Yes, I'm a newbie!

KatheryneH13 Posts: 71 Member
edited September 27 in Introduce Yourself
Hi, my name is Kathy and I've decide to take control and lose lots of weight. Right now I'm going into my senior year in college and I want that time to be fun. I'm tired of being the fat friend and feeling like a loser when I hang out with my friends. When I graduate college in exactly a year, I was to be totally different. I mean, I want to wear a dress on that stage when I accept my diploma! Hopefully this site can help me out with my plan. I've even logged my food intake for 3 days and bought a bike. Doesn't seem like much, but for me it's a HUGE deal. Hopefully meeting people on this site will encourage me to keep going and not give up after a week. :)


  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    good luck! You are on the right track! Like you, I don't want to come to the end of this year and be in the same place I started at. Stick with it and you will do well
  • Welcome Kathy , I am a newbie also and want to be a thinner person in a few months tired of carrying this extra weight around and not being able to wear the nice clothes I see in the stores . I guess I am plain tired of being heavy!! Good Luck with your endeavor and welcome again
  • DebbiHE
    DebbiHE Posts: 11 Member
    That's terrific! What a great way to take charge of your life! I wish you all the best as you finish your final year in college and prepare to greet the world as the bright and dynamic young woman you are!
  • SimplyDeLish
    SimplyDeLish Posts: 539
    Welcome! You'll love MFP - both the tools on the site and the community! You can lose the weight!

    Here's to a new chapter in your life!
  • rntn1234
    rntn1234 Posts: 2
    Hi I'm a newbie too and looking for some support. After having 2 kids and still not loosing the baby weight I feel that I can no longer blame it on the kids and need to do something.... So here it goes started three days ago and hoping to have lost some by the end of the year too.
    Good Luck to everyone.
  • jewelsey09
    jewelsey09 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Kathy - I'm a newbie too! And I totally understand what you mean...I've struggled with weight so much since college and I too and working to look hot in a dress! Calorie counting hasn't worked very well for me in the past because I wasn't balancing my diet. But this site is really helping me to do that and I'm learning that how much bigger of an impace what I eat has on my weight than the amount of time I spend excercising. I started using it just over a week ago and I've already lost 8 pounds! And that's without any intense exercise - I'm so happy and I hope you get the same instant gratification. Congratulations on your decision to take control. Anytime you feel like you need support, feel free to message me :-)
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