Why Should YOU Be My 69?

TheCerealKiller Posts: 21 Member
So I am at 68 friends, which makes me sad, because that means my much coveted 69 spot is just sitting there waiting to be filled. But as anyone that knows me will vouch, this spot can't be filled by just anyone. It is saved for only the funniest, most encouraging, inspirational MFP'er out there. Many people have held this spot in the past, some lived up to the hype, some failed miserably and have been stricken from my memory. So I am putting it out there. Who among you has will be my 69. Men and women feel free to plead your case, I am an equal opportunity MFP'er. No ducks were hurt in the making of this message.


  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    68 friends already and only 14 posts?
  • SubZeroDude
    SubZeroDude Posts: 1,519 Member
    Honestly, that's what I call a cool story bro. Such a riveting tale, I honestly copy and pasted it to word, saved on my hard drive, backed it up on a jump drive, drove to the bank, put the jump drive in the safe deposit box, and will leave it there until my kids turn about 12 (when they can actually state their age, and ask what it is I'm showing them), when I will pick it up, put it in an old USB drive reader and relay this cool story to them and tell them, "kids, this is what a cool story should look and sound like...not like the stories your generation tells."
  • TheCerealKiller
    TheCerealKiller Posts: 21 Member
    edited June 2015
    Yes road dog, I am not much for the forums, they scare me.. I scare easily. I have been around these parts since before fitness was actually a thing... it used to just be called My Pal... and it was for people like me that are scared of sunshine and "talking". And zooksbrah .. I appreciate the adulation. I can now walk out into the world knowing I made a difference... until I notice that sun thing ... then it is back to hiding under a blanket for me
  • ladykate26
    ladykate26 Posts: 1,134 Member
    Out of interest.... What's your favourite cereal?
  • TheCerealKiller
    TheCerealKiller Posts: 21 Member
    Well ladykate, thank you for asking. I am not sure why you think I like cereal .. I actually despise it ... like intense hatred. Which is strange because I am otherwise an easy going guy with a love for life .. but cereal ... grrr.. don't even get me started on cereal ...
  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Because I'm the only 1 you need
  • TheCerealKiller
    TheCerealKiller Posts: 21 Member
    Well pancake... I see your point... But I have better hair ..so it offsets the whole "effort" thing