Eating disorder recovery

Hello all,

I'm recovering from bulimia and I wanted to add friends who have struggled with it as well or any ED to get support and be able to relate. I am not pro any of these eating disorders and I'm only here to try to lead a happier life.

Thanks(: x


  • CultivateYourGarden
    Hi! I have binge-eating disorder. I would love to support!
  • morelimesplease
    morelimesplease Posts: 11 Member
    I had binge eating disorder, restricting, emotional eating, and over exercising issues.
  • ccarril44
  • abitaf76
    abitaf76 Posts: 1
    Hi there,

    I was in recovery from a eating disorder for a good while but recently I fell very ill and was on life support for 6 weeks... I am grateful to be alive... But I lost a lot of weight and was encouraged to regain Weight... I loved being so thin but in order for me to recover I had to gain weight.... I have put on the weight I lost and a little more .... I am scared I will keep getting bigger so I started purging.... At the moment I am not very mobile due to having painful joints etc I don't want to go back there. I want to lose a few of the extra pounds but I am so confused... Could do with some support. Not being able to be active doesn't help.. Some of my clothes are a little tight too ...
  • bethanncharlotte
    bethanncharlotte Posts: 1 Member
    Add me please!
  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    sevader wrote: »
    Hello all,

    I'm recovering from bulimia and I wanted to add friends who have struggled with it as well or any ED to get support and be able to relate. I am not pro any of these eating disorders and I'm only here to try to lead a happier life.

    Thanks(: x

  • Mersie1
    Mersie1 Posts: 329 Member
    Hi! I've suffered from every form of an eating disorder. I'm desperately seeking balance and peace in my life!!!
    mameegan wrote: »
    sevader wrote: »
    Hello all,

    I'm recovering from bulimia and I wanted to add friends who have struggled with it as well or any ED to get support and be able to relate. I am not pro any of these eating disorders and I'm only here to try to lead a happier life.

    Thanks(: x

  • wendy75_512
    wendy75_512 Posts: 21 Member
    I have struggled with binging, bulimia, and anorexia for a long time. Now I'm over exercising and just barely eating. I take in around 500 calories a day. I would love support to help overcome this. Most people tell me just eat, if only it were that easy. Feel free to add me.
  • CaliD86
    CaliD86 Posts: 4 Member
    I have struggled with bulimia, anorexia and binge eating as well. I am just starting to get a handle on healthy eating and it feels really good. Add me if you want!!!
  • ffionhharris
    ffionhharris Posts: 1 Member
    I am suffering with anorexia i think but nobody knows. Should i gain weight? I just love being thin. Everyone used to ignore me. I was a loser. But im now reducing my weight. I wpuld love some support if possible. Thanks :)
  • MeviClifford20
    MeviClifford20 Posts: 1 Member
    I suffer from Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder (B.E.D) and lately I've been starving myself a lot and I am trying to recover but eating just gives me guilt and sadness :(
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    I've been a binge eater and an extreme restrictor. I have a terrible relationship with self image and some incredibly screwed up body ideals... but at least I am aware right? My motivation now is my son. The thought of him having these horrible thoughts about his amazing little self kills me. I am working hard towards health. Everyone feel free to add :)
  • rl8301
    rl8301 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 21, I've been in treatment for an ED before, and I'm always very careful trying not to trigger anyone. I have primarily struggled with anorexia, but recently started binging and gaining weight when I was already at a healthy weight. I want to lose it now in a "healthier" way, but I still struggle a lot with loving myself and my body. I can't be sure how healthy this mission of mine really is. I don't want to be sick again, but a part of me misses it.
  • LionheartedDonna
    LionheartedDonna Posts: 22 Member
    I would love to join anyone in the struggle of recovery. Years of anorexia has hurt me physically and mentally, but it's the years of recovery that's made me dedicated and positive about my outlook. EDs have a way of infiltrating every aspect of your life, and people will still just say "try eating more." It's never that simple. Please anyone add me if you want someone to talk to or to just know someone is on your side. I hope a better ED recovery community can be fostered on MFP, even if it feels like it's just us for now.
  • Rebecca_Shaw37
    Rebecca_Shaw37 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm recovering from restrictive anorexia and I'd love some friends!
  • rory0516
    rory0516 Posts: 16 Member
    I am too. I'm definitely struggling but I am receiving professional help and refuse to give up. I could definitely use a friend who understands this as well.
  • strozman
    strozman Posts: 2,622 Member
    I have worked with patients receiving treatment for ED. I wish everyone in this thread a healthy recovery. Stay strong and know that mfp is another tool you can use in your recovery process. Unfortunately there are a few people on here struggling with this and can come off as pro ED. Please watch for that and any other triggers that may pop up on a diet/fitness website. That being said, I know of quite a few members here who are fighting the same thing you are and doing great. Good luck. Feel free to add me as a friend
  • katthoms
    katthoms Posts: 1 Member
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited July 2015
    mini hijack
    you might consider OA group here. I'm not on it since I'm not one of the cool kids so I don't know how active it is or how supportive it is but it might be worth checking out.
  • bladebiker
    bladebiker Posts: 133 Member
    Hi sevader.
    Great that you're making your way back to normality fingers crossed for you, I'm a father of a 14 year old daughter who suffers with this, would be really helpful for me to chat with you sometime