Life after stronglifts?



  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    MB_Positif wrote: »
    I personally switched to PHUL after Stronglifts and loved the changes it made in my physique. I still gained some strength but also did some body recomp to the tune of going from a size 10 pants to a size 4 with no change in my weight. This winter I did a bulk while following a linear periodization program which was a different number of sets and reps each week for a 5 week cycle with a deload and back to the beginning again.

    I'm doing PHUL now too, after 5/3/1. I'm doing it at maintenance, it's been about 7 weeks and I see a difference. I really like this program. I love that I get a good dose of powerlifting, but that there's plenty of hypertrophy work and I really like all the suggested lifts (except calves and leg curls twice a week, I tweak it just a little). I also really ended up loving doing all my power lifting in two days.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    rick_po wrote: »
    Yeah, for a novice doing Stronglifts, I wouldn't do more than 5 total warm-up sets for squats. And it's not necessary to do more than 2 or 3 warm-up sets for the other lifts.

    And your heaviest warm-up set should only be 2 reps, or maybe even just 1 rep.

    20kg x 2 x 5
    30kg x 1 x 5
    40kg x 1 x 5
    50kg x 1 x 2
    60kg x 5 x 5 (work)

    If you're doing more than this, you're getting exhausted by your warm-up. Fix your warm-up, and I'll bet you still have a lot of progress left in you.


    The top sets are where the money is - that's what you should be saving yourself for.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Great advice. I'll let you know on Monday!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Great advice. I'll let you know on Monday!

    On the positive side: -

    a) you've probably built some decent work capacity.

    b) which means you may have built some decent recovery, too.

    c) You'll also probably super-compensate - which means you should be catapulted into a new round of strength gains. (It's common when people have been on routine that's grinding them into dust that once they skip on to something lower volume they "snap back" and their strength magically seems to improve.)
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    edited June 2015
    Really looking forward to my Monday workout now, thanks. 200lb squat here I come!!!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Really looking forward to my Monday workout now, thanks. 200lb squat here I come!!!

    That's the spirit!
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Well I did day 1 week 1 of Madcow yesterday. I did a short warmup of a few arm swings etc, some frog jumps and hip stretches then squatted 10kg X10, 20kg X10, 30kg X10 and 40kg X10.

    The workout was:
    5X25kg (I rounded up as the app is in lbs)

    Then bench press and rows

    The main difference with dropping the weight is that I was able to really concentrate on my form and got super low squats in and good form rows, both of those lifts had been breaking form with the higher weight. All the lifts felt very easy and I whizzed through the workout. I added some accessory lifts - pushups 3 X 10 (big boy push ups too!! that's a first for me) 3X10 lat raises with 5kg and front raises with 5kg. Looking forward to upping the weight with those accessory lifts. I did 15 mins on the elliptical afterwards.

    All in all it felt pretty easy but obviously the weights will be going up weekly so I am sure it will be a challenge in no time. Having said that, I can feel my legs more than usual this morning. Odd as I didnt feel as much of a physical challenge as I usually do. Those deep squats are gooooood!

    One of the PT's commented that I was benching 30kg when he knows I can bench 40kg. I tried to explain the theory of lowering the weigh so its still a challenge but not a struggle and that there is a benefit of doing a slow, controlled lift with good form. For him, it's all about the weight. He doesn't understand why I don't just 'go heavy or go home'. They all laugh at me because I have the app on my phone and wont deviate from it!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I am a little late as well.

    I did SL 5x5 from Sept 13 to May 14...then switched to 3x5 for the summer.

    I have been doing 5/3/1 since Sept 14...I have noticed gains in my lifts doing 5/3/1...loving the program actually.
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    I looked at Wendler 5/3/1 but couldn't get my head around the app. Can you summarise the workout you do?
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I looked at Wendler 5/3/1 but couldn't get my head around the app. Can you summarise the workout you do?

    I'd advise reading the book. It explains why everything is structured the way it is, how to alter it according to your needs and what specific assistance template (if any) to use for your specific goals, etc.

    An app will be a useful way to track your progress once you've decided what you're doing, but it can't really tell you what to do or why...
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I looked at Wendler 5/3/1 but couldn't get my head around the app. Can you summarise the workout you do?

    My workout is 4x a week.

    I have started a new cycle so I have 4 weeks.

    Week one is 65%, 75% then 85% of my training max. All lifts are x5 for 3 sets except the last set which is 5+
    Week two is 70,80 then 90% of my training max. All lifts are x3 for 3 sets except the last which is 3+
    Week three is 75, 85 then 95% of my training max. LIfts are 5,3, 1+

    The + meaning as many as I can do at that weight.

    Week four is deload week which is 40, 50 then 60% of my training max all x5 again except the last set.

    The app I use has warm up sets and they are always 5,5,3.

    My training maxes are based on my calculated 1RM in the app.

    My increments I set myself for lower body it's 5lbs, Upper body it's 2.5 and that is added to my last cycle.

    Yesterday OHP, today day then BP on Thurs, Squats on Friday.

    This is a good write up for "Life after SL"

    I didn't get the book...found the app was fine.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Troutsy wrote: »
    I haven't switched off of strong lifts yet but I know a couple of people who have switched to a 5/3/1 program like Wendlers

    I've been doing 5/3/1 for the better part of a year. I like it a lot.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I looked at Wendler 5/3/1 but couldn't get my head around the app. Can you summarise the workout you do?

    It seem complicated when I first started, but once you get the hang of makes sense. Get the book like someone else suggested. It's bench, squat, ohp, dl; 4 week cycle; getting the set/rep scheme down is a little confusing at first, you just have to go through a few cycles to remember it. I carry a little cheat sheet with the set/reps.

  • CrumCPT
    CrumCPT Posts: 30 Member
    @Karen_libert, take a look at Dinosaur Training by Brooks Kubic.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Just to say to the contributors, thanks for this thread, gives me a lot to muse on.
  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    edited June 2015
    Id do more stronglifts or madcow if you want to switch it up. 531 is good too but i switched to that after madcow and had a lot of success with it.
  • foxcities2014
    foxcities2014 Posts: 3 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Just to say to the contributors, thanks for this thread, gives me a lot to muse on.

    same here.....will come back when I'm nearing the end of SL
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I looked at Wendler 5/3/1 but couldn't get my head around the app. Can you summarise the workout you do?

    My workout is 4x a week.

    I have started a new cycle so I have 4 weeks.

    Week one is 65%, 75% then 85% of my training max. All lifts are x5 for 3 sets except the last set which is 5+
    Week two is 70,80 then 90% of my training max. All lifts are x3 for 3 sets except the last which is 3+
    Week three is 75, 85 then 95% of my training max. LIfts are 5,3, 1+

    The + meaning as many as I can do at that weight.

    Week four is deload week which is 40, 50 then 60% of my training max all x5 again except the last set.

    The app I use has warm up sets and they are always 5,5,3.

    My training maxes are based on my calculated 1RM in the app.

    My increments I set myself for lower body it's 5lbs, Upper body it's 2.5 and that is added to my last cycle.

    Yesterday OHP, today day then BP on Thurs, Squats on Friday.

    This is a good write up for "Life after SL"

    I didn't get the book...found the app was fine.

    So you just do 1 lift a day over 4 days?
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    I looked at Wendler 5/3/1 but couldn't get my head around the app. Can you summarise the workout you do?

    My workout is 4x a week.

    I have started a new cycle so I have 4 weeks.

    Week one is 65%, 75% then 85% of my training max. All lifts are x5 for 3 sets except the last set which is 5+
    Week two is 70,80 then 90% of my training max. All lifts are x3 for 3 sets except the last which is 3+
    Week three is 75, 85 then 95% of my training max. LIfts are 5,3, 1+

    The + meaning as many as I can do at that weight.

    Week four is deload week which is 40, 50 then 60% of my training max all x5 again except the last set.

    The app I use has warm up sets and they are always 5,5,3.

    My training maxes are based on my calculated 1RM in the app.

    My increments I set myself for lower body it's 5lbs, Upper body it's 2.5 and that is added to my last cycle.

    Yesterday OHP, today day then BP on Thurs, Squats on Friday.

    This is a good write up for "Life after SL"

    I didn't get the book...found the app was fine.

    So you just do 1 lift a day over 4 days?

    It's best to think of something like stronglifts, etc as a program: you turn up on x day, do this many sets for this many reps, progress. It's laid down for you to follow pretty tightly. You do it until you've milked it dry and move on.

    It's best to think of something like 5/3/1 as a template. It's a method of progressing a lift over a series of 3 sessions. Essentially the session has a main lift (like a squat, for example) that you'll lift for some percentage of your max. Then you do assistance/accessory work afterwards that is programmed for a particular goal (bring up a weak bodypart, stimulate hypertrophy, etc).

    There are 4 main lifts, and you could do them 1 a day for 4 sessions in a week for a 4 week cycle. Or you could sandwich two main lifts into one day and lift 2x week for 4 weeks. Or you could roll it so that you do 3 sessions a week and extend a cycle to 6 weeks. Or you can do a 4 week cycle and mash together two main lifts on a single day for one day (say DL/OHP) and keep Sq and Bench on their own days for 3x week. You can keep the 5/3/1 progression for Sq and DL and run separate programming for Bench/OHP.

    It's pretty flexible and can be tailored around a sport. Made on-season/off-season. Done for mass. Programmed around conditioning. Done for reduced volume/increased intensity. All kinds of stuff. Conceivably (with some intelligence and foresight) you could run some version of it for years.

  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Thank you. That's very helpful. It's tough for me as this is the first time that I have really wanted to follow a specific plan. My workouts were pretty random with no specific goal except lifting heavy things up with the goal of loosing weight.

    Now I am close to my goal weight the thoughts turn to gaining muscle so I need a more goal specific programme. Strong lifts has been great and I have made strength and hypertrophy gains but I have reached my 1 rep max now.

    For me, following a rigid programme is vital. I am just the type of person that likes to have a list and tick it off. I don't have the knowledge or skills to create my own programme so what I really need is for someone to tell me what to do and when to do it! That's why the strong lifts app was so good for me.

    On Monday I did Madcow, and although it was very easy I am sure the weight will go up pretty quickly. I have found an accessory programme so I do:

    Monday - squat, bench, row + chest/tri (pushups, lat fly and tricep extension
    Wednesday - squat, OHP, deadlift + back/bi (lat pulldown, preacher curl and seated cable row)
    Friday - squat, bench, row + legs (calf raise, good mornings, hanging leg raises)

    I also do box-it-out on a Tuesday and circuits on a Sunday plus a 10k run once a week.

    If I can find an app that walks me through Wendlers I'll likely move on to that next - or perhaps in a few months I'll feel a little more confident to write something out for myself. Training for hypertrophy is new for me and I'm hoping that simply continuing the training and upping the calories will grow me some big ones!