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    edited June 2015
    Does the gym offer trainers? If they do it could well be worth the price of a couple of sessions to discuss your fitness goals and develop a workout plan.

    Sorry, can't help with the apps. According to my kids I'm a dinosaur who should still have a wall mounted rotary phone.
  • momislosingit84
    momislosingit84 Posts: 25 Member
    They do but only during staffed hours and unfortunately I wouldn't be able to go during that time.
  • rockinrodders123
    rockinrodders123 Posts: 22 Member
    Do you/did you get any kind of induction when you joined the gym? These sessions can be useful to get a basic idea of what there is in there and how to use it, though I agree with Brian above that a couple of sessions with a trainer would be useful for setting down some training goals and learn to use some of the equipment safely and to make the best of your time in there.

    I use apps such as pumpup which designs exercise routines based on your goal (cardio/strength etc) and based on where you are (i.e. in the gym) and what equipment you want to use. It shows you how to do the exercises. sworkit and jefit are alternatives but more aimed at bodyweight exercises with minimal equipment.

    If you are looking for a website the is a huge resource and has hundreds of workout plans based on whatever goals you may have. It's all free to use.
  • momislosingit84
    momislosingit84 Posts: 25 Member
    Other then how to use the keyfob I was given no walk through or instructions. :/ my husband is at work during the day and I have 4 kids so can't do the trainer and will only be able to workout at night after my youngest goes to bed.

    Thank you. I will check those out. :)
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    Op check out they have videos and instructions on how to use all gym equipment. That's where I go when I am looking to figure out how to do certain workouts. I always use low weight and focus on technique. I hope this was helpful! :)
  • MYhealthyjourney70
    MYhealthyjourney70 Posts: 276 Member
    if there is anyway you could go during hours and have someone give an orientation.. i go to my local rec center and employees will help / answer questions.. the machines have directions on them and i sometimes watch others to see how they do it...
  • 460mustang
    460mustang Posts: 196 Member
    edited June 2015
    Yeah, you should get an introduction where an employee takes you around and shows how to operate the equipment. Then what I did was watch the other people, talk to them, and get their advice. Learn by google search is a good way too. I was lucky too, I had a partner from work that knew his way around.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    My guess is that the machines are lined up in a circuit. Use the machines in order (i.e. the circuit), keep it light and only for a set or two. Each machine typically has an illustration of how to use it properly. If you're still not sure, make a note of the machine and look up a video on YouTube when you get home.
  • HamsterManV2
    HamsterManV2 Posts: 449 Member
    FIND A GOAL AND GET A PROGRAM What do you want?

    For exercises:

    To be able to run for long distances and never get tired? C25K - Couch to 5K running program. Gets you from someone who never runs to completing 5K. Then you can graduate to Couch to 10K.

    To move heavy weights relative to your body weight? Get on a strength program. Strong Lifts and Starting Strength are well regarded full body programs 3 days a week, focusing on compound movements (one exercise which works many muscles). i.e. squat works your butt, your quad, your hamstring, your core, your back. And don't worry about "becoming bulky" - women lack the testosterone to gain muscle easily like men... You will be lean and powerful.

    To build an aesthetic body? Strong Curves is a butt/glute focused program designed for women with other full body exercises. Very good reviews.

    Combine cardio and weights? Look up HIIT (high intensity interval training). I don't have experience so I can't point you to a program. You can also do a HIIT session after your weights (sprints, burpies, incline jogging, etc.)

    Regardless, any of these will see improvements across the board, with you specialising in whatever you choose.

    For Weight/body fat % :
    I assume since you are here you are already familiar with this, so please ignore it if this is the case!
    You can never outrun your fork. If you want to lose weight 80% of it is in the kitchen, 15% the gym, and 5% sleep. Calculate your TDEE, eat at -20% of it for steady fat loss. If you do too much of a deficit, you lose your hard earned muscles, you become tired and weak and irritable.
    You have to start counting calories and get a food scale.
  • spatulathumbs
    spatulathumbs Posts: 125 Member
    My go-to site is Click on Beginner's Page, and read through some of their 'Starting Out' articles. There's a lot of good info there. You can also go to the example workouts page and look at what they list. You can design your own sequence of simple exercises that works your whole body. Also, if you have any particular muscle or joint issues, you can know what ones to specifically avoid. I use the site to get good options for leg exercises that don't hurt my hip. Also, don't be afraid to ask a trainer for help, or ask if there is an intro to the equipment where they can walk you around and show you how to do each item. And don't be afraid of the free weights section, that's where I prefer to be these days.
  • ungeneric
    ungeneric Posts: 60 Member
    Speaking as someone who used to be a little heavier than you... how are your joints? I recently had weight loss surgery and am trying to get fit. My knees and feet and ankles still suck from years of obesity, though, so I have been focusing on exercise bike interval training (google Interval Training and you'll get the idea) and on building overall strength using barbells and the book Starting Strength (which I highly recommend, as it teaches good form).

    I've also been getting in the swimming pool as much as possible, because my physical therapist recommended that as a way to do some conditioning that won't aggravate my joint problems.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    When I first started, I did the ellipticals first so I could watch other people and decide what looked like I might want to try it. I like doing the circuit if they have one set up at your gym.

    If they have something called a Crossfit you might like that. It's like a treadmill and elliptical hybrid. You can set a slope like a treadmill but it has feet like an elliptical and you can set resistance and no arm moving things. I find that I'm not coordinated enough to use all 4 of my limbs at the same time. I also go at night after my little monkeys are in bed.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    You really should have a fitness goal in mind when starting at the gym. If you were able to provide what your goals are, i.e. strength, or running a marathon, or just simply physique, then you would likely get a lot of better answers.

    Going into it without a goal means that you might be wasting your time doing something you hate that isn't helping you achieve what you want.
  • momislosingit84
    momislosingit84 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks everyone for the tips & info.

    To add more info

    I already watch my diet and my problem has been slow metabolism due to barely eating (once maybe twice) I'm probably weird in that Im not overweight due to eating to much, but killing my metabolism by not eating enough. I don't drink sodas or things with sugar I drink gallons of water a day, I don't eat processed foods (I cook 90% from scratch as I don't want my kids to eat premade processed foods) I eat lean meats, fish and veggies.

    I do have a goal. My goal is to loose the fat and then gain lean muscle. I realistically know I will never be a size 10. I was a runner/volleyball/softball player in school and have large thighs and "breeder hips" I just want the "fluff" gone, tighten up what I have and gain some lean muscle. Im just not sure how to go about that.

    Thanks everyone for the replies!

  • bcruz313
    bcruz313 Posts: 56 Member
    Does the gym offer trainers? If they do it could well be worth the price of a couple of sessions to discuss your fitness goals and develop a workout plan.

    We joined an Anytime Fitness near us almost a year ago and they offered a free session with a trainer and then at the end the trainer will go over prices if interested. I was standard so if it wasnt offered, you should ask about it. Are you looking for a stength training routine?
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    You barely eat but you're overweight?

  • momislosingit84
    momislosingit84 Posts: 25 Member
    You barely eat but you're overweight?


    Yes it does happen. When I lost 138 pounds it was during the time I ate the most and had a good metabolism going. I was eating 3 meals and 3 snacks a day at that time. Once I became pregnant with #2 I stopped as everything made me sick during pregnancy then I had 3 pregnancies in 4 years. I know its an odd concept to be fat and hardly eat but it is real and it can happen. Over eating food isn't the only reason people become overweight.
  • momislosingit84
    momislosingit84 Posts: 25 Member
    bcruz313 wrote: »
    Does the gym offer trainers? If they do it could well be worth the price of a couple of sessions to discuss your fitness goals and develop a workout plan.

    We joined an Anytime Fitness near us almost a year ago and they offered a free session with a trainer and then at the end the trainer will go over prices if interested. I was standard so if it wasnt offered, you should ask about it. Are you looking for a stength training routine?

    I signed up yesterday afternoon and they did not offer me any tour or tell me about the equipment or anything like that. My husband joined Friday and is doing his first workout now so I'm sure he will be able to at least tell me about some of it. All they did after I signed up (and stated that this was my first time ever being in a gym) was show my the entrance and how to use the keyfob thingy.
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    You 'barely eat' yet find yourself overweight--I could get into this more but please don't kid yourself. Calories in, calories out.

    If you want to lose weight and put on some muscle, look into a strength training program. Several have already been mentioned -- Starting Strength, Stronglifts, New Rules of Lifting for Women. It is difficult to put on muscle while eating at a deficit, but still possible when you're new to lifing. Regardless, if you stick to a program and keep your eating in check, you'll see results.

    Also, don't sell your potential short. Once you start unlayering the 'fluff', and changing your fat/muscle composition, you'll be suprised how your body is really shaped. I also thought I had "breeder hips", and while I'm still a pear shape, I am SO much more proportional after losing weight and lifting.

  • momislosingit84
    momislosingit84 Posts: 25 Member
    Wow ok look I came here looking for advice on what equipment to use at the gym. My diet isn't the issue. My activity and excersise is, I'm an at home mom with 4 kids and spend my days running around after them and joined a gym so that I could have a few hours at night to work out on more then just my home treadmill. I know "calories in calories out" you DO NOT have to sit around stuffing yourself to be fat. I have seen a nutritionalist and my OB with my 2014 pregnancy after I had her went over my diet to try and help and SHE said if you have a slow metabolism and do not eat on a regular basis (and of course I'm not talking about junk, but healthy things) you can slow your metabolism down to the point it clings on to every bit you entake good or bad and no just because I'm overweight it doesn't mean I sit around eating junk, if food was my issue Id say hey I need advice on diets or low carb this or no sugar that or whatever. That's what this site is for. Not to hide behind things. But its not I shouldn't have to defend myself. I wasn't asking about diet I was asking about workouts. Every persons body is differnt and gains/looses weight due to differnt issues and for different reasons. Thanks.
  • fjrandol
    fjrandol Posts: 437 Member
    I went onto the website for AF and they link to a pretty interactive page called Anytime Health. It has virtual coaching, a workout planner with videos of how to use the different equipment, etc etc.

    It looks like it should have a lot of the information you're asking about :smile: Be sure to check back in here and let us know how your first day went!
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Wow ok look I came here looking for advice on what equipment to use at the gym. My diet isn't the issue. My activity and excersise is, I'm an at home mom with 4 kids and spend my days running around after them and joined a gym so that I could have a few hours at night to work out on more then just my home treadmill. I know "calories in calories out" you DO NOT have to sit around stuffing yourself to be fat. I have seen a nutritionalist and my OB with my 2014 pregnancy after I had her went over my diet to try and help and SHE said if you have a slow metabolism and do not eat on a regular basis (and of course I'm not talking about junk, but healthy things) you can slow your metabolism down to the point it clings on to every bit you entake good or bad and no just because I'm overweight it doesn't mean I sit around eating junk, if food was my issue Id say hey I need advice on diets or low carb this or no sugar that or whatever. That's what this site is for. Not to hide behind things. But its not I shouldn't have to defend myself. I wasn't asking about diet I was asking about workouts. Every persons body is differnt and gains/looses weight due to differnt issues and for different reasons. Thanks.

    If you believe you have a slow metabolism, then you should get that checked out. It sounds like the nutritionist is trying to convey "starvation mode" which is largely a myth, and not something a nutritionist is qualified to diagnose as it is.

    Nobody said anything about having to stuff your face, or eating "unhealthy" food either. There are plenty of obese people who eat nothing but "healthy" foods. It is simply a matter of eating more than you burn throughout your daily activity, period. That, and it absolutely does not matter if you eat healthy, or eat junk... if you eat too many calories relative to your activity level, you will gain weight regardless of whether you eat nothing but twinkies, or nothing but "clean" foods... whatever those are.

    So, if you really believe you have a slow metabolism, get it all tested by a doctor which is licensed, and experienced enough to do so.

    However, the current reality is that you're eating too many calories for your daily expenditure.

    Them's the breaks.
  • Nuke807
    Nuke807 Posts: 160 Member is a GREAT source of information. They have an app that works on your phone and shows you videos of what all of the exercises are.
  • bcruz313
    bcruz313 Posts: 56 Member
    So, what is that you are looking for? A ST routine? Other cardio machines to use instead of treadmill? Check out Pinterest. They have a lot of different workouts and routines, you might find one you'd like to try.
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    Funny how you can come here for advice and be attacked all at the same time. There's a lot of attacking that goes on in these threads...very few people are actually helpful. It's really kind of disappointing if you're new. I guess it's back to that old sayin' : gotta have thick skin...

    Geesh! (smh)
  • lili61
    lili61 Posts: 231 Member
    No one is saying you're stuffing your face with unhealthy food. But if you say you believe you're overweight because your metabolism is slow, expect people to question that. Do get that checked out by a qualified doctor if you think that's the case.

    My advice remains the same. A good strength program will do wonders for you. Check out starting strength, stronglifts or NROLFW, they are all great.

    Good luck to you!