meal planning/nutrition help?

I am a very picky eater. I'm trying to stick to the calories that this website set for me but its hard because I don't eat very healthy. I hate fruit and love anything smothered in cheese... lol. If anyone has some nutrition suggestions I would appreciate it..


  • FryingPanda
    FryingPanda Posts: 99 Member
    Smother fruit in cheese?:smile:
  • Missy123556
    Missy123556 Posts: 80
  • ashaffer01
    ashaffer01 Posts: 1
    Have you tried eating Yogurt with some Ganola in it..It's healthy, filling and yummy.
  • Mdashton
    Mdashton Posts: 1
    Apples and cheese are awesome together. Sweet and savory.
  • Missy123556
    Missy123556 Posts: 80
    I really hate yogurt too :(
  • hyper588
    hyper588 Posts: 28
    I didn't "think" I liked fish, but tried Tilipia cooked in foil sprayed with non-stick spray, sprinkled with canjun and red hot pepper. LOVE it! Lesson I learned, keep trying low calorie, low fat choices till I find a few things that worked for me.

    Cheese in moderation is good for you. I try to pick lite varieties and always measure.

    If you have a sweet tooth, A&W's diet rootbeer helps curb mine.

    Good luck! And you pix doesn't look like you need to "lose" weight. ;-)
  • jessdeweerdt
    jessdeweerdt Posts: 128
    It took me a long time, but I had to learn not to hate healthy things. Make yourself cut back on the really bad stuff.. the longer I go without potato chips, the less I even like them. I've heard that you have to eat something 17 times before your tastebuds start to change...
  • Missy123556
    Missy123556 Posts: 80
    I don't really eat alot of "junk" food like chips or candy, but I could live on stuff like grilled cheese and top ramen!