To Shake or Not to Shake???

Gretchen27 Posts: 82 Member
edited September 27 in Food and Nutrition
This question has come up a few times in the past 2 weeks between a friend and my self, Diet shakes and do they work?

I'll admit in the past I was all about the newest, best, creamy, and tasty diet aid that boasted quick weight loss. In the end, many times, I found that I just wasted my time and $$$ only to lose maybe 5lbs. And now I use a protein powder that's cheep, tastes bad but I'm convinced that it gives me energy before my morning workout, I don't eat breakfast before I work out, but is this just another gimmick or am I right to think that I need that little bit more protein before a workout?

Don't get me wrong, I in no way use this as a meal replacement and eat breakfast after I workout, so what do U guys think???


  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    You should get one that tastes good! Many out there but you usually have to pay a little extra for a good tasting, non-gritty one. I drink GNC Amplified Wheybolic in chocolate and it taste great with skim milk or water. And they can be used as a meal replacement but you should drink them after you workout to repair your muscles.
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Diet Shakes no, Protein Shakes yes. Diffence is the amount of Protein. You want to go for ones w/25grams or more of protein.

    Premade shakes are Pure Protein, Premier Protein and Muscle Milk Light. For powder try Pure Protein or Jay Robb, either can be added to Oatmeal, Cereal, Yogurt, etc... or made into smooties or shakes and some even mix the Pure Protein w/Crystal Light.

    Protein is key to healthy diet along with fiber and of course your 64oz of water!

    Best of Luck!
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    I think getting a little protein and some BCAA (branched-chain amino acid) before you work out is great and nessisary. I do in the form of protein powder and water :smile:

    Sometimes you just need that energy! I dont like to eat before I work out either I have a crappy work out if I do so that is why I drink a good protein shake and have breakfast after as well.
  • JPod279
    JPod279 Posts: 722 Member
    I have started using the EAS Myoplex shakes for my meal right after I lift. (Lifted at lunch today and then drank one.) They don't taste great, but they don't taste bad (they are just a little watered down for my taste) and they have kept me full and I really do seem to feel better a few hours after drinking one. They have 42 grams of protien and are low in fat and carbs so I may start using them more than just as my meal on the days I lift. I get them at Wal-Mart and they are about $11 for 4 shakes. I have thought about pouring one in a blender and adding a banana in order to thicken it up.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I use a really great tasting low cal protein shake that I do use as a meal replacement, meal enhancement, or snack.

    I get the naturade total soy (the name is deceptive, though-it isn't just soy) chocolate. It tastes AWESOME, has 13 g. of protein, and only 8 g. sugars. Mixes with water for 140 calories, or you can mix with milk to add 80 calories. No grit.

    I heard that if you do the before workout protein, that you should follow up with protein (don't know why-just a study I read) within 45 minutes of your workout ending.

    You definitely do need protein when working out. The muscles need it...
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    It depends. If you make sure to account for the calories in your daily allowance and stay under calories, it won't hurt you. And it may just have that extra energy you need to get through a workout. (I don't care to eat before exercising either.)

    On the other hand, if it is going to put you over your calories, then it's going to slow or stop your weight loss.

    A cheaper alternative could easily be a glass of milk or juice, or even a small piece of fruit. That can give you the same energy as the shake without filling you up too much to work out, and might cost you a whole lot less.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    "Diet shakes" are BS. Avoid anything that purports to be a diet shake.

    Now, plain old protein shakes or meal replacement shakes are a great tool. They are not a weight loss aid per se, any more than broccoli and chicken breast is a weight loss aid; They are a quick an convenient way to deliver nutrition to your body.

    Do you have enough time to prepare all the food you need in a given day and hit your calorie and macronutrient targets? if yes, then you're done. If not, then shakes can be helpful.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    Diet Shakes no, Protein Shakes yes. Diffence is the amount of Protein. You want to go for ones w/25grams or more of protein.

    Premade shakes are Pure Protein, Premier Protein and Muscle Milk Light. For powder try Pure Protein or Jay Robb, either can be added to Oatmeal, Cereal, Yogurt, etc... or made into smooties or shakes and some even mix the Pure Protein w/Crystal Light.

    Protein is key to healthy diet along with fiber and of course your 64oz of water!

    Best of Luck!
    I agree with this.....the Pure Protein Double Chocolate is awesome!! I mis it with a small amount of PB2 and it taste like a Reese's !!
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I have started using the EAS Myoplex shakes for my meal right after I lift. (Lifted at lunch today and then drank one.) They don't taste great, but they don't taste bad (they are just a little watered down for my taste) and they have kept me full and I really do seem to feel better a few hours after drinking one. They have 42 grams of protien and are low in fat and carbs so I may start using them more than just as my meal on the days I lift. I get them at Wal-Mart and they are about $11 for 4 shakes. I have thought about pouring one in a blender and adding a banana in order to thicken it up.

    Get the powdered kind that comes in individual envelopes. Cheaper and tastes better. Shop online.
  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    I LOVE my protein shakes!! It is also a great way to get the carbs & protein you NEED right after a workout!

    I do not like things like slimfast, which is a sugary meal replacement....but rather i turn my shakes into a meal.
    Add berries &/or fruit, low fat, non fat milk/dairy source & then a vanilla protein powder, ice if you want..... There are so many combinations that you can do & you get your serving of fruit & dairy, plus fibre, protein & good carbs!

    Careful with your protein powders, ask someone at a suppliment store to make sure you get higher protein lower carb if you are on a weight loss rather than weight gain program. Jillian Michaels has a line of yummy, cheap protein powders...that are low carb, high protein, i think they run about $12.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I can't stand them..even the protein shakes..rather eat food!
  • GaveUp
    GaveUp Posts: 308
    High protein is good but they can be high in sugar. Great alternative if you don't have time to eat.
  • Emilou9
    Emilou9 Posts: 44
    Protein shakes are great, diet shakes are not. I LOVE Jay Robb's protein powder. I don't use it as a meal replacement usually, but as a way to get all of my protein since I am a vegetarian. If I do use it as a meal replacement, I will make a shake out of it and add fresh berries, almond milk, and sometimes a frozen banana (in place of ice). I highly recommend investing the extra $$$ into a better product and it won't feel like you are trying to choke down a chalk shake for the sake of health. :-)
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I drink an Atkins Advantage Vanilla shake, it's got 160 cals and 15 grams of protein, I think. I drink half before lifting and half after. I really like the taste of it and get it for about $5 for 4 at Big Lots. I would like to get the powder so interested to see what people think tastes good. I don't think the one I have has enough protein but I don't want something with 300 calories per serving, since I am not using it as a meal replacement, just a quick way to get some protein right away.
  • modknits
    modknits Posts: 5
    I drink Shakeology (chocolate flavor). I blend with almond milk and frozen blueberries. Lots of blending options and the chocolate tastes great. Powder dissolves very well so no grit. Makes me feel great, fills me up, works with my diabetes, keeps me "regular", and is a good shot of iron (which I need). Has to be ordered through BeachBody.
  • Gretchen27
    Gretchen27 Posts: 82 Member
    What is this PB2 I keep hearing about?
  • Protiens should be anywhere from 10% - 35% of your total caloric intake. Protien is 4 calories per gram so do the math and if your under 35% your okay. I dont know that youre getting much more energy from the protien. I would go for carbohydrates before a workout which is also 4 carbs per gram but they break down into glycogen much better than protien. Glycogen is basically simple sugar. If your running stick to the carbs prior to the run and after the run a protien drink is definately helpful for muscle growth. I currently take whey protien at 50 grams per day. The rest of my protien comes from natural food sources. Just keep the total protien under 35% and you will be fine and within the recomened daily allowance. Fitness pal keeps up with your protien intake so simply multiply the grams of protien times 4 then divide by your total calorie intake and the result will tell you where youre at!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    What is this PB2 I keep hearing about?
    It's a powedered peanut butter you can mix with water, has lower fat and calories.
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