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  • IfAtFurst
    IfAtFurst Posts: 5 Member
    Oh my gosh - sign me up! Restarting AGAIN! Could lose 30 but will be thrilled with 20. I know what to do...why is it so hard to just DO IT!?!?! :)
  • rachel1971mfp
    rachel1971mfp Posts: 20 Member
    Hi cindy , not up early , I live in the UK , but it's great to have people all over the world in the same boat ! You must be shattered with so little sleep . Just getting ready for a Zumba class .
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    bshmerlie, you are so right, planning ahead is so helpful. But honestly, I suck at!! I work generally 730 am to 630 pm during the week and work 4-5 hours on Saturday and sunday. When I get free time, I don't want to plan... lol!! I realize you are so right though and I am going to make a better effort. I know when I have had success in the past, I was planning my meals!!

    IfatFurst... welcome aboard girl!!
  • ballardf
    ballardf Posts: 55 Member
    Hi! I'm Fred. I recently lost 65 pounds using MFP. I fell ill and put a few pounds back on. It's worth the journey and can be fun! Feel free to add me to your friends list as I am renewing my commitment. Welcome aboard !!!
  • rachel1971mfp
    rachel1971mfp Posts: 20 Member

    Morning ,
    Lost another 1lb ,not so sunny in the UK today , British weather! Well done to Fred for a brill weight lost of 65 lbs !
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Good job on the loss!!
  • CateKauffman
    CateKauffman Posts: 1 Member
    I'm basically here trying to figure out how I got here. Still in denial, I guess. I'm 241 pounds and need to lose 100 or perhaps a smidge more to fit my 5.4 frame. 10 years ago I fell while jogging and hurt my knee. Had surgery but even after a year was not able to run and could barely walk and cannot kneel at all without excruciating pain. Unable to exercise, unfortunately did not translate to my brain that I did not need to eat. Now I find I'm a stress eater and have an incredibly stressful job (probation and parole officer). Because of the injury, I'm pretty much on desk duty. I'm considering bariatric surgery but I'm not sure that is the solution.
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Cate, welcome to our support group!! I can totally understand your frustration. I too was in denial. I didn't think I looked "that" bad or that my health was being impacted "too much." My 2nd job is working in a clothing store, I pass mirrors all the time.......that was an eye opener. I took the 2nd job bc I sit at a desk all day with job #1, would go home and sit more. So at least at job #2, I walk a lot!! Give yourself some time to lose the weight before surgery. Several people I know had the surgery and ended up gaining it back. We need to figure out WHY we eat and what can we do as a substitute. If we don't deal with the mental side of it, it is likely you would gain it back after surgery. Let's just look at short periods of time. Focus on June 30th. Let's see how much we can get off by June 30th...
  • babbsisthebest
    babbsisthebest Posts: 18 Member
    Here I go again...... :( Best of luck to all of you. Praying we can stick to it this time.
  • corina175
    corina175 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I am Corina, I had lost 75 pounds since Feb of 2014, started on my own then found MFP, problem is I am having a really hard time staying on track right now, I could list all of the excuses that I tell myself but they are just excuses. I have gained back 6 pounds and am really scared that I am heading down the wrong path but just can`t seem to get myself to back on track... I know all of the things that I need to do but all of a sudden I have a bowl of ice cream in my hands. I would love to join you in this journey and try and get myself back on track
  • allene13
    allene13 Posts: 8 Member
    Cindy congrats on passing up on the pizza! Rachel congrats on another pound lost! Each loss is a win! I did not exercise the past two days and I can sure feel it! Tomorrow I will do something! I love the positive comments we are all in the same boat. I just don't know how to stop the madness. In my head I do but than I get tired and crabby so food is mindless and a comfort. I know making a food plan is important. Great idea Cheri. I just plan a dinner but not the whole day. Good luck everyone
  • cside691
    cside691 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm restarting again (again), have 2 stone to lose and using this alongside a Slimmimg World as I am hopeless at calorie counting. I have a Fitbit which has really motivated me to walk a lot more but also have a stressful sedentary job so very hard sometimes to pass on the sugary delights that are offered around. Would love some extra support and motivation and a few more buddies to get a good kick start on the weight loss. Thanks in advance x
  • rachel1971mfp
    rachel1971mfp Posts: 20 Member
    Morning ! Thinking about buying a Fitbit tracker to track my steps , if I buy one will it be one of them items which end up in back of the draw not being used ?
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Morning ! Thinking about buying a Fitbit tracker to track my steps , if I buy one will it be one of them items which end up in back of the draw not being used ?

    Keep the receipt and return it if you don't like or, and/or get friends in the Fitbit Users group and do challenges:

    Fitbit challenges are great motivation—and fun!
  • ConsueloBonito
    ConsueloBonito Posts: 18 Member
    Corina you have done so well! I am impressed! Try not to let this little setback defeat you. I too have the exact same "where'd this ice cream come from?" issue (or chips, cup of nuts, glass of wine or vodka drink...). I know what I am supposed to do, and know what stuff should not be in the house even, but in have absolutely no willpower when shopping and chips are buy. 1 get 1 free. Dear Lord, I don't need 1 and now I have 2. Sometimes my brain then does the "eat them all fast to get rid of them" suggestion, and it's a never ending battle. And I HATE to exercise, so thank God I have 2 strong dogs that have to be walked twice a day. Enough about me. YOU CAN DO THIS! If you step off for a minute, just get back on at the next meal and don't beat yourself up. Being aware is a first step! Keep up the great work!! Connie
  • ConsueloBonito
    ConsueloBonito Posts: 18 Member
    Hi everyone. I responded to Corina, but thought I'd comment again to introduce myself. I'm Connie, and did this a year+ ago to try to re-lose weight. Went on Nutrasystem in 2006 after seeing 2005 Thanksgiving photos that opened my eyes. What a shocker. I dropped 37 lbs to 167 (I'm 5'8), and I actually no longer had those attractive back fat rolls. Needed to lose 17 more, or so, but life got in the way and I'm almost back to where I started, and yes, so is the back and belly fat. Tried last year and have gone up/down that 10 lbs over and over again. Back again to try to get on track and be accountable. My biggest issue is absolutely no willpower. If I say I'm dieting, friends at work bring donuts or scones, and I have a hard time saying no when they say "I got this especially for you". Don't you think they KNOW they are sabotaging? I wonder. Wish me luck. Pray for my willpower and success, and I'll pray for your success on your journey! Have a great day all!!
  • beverlyringhiser
    beverlyringhiser Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone. My name is Bev and I'm new to MFP. My doctor told me about the app and although I only started a couple of days ago, it is helping to keep me motivated. I'm 60 and need to lose 25-30 lbs. Recently I've had a few instances where I break out in a sweat and get short of breath so my doctor is now going to order some heart tests and suggested I join MFP. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol (both under control with meds)arthritis in both knees and 2 bone spurs in my left knee. I was going to water aerobics and it not only helped my knees but I lost 18 lbs. For the past year, I seem to find too many excuses not to go but now I'm scared and have to start going again. My biggest problem with food is that I eat too much. Both my husband and I love to cook and experiment with recipes and although we cook mostly healthily, I eat 2nd helpings when I don't need to because I'm satisfied but it tastes so dang good. Some people, "eat to live; we live to eat." I have to go back to the doctor in a month and she wants me down 5-8 lbs by then but I'm shooting for a 10 lb loss. I appreciate this site and hearing everyone's stories. Together, we can do this!
  • ConsueloBonito
    ConsueloBonito Posts: 18 Member
    Beverly, I totally get that. My portion control is totally out of whack because I always eat more of stuff that tastes good, whether I should or not. Hard hard habit to break. I like the "use smaller plates" idea, but I've never had a problem going back for seconds, and plate size doesn't affect that...except how big my second helping is! Worse still, I'm single (divorced) and it's hard to cook for 1, so my cooking for 4 (or more) tends to turn into 2 meals. It's a mindset I'm trying to change. If one serving is good, I don't HAVE to eat 2...I'll just freeze/fridge more for later. Best of luck with the 10 lbs and the mental adjustment on the "live to eat" thing. I'm right there with you, and know we can both make the adjustment. It might just take me longer, but hopefully there will be support for both of us here. Thanks for sharing. Connie
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    Connie I'm with you on struggling with portion control. I really need to be careful about that and eating filling foods so I eat less. I've gotten used to seconds and that is something I am trying to change!
  • TNJen51
    TNJen51 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello, I'm Jennifer. Hubs and I used Medifast in 2010-2011 and lost over 100 lbs each, but I had my gallbladder removed in 2012, lost my job in 2013, went back to school and work in 2014 and have regained more of the weight than I every wanted. I, too have lost my way and need to get back on track! This is my first time on MFP and I hope I can stay focused. I like to exercise and have been doing Jessica Smith videos on YouTube and sometimes walking my dog. I am at 215 lbs and while I would like to be 140 lbs like I was after Medifast, I'll be satisfied with 150 lbs. I am 51 years old, and have one son married off and a daughter of 16 at home. Hubs is also trying to lose weight and like most men, he is losing faster than me. Please keep me strong, Group!