I'm embarrassed to excersize in front of my boyfriend



  • jenmarie72011
    jenmarie72011 Posts: 25 Member
    Thank you everyone, that's all really good advice!
  • VegasFit
    VegasFit Posts: 1,232 Member
    I'm embarrassed to excersize in front of him, because he's in shape and I feel like I would look dumb I'm front of him.

    By in front of do you mean like workout videos at home and he's there cause I wouldn't be a fan of that either. Or are you talking about just being at the gym at the same time together? Has he expressed interest in working out with you? He's your boyfriend so obviously he supports you. When I get the chance to workout with my BF I look forward to it cause it's more time we get to spend together plus he has tons of weight room knowledge that he shares with me. But if it hinders your workouts cause your uncomfortable then just don't do it but give it a chance at least once.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I will walk or run or ride the exercise bike in front of my husband, but for anything else... nope. I do it alone, out of sight.
  • gothicfires
    gothicfires Posts: 240 Member
    Sing like no one is listening.
    Love like you’ve never been hurt.
    Dance like nobody’s watching,
    and live like it’s heaven on earth.

    Perhaps you will look dumb but doing something to better yourself with the risk of looking dumb is an admirable quality. If you are afraid to do it because he's negative about it then you're with the wrong guy. But if he's the right guy then do it. He's going to love you anyway and you'll create some great memories together.
  • worstcaster
    worstcaster Posts: 217 Member
    If you are with someone for a long time they will eventually see you doing something silly. The good news is that works in reverse to. :smiley:
  • Stacey765
    Stacey765 Posts: 86 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    Just to be clear, you'll have sex with him even though he's in shape but you won't work out in front of him? Makes sense.

    Thank you! This is all I could think about - - so he can see you sweating only when he is involved? Naw - - but I still would prefer him not to just WATCH me, but when he is actively involved in the workout process I am down with that.

  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Just a guess, but he'd probably be hurt that you said he would think you look dumb! But nothing wrong with working out alone. I prefer zero distractions myself.