Running for my Life - Need Guidance

mdentley Posts: 15 Member
edited September 27 in Fitness and Exercise friends tell me if I want to lose my gut , in the shortest amount of time and to keep the weight off for good, I need to start running...and keep running as a part of my lifestyle change. The thought of running in the dead of winter, heat of summer, being chased by dogs and dodging cars never appealed to me....until now. I want the benefits, the body and the overall good health that comes with it.

If you have any great suggestions on how to begin, please share. I'm looking forward to getting started for life!

* The only injury of note is tendinitis in my left ankle from a break back in 2000. Any guidance is definitely appreciated.



  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    Have you looked into the Couch to 5K program? I did C25K last fall and it has worked for me.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    First, you don't *HAVE* to do any particular exercise. There are plenty of other cardio exercises that can help you lose your gut and stay healthy... but if you CHOOSE to run, I recommend the C25K program. It's an interval-based approach to help ease someone into running. You can get a podcast or app on your phone that signals when to run and when to walk (much easier than trying to watch your watch/phone clock). Here's the "official" website that explains it:
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I'm a new runner (as of February 2011) but have been having a great deal of success with my running program. I would recommend the slow and steady approach--start with run/walk intervals depending on your current fitness level, increase distance or time by a small amount (recommended is 10%) each week, don't run every day at first (3 or 4 days a week with rest days or cross training days in between). Make sure you are well hydrated, well fueled, have good running shoes. is a great beginner's program (I'm doing a variation of it)

    Also check out the book Running Your Butt Off (by authors who work with Runner's World) and anything (book or online info) on Jeff Galloway.

    Good luck and have fun!

    PS Feel free to friend me if you would like some additional support.
  • pannacottayum
    pannacottayum Posts: 96 Member
    trail running...i'm newly hooked. no cars, generally shaded and cool, soft earth, varied topography, plus you get that "primal" know, man running through nature and all.

    also, regarding c25k, it is a good program as stated by others. i've done it myself. That said, don't get caught up in the idea that you are training for something (a 5k), don't get caught up in the numbers of time and distance (c25k is a prescribed program of both). I think in the beginning, you should just get out there and run, don't go all out, and listen to your body, it will tell you when it has had enough.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I'm an "adult onset runner" tee hee. Started running in 2009 when I was 39 years old and haven't stopped since. (Maybe someday I'll get back home, LOL). All jokes aside, it has been a life changing addition to my world. I've met the most amazing, supportive, healthy people and my body has changed significantly as well. I recommend two things. The first, Jeff Galloway has great info on run/walk methods for all levels of runners. This will help prevent injury and will even improve speed if that is at all intriguing or important to you. Second, I cannot stress enough the importance of cross training. Running is great, but it is primarily cardio and if your experience is anything like mine (and many many others) running will change your a point, and then it will plateau. Strength training is essential to build lean muscle which will help you run stronger, longer and with less injury. Having a strong core is essential for runners and strength training is a way to accomplish this.
    Go kick some asphalt and keep in touch! I'd be glad to help!
  • mdentley
    mdentley Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you all for the guidance and info. I've heard of the C25k and I will definitely be looking into that! I'm going to check out the sites and books that were recommended too. I can't wait to get started. Feel free to add me as friend too!

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