I thought I was doing everything right!

cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
edited September 18 in Motivation and Support
I am starting to get very frustrated. I started using this site and going to the gym a few times a week back in October/November. Things were going pretty well, even with the holidays I managed to lose about 10 pounds by the first of year. Resolution time, and I decided to really make a commitment. I've been working out 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes at a time, and many days I've been working out twice a day and/or doing 45-60 minute workouts. But I've only lost 2 more pounds since the beginning of the year, and that was in the first week! I've been stuck at 198 for nearly 3 weeks now (which is at least 40 pounds over where I should be). I've cut a lot of junk food out of my diet (I had very bad habits before) and I really think I'm doing everything right. Mixing cardio and strength training, changing up my workouts, and I know I'm in better shape because I can work out harder than I used to. But nothing is showing on the scale!!!

I am hoping you guys can help me out - I need some motivation, and I really wish I knew why I'm not losing. I'm proud of myself for eating better and exercising - I know it is better for my health - I just can't understand why the weight is sticking so much.


  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    I am starting to get very frustrated. I started using this site and going to the gym a few times a week back in October/November. Things were going pretty well, even with the holidays I managed to lose about 10 pounds by the first of year. Resolution time, and I decided to really make a commitment. I've been working out 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes at a time, and many days I've been working out twice a day and/or doing 45-60 minute workouts. But I've only lost 2 more pounds since the beginning of the year, and that was in the first week! I've been stuck at 198 for nearly 3 weeks now (which is at least 40 pounds over where I should be). I've cut a lot of junk food out of my diet (I had very bad habits before) and I really think I'm doing everything right. Mixing cardio and strength training, changing up my workouts, and I know I'm in better shape because I can work out harder than I used to. But nothing is showing on the scale!!!

    I am hoping you guys can help me out - I need some motivation, and I really wish I knew why I'm not losing. I'm proud of myself for eating better and exercising - I know it is better for my health - I just can't understand why the weight is sticking so much.
  • maybe the reason your not changing weight is because you're beginning to build up muscles? so your getting healthier just remaining the same weight i don't really know what to suggest unless you try different kinds of activities like swimming or a sport?
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member
    Hi there,

    Make sure you are cutting out the right amount of calories and your body is not in starvation mode or you are not putting in everything you are eating.

    On exercise, I think of it as a secondary tool to weight loss, not the primary one, which is cutting calories. Your exercise should be slow and steady with your heart in the fat burning zone and not the cardio. If you are working out to hard, you will not burn the calories as much as keeping your heart rate at what it should be for your age.

    We are women and our weight fluctuates due to our monthly flow, so don't worry about the scale. Just keep on keepin' on.

    Eating salads, fish and always reaching for real food transforms our bodies into what we should actually look like.

    Remember that this transformative process takes several months to erase those years of bad habits.

    Slow and steady wins the race.

    Focus on the postitive. Excellent work on eating healthy. Never use the scale as the main measure of your progress.

    Make a list of all the positives that have come out of this experience and pretty soon you will be motivated for the rest of your life.

    Blessings to you,

    Connie Lynn
  • Hi,

    I can understand what you are going through Ive been there before.....when I looked for motivation and help on why my weight was going no where when I was doing so well at first I looked to my doctor for help. She informed me that when someone starts a diet and exercise plan the first weight to go is mainly water weight which can seem like a lot of wight at first. Then once you start getting into a steady routine for loosing weight it becomes harder to loose the weight because now what you have to loose is fat. The best advice I can give you is dont over do it on the exercise and keep on doing what you are doing. You have a great thing going, you have taken the necessary steps to a better life style and thats whats important. And just by you mentioning that your exercises are going a lot easier and smoother than when you first began is already a sign that you are doing the right thing and that your body is getting to where it should be. Take your time and dont get too fustrated (cause unfortunatley stress can lead to weight gain) go with the flow that your body is telling you to go. Also if you still have questions on your weight or want more ideas on how to help your process speak to your doctor or a nutritionist or trainer. Other than that, we are here for you...I know I am... good luck!

  • :happy: It will be ok, I am a nutritional Science Major, and I am seeing that there are so many people who loose weight, and hit a wall you could say, including myself. I think that if you change what you eat, or do a different type of exercise you could probally jolt your metabolism and maybe start to loose a pound a week. I hope that migh help a little.
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    If the scale's not budging, take your measurements if there is a change there then it answers your question about gaining muscle. Muscle takes up less space than fat. Change up your calories a bit, add a few in or decrease , change up your exersice a 20 percent difference of faster or harder can make a difference.
  • revenia
    revenia Posts: 2 Member
    HANG IN THERE!!!!!! You are building muscle and muscle weighs more than fat......... the more muscle the higher your metabolism will be..... I too am at a standstill weight wise, I hired a personal trainer in DEC, but you will start to loose in 2-3 weeks.... Drink WATER..... I put lemon slices in mine..... STAY away from suger substitutes and diet drinks........... I too am trying hard.... nice to hear from someone in the same boat........
  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member

    We are women and our weight fluctuates due to our monthly flow, so don't worry about the scale. Just keep on keepin' on.

    You assume we are women. :smile:

    Anyway... I have been at a plateau for the past month. I couldn't break 200 since before Xmas. I actually took this past week Off from exercise, maintained relatively good consumption habits and, bang! I am 198.

    It is said that changing routine works when you hit a plateau, and it seems to. :smile: I resumed exercise again this week and I hope to have some nice progress.
  • ConnieLynn
    ConnieLynn Posts: 242 Member

    We are women and our weight fluctuates due to our monthly flow, so don't worry about the scale. Just keep on keepin' on.

    You assume we are women. :smile:

    Anyway... I have been at a plateau for the past month. I couldn't break 200 since before Xmas. I actually took this past week Off from exercise, maintained relatively good consumption habits and, bang! I am 198.

    It is said that changing routine works when you hit a plateau, and it seems to. :smile: I resumed exercise again this week and I hope to have some nice progress.

    That is because I was talking to the person who wrote the post. Never meant to leave out anyone!

  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Thanks to everyone for the comments and encouragement! :happy:

    It is nice to know that I'm not the only one, and that we are in the same boat and can help each other stay motivated when progress is harder to "measure". I *KNOW* that the changes I've made are good ones - I'm eating healthier and not feeling deprived, and have swapped out those diet drinks for water most of the time (though I still put Spenda in my morning coffee - the coffee at work is just icky otherwise). And just being conscious of what I'm eating generally makes me eat more reasonable portions. I will try to relax about the scale and just focus on how I feel. I've been meaning to start swimming as well, so maybe changing up my routine will help.

    I did take measurements last week for the first time since December and had some good news - 2 inches off my waist, 1/2 inch off my hips (yup, I am a pear for sure!), and also 1/2 inch each in my upper arm and thigh. So I think you are probably right that at least some fat has been replaced with muscle. Yay!
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