training for football

Hi im a highschool football player im 5'8 186lbs and my positions is tightend/d-end. My bench is 225lb, squat is 280lbs, incline is 185lbs, powerclean is 195lbs. I have strength and conditioning camp right now that involves 1 hour of weight training and 1 hr of cardio. I was wondering what else i could do outside of strength and conditioning camp to improve my strength and speed for the next football season and to make me a better athlete.


  • scottb81
    scottb81 Posts: 2,538 Member
    It looks like you have a pretty complete program right now. Maybe the best thing to do is make sure your diet is in order to get your body fat lower without losing strength. That will increase your speed and agility.
  • coachjschroth
    coachjschroth Posts: 25 Member
    Best thing to do, outside of improving technique in those 4 movements (these have the most carry over for football so you don't need much else), is to work on footwork drills. Check out the_footdoctor on IG or go to He's one of the most respected names in football when it comes to this sort of training so it would benefit you greatly to learn his methodology.
  • natecooper75
    natecooper75 Posts: 72 Member
    Best thing to do, outside of improving technique in those 4 movements (these have the most carry over for football so you don't need much else), is to work on footwork drills. Check out the_footdoctor on IG or go to He's one of the most respected names in football when it comes to this sort of training so it would benefit you greatly to learn his methodology.

    This is 100% true. Playing DE, you want to work on hand placement as well. Preseason workouts aren't the point where you want to make yourself a better athlete. That work is mostly done during the winter and spring. Preseason is best used to get ready for the season from a conditioning aspect.

    You may want to check out some of Chad Wesley Smith's videos on YouTube. He has a background in strength and conditioning and he is also a world class powerlifter. His views have changed the way that I think about training for sports.