Any super busy students here?!

NordicLady Posts: 4 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all!!!
I just finished my undergrad and am going into grad school and I know how hard it is keeping up with school & fitness at the same time. So I just am looking for some other students to join me in this journey! Or anyone really who likes help and support :)

A little about me, I'm from the US but going to be in grad school in Norway, I love outdoor activities like skiing, hiking and horseback riding and I like cookies and ice cream a little too much.


  • jtp5184
    jtp5184 Posts: 138 Member

    I am in the same boat as you! I work full time and I am a full time student. I just finished my undergrad and now am applying to get into another program for Jan.

    I would love to receive some support on this change to a healthy lifestyle as it can be difficult with this schedule. And I would be glad to help you!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    You're going to find more of us than you think! I'm a full time grad student getting ready to write my thesis and am currently working full time as well. It's hard to fit in an exercise routine but if you want it bad enough you'll find a way! Welcome and good luck!
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    Hey ! same i have been busy writing papers for universities and now i have interviews coming up. I'd be shifting cities in a month or so. At the same time i am trying to get some form of exercise and eat's super difficult but we're gonna do it !
  • EiriniJi
    EiriniJi Posts: 6
    I'm writing my thesis too, SUPER busy does not describe it...
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    I am a 4th semester nursing student. I was supposed to graduate May 13th but was one out of 8 in a class of 18 that did not. (something fishy when half your class fails but whatever). So now I am doing what it took 16 weeks to do in only 8. I am terrified and worried that my health will fall to the wayside but i need to get this done for me.
  • nichole325
    nichole325 Posts: 244 Member
    Hey! I graduated a year ago with my B.S. and I'm currently doing an online program for my MBA because I work full time.

    Good Luck! It's hard work!
  • wackedoutpet13
    wackedoutpet13 Posts: 72 Member
    Hi! I'm just finishing up my first year of college (all-you-can-eat dining halls have been lots of fun, haha). I'll add you!

    Any other students should feel free to add me, I could use more MFP friends. :)
  • elgface
    elgface Posts: 35
    heey, yey for norway, welcome to the north :) (Norwegan speakin ;) )

    I`m studying litterature and english on university, soooo superbusy now with exams all spring, can relate!
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Oh,,,,,,, ah,,,,, never mind I thought that read, super BusTy students. :smile:
  • rgutie1
    rgutie1 Posts: 84 Member
    You have to avoid the vicious cycle.

    1. Freshman Fifteen

    2. Thesis Thirty

    3. Dissertation Diet (or Death)

    Throw in post-marriage weight in their somewhere and you have a reciped for an expanding waist. I gained the thesis weight, I gained the marriage weight, and as I gear up for my dissertation I decided it was time to loose all of the above weight (ofcourse it could be one more excuse to avoid doing I am doing right now).
  • Sanya77
    Sanya77 Posts: 172 Member
    I am full time busy student and mother of 2. No wonder I am struggling with weight.:laugh:
  • Tvstarbabe
    Tvstarbabe Posts: 101
    I'm a full time student as well! It's so hard to keep up with schoolwork and fitness. Sometimes when your studying at 2 in the morning those cravings come to ya! Its also hard to find time to workout!
  • smithmo
    smithmo Posts: 1

    I'm coming up on my 3rd year at U of M! On top of a heavy course load, studying, and working 40+ hours a week, I don't have time
    to eat.. healthy! Which equals massive weight gain!

    I'm looking for support on my journey towards eating healthier and losing weight!

    Go Blue!
  • YES! I am a student with the most ridiculously busy schedule. I live on campus as an RA, I also work an additional 10 hours a week at a concession booth, 18 credits of classes AND I am about to begin student teaching. Luckily, I found a gym open 24/7 in town or I'd never get a chance to get any working out in! My name is Charlotte by the way, hi!
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    I'm in my second year of getting my bachelors degree in biology. I completely understand. I have 3 big exams and a paper to write in the two weeks. I am not looking forward to it.
  • Victorian131
    Victorian131 Posts: 130
    Hey, amen to the thesis thirty!
    I'm on the final straight of my MRes (Master of Research) and have 30,000 words left of my dissertation due in for September. I completely agree with the mindset of 'I'll just check MFP, THEN start with the research' although its better than my previous mindset of 'this journal is long, I'll just go get the rest of the cookies to help me through it'.
    Anyone who is also in this situation is more than free to add me. It would be great to share hints and tips how to get through it and most importantly, how to fit everything in and come out of the other side alive and kicking!
    Vix x
  • I'm in grad school right now...3 classes/9 credits. My brain is mushy right now. I'm hoping that eating right & exercising will help me focus! good luck to you!
  • Also a grad student, been over 6 credits a semester for the past 18 months and have another year to go. Plus I do 2 years of internship and work part time. It's hard to manage it all and find ways to prepare, carry and store healthy foods to get you through a full 8-10 hour day. I'm hardly ever home, (thank goodness my gym is 24/7 monday through friday and 12hrs a day saturday and sunday or else i'd never get there. Friend me as I'd love to meet more students doing the hard thing of dieting while in school.
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