New again

dlksmith Posts: 2 Member
I can't think, I can't walk, I am weak, day one of diet!!!! I am back and determined this time!! I just turned 59 and put on so much weight the last 2 years going through the change but damnit that is done now and my knees are shot! I am doing this for me and my health! I do need support because I only have one person that does support and help me with this and that is my daughter! I hope to find folks on here that encourage as I will do the same for you! As so the journey begins!!


  • allene13
    allene13 Posts: 8 Member
    Hey, I am starting as well. My diet plans seem to only last a couple of days and then I fall off the wagon! We can encourage each other! I know this is a life style change and NOT a diet! Diet end, so for good health I am IN for a Positive change! You can do this. We will take each day one day at a time.
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Girls, your posts sound like they were written by me. Gained 40 lb in 4 years, now have high vp, high cholesterol and high triglycerides!! I struggle with motivation, making good food choices by personally I think chocolate should be a main food group!! I am looking for support and love to help others! I favoriting this group...lets do it!!
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Btw... My name is Cindy. I'm am 53. Tell me about you. Married? Kids? Grandkids? What would u say is the reason u are overweight? I am a junk food junkie. I eat all carbs and sweets. Food is my comfort, stress reliever, friends...etc!!i have to change my relationship with food and in addition make healthier choices. Tell me about u!
  • savannahd18
    savannahd18 Posts: 3 Member
    I am new again as well. I used this app 4 years ago and lost 40 lbs. but unfortunately I have gained it all back. Dlksmith, thanks for starting this thread. Cindy, I am 28 and it sounds like you and I have a lot in common. I have an unhealthy relationship with food as well that includes binge eating.
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Savannah, I am here to help. I have a daughter with binge eating and bulimia. Needless to say, I say nothing around home with regard to weight, appearance and etc. my support comes from work but often they are unintentionally sabotaging me! I am going to have to get my support here!
  • rachel1971mfp
    rachel1971mfp Posts: 20 Member
    Hi ,am new to this, am 44 and have put 2 stone on in 3 years ,time to get motivated and get back to a weight am happy at . I am a comfort eater . Daughters left for uni , and now live with my husband and son , and miss my daughter so much !
  • allene13
    allene13 Posts: 8 Member
    I am 55, I have three grown children out of the house! I eat way to many carbs especially after coming home from work! Hope we can all help each other make healthy choices!
  • crunchienugget
    crunchienugget Posts: 54 Member
    I am the same as everyone else. Diet goes well for a day, I exercise then head home and think 'oh well i burned 500 calories and was really good all day so chocolate wont be that bad and that bottle of wine is grand!'

    Well its not grand anymore. I'm a bridesmaid in 12 weeks and my arms are tree trunks so I have no choice but to lose the weight, plus i start dress shopping for my own wedding in 9 weeks!
  • dlksmith
    dlksmith Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies, thank you for your comments, looks like we are all similar with our want to's and did not do it's!!
    I eat because it is the only freaking thing I can control in my life and has been for a few years now! I try on clothes and they don't fit but guess what...5 guys burger and fries fits me fine. I know this is a life style change and I am working at eating because I have to and not because I just do it all the time. I will sometimes eat a whole pack of lunch meat and then sweets - on and on!! I have reflux that is so bad from the weight gain that it caused a chronic cough that lasted for a year not to mentioned I am the pee pee kid at work lol. Let us stay focused on our goal and count on each other to not judge and offer hints about staying on course. Day 2 went better because my food was prepared better. That is why I fail many times because it is easier to get fast food when you do not have healthy food with you. Check back in tomorrow = we got this!!!
  • allene13
    allene13 Posts: 8 Member
    Glad to hear day 2 went better. I did weight watches several years ago, they said, " you do not plan to fail, you fail to plan." I know this is true for me. Today I did exercise I did not eat a ton so I am enjoying a glass of wine. Which I do love! Thanks for including me in this group, I am hoping having people to check in with will help to keep me on track for more than a day! Keep up the good work!
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Well today was a reality check. Doctor not happy! Cholesterol and triglycerides are far too high. It's time for a lifestyle change or I have to start taking meds.... Feeling scared and frustrated. I can't believe I allowed this to happen and giving up my pleasure foods makes me feel deprived.
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    How is everyone doing this morning? Just checking on u! Progress is not your best, make smart choices!
  • rachel1971mfp
    rachel1971mfp Posts: 20 Member
    Hi , doing ok ,have bought a Hulu hoop and can manage to hula for 10 mins before dropping it , hopefully this will help shift the pounds !
  • allene13
    allene13 Posts: 8 Member
    Sorry to hear about your doctor appointment. A few years ago I started to exercise and it did help my lab numbers. The problem is staying motivated! I went to my exercise class today and pushed myself! I felt good about that. Tonight I am hosting my Bunko group. I made different salads to stay on track and a dessert from the "skinny girl" web site. Now if I can stay away from the candy! Keep at it this is slow going!
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Great job Allene and Rachel!! You both made positive steps today. Working out is very important. I stopped working out in March because I work 2 jobs,7days a week. That should be enough to keep me from eating but what usually happens is I get to a point of starvation and when I get off work I eat wrong and a lot. Today was a good day. I remained focused. It is hard be I work with 9people and undoubtedly someone forgets lunch and they order out. Today I passed up pizza
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Cheri and I'm 45 years old. I started my weight loss journey at my highest weight ever at 254 pounds. I've done the yoyo diet over the last 20 years and I have finally gotten to the point where I said that is enough. I have lost 28 pounds since April 1st and I'm not looking back. I was in great shape in my 20's and I am very determined to get back in that shape. I would love to join you guys on your journey.
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Welcome Cherie!, u are making great progress. That must feel rewarding! This group is just getting started so I am looking forward to embarking on this. New lifestyle with all of u.
  • rachel1971mfp
    rachel1971mfp Posts: 20 Member
    Well done Cindy for passing up the pizza , that would have been a challenge for me !Welcome to cheri too ! Hopefully we will all help each other .
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Rachel I see you were up at 3:53 am. That would be disasterous for me. That is one of my issues. I don't sleep well, for example at 1:52 am I was up and feeling overwhelmed bc I have to be at work in 5.5 hours and hadn't slept. Plus Thursdays are 13 hour work day for me. So what do I do? I get up on these sleepless nights and eat cereal or whatever unhealthy comforting thing I can find!!! Last night I did better. I ate an 80 calorie fiber bar. Those sleepless nights are killers!! I can use everyone's support today bc being tired, working 13 hours makes it impossible to plan meals, and Thursday is "order out day" for the office.... it all spells!!

    I hope you all have a great day. Don't be too hard on yourselves. Try to get some activity and make healthy food choices. We can do this!!!
  • Bshmerlie
    Bshmerlie Posts: 1,026 Member
    The best thing that helps me at work is I plan my food diary the night before. I at dinner time the night before I cook up a little extra for the next days lunch. I plan 400 calories per meal. I then also bring 2 or 3 pieces of fruit with me everywhere I go. I have my 400 calories for breakfast at 8am. I have 400 calories for lunch around noon. If I can't make it to lunch the I drink a bottle of water. Wait 15 min and If I'm still hungry then I have 1 piece of fruit. I do the whole bottle of water thing and fruit again until I can make it to the next meal without being hungry. If you plan your meals out the day before exactly what you are going to eat at each meal it is a lot easier to stick to. When it comes to food I don't like surprises because they usually aren't calorie friendly.