20lbs to go and lost my oomph!

Hi. I've lost 41lbs over the last few months and nearly there. Have lost my oomph over the last couple of weeks so I thought I'd reach out. I'm 46 (how the hell did that happen?!), 5'8" and fairly active x


  • deladypilot
    deladypilot Posts: 618 Member
    I have self talks. Asking myself why I want this, why is this important to me? Is the reason I started the journey the same now.

    Set yourself some new goals, try something totally new, try new recipes. Anything that might give that reason to kick start things back up. You can do this, you have proven it to yourself already.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I feel like I'm in that spot too...I am trying to have the right self talk and asking myself:
    Where have I gotten lax with my eating?
    Why do I want to do this?
    Am I happy with where I am now?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,708 Member
    Cydney0710 wrote: »
    Hi. I've lost 41lbs over the last few months and nearly there. Have lost my oomph over the last couple of weeks so I thought I'd reach out. I'm 46 (how the hell did that happen?!), 5'8" and fairly active x
    Carry a couple of 20lbs dumbells up and down some stairs for 5 minutes. You'll get it when you do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    Right there with ya sister. I'm gonna be 45 in August. Keep a before pic handy and keep looking to see how far you've come. You look amazing! Use that to fuel your continued journey and reason to look forward to the healthiest you ever!
  • M30834134
    M30834134 Posts: 411 Member
    The older you get the harder it is to lose excess weight - just think about that. If you give up, the next time it would be even harder. Instead, take a break - over a period of one week, increase your calories to the maintenance level and stay there for a few weeks. Once you are ready to continue - press on
  • Cydney0710
    Cydney0710 Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks guys. All great advice! Am off on holiday on Sunday so will just try to maintain things and come back refreshed! xx