Loose skin is bothering me but I can't afford surgery, advice please?

Although I'm proud of the amount of weight I've lost, I've been depressed and discouraged about my loose skin for some time now. It's been bothering me I'm sure you guys who are also dealing with loose skin understand this. I probably have several pounds of skin on my stomach I need to be removed. I can deal with the skin on my thighs and arms, but not my stomach. I'm getting sores and rashes monthly, back pain, I'm very uncomfortable.

I have been trying to get my insurance to help me with what is called a panniculectomy, since apparently that's the only procedure they will help cover...I was just denied again yesterday for the second time. I've had my doctor document my issues for over a year now. I don't understand how they are not considering this medically necessary? I am so tired of battling with my insurance company.

I'm not in the position financially to be able to cover this type of surgery, and I don't have any family that can help, I don't want to go into any debt, etc. If I were to save money for my surgery, it would probably take 2-3 years. I can't wait that long.

Do y'all have any experience with this stuff and can help me?
To the people who are dealing with bad loose skin issues, what do you do?


  • Elle_Bronwyn15
    Elle_Bronwyn15 Posts: 296 Member
    I have a lot of loose skin on my stomach and I still have 50 more lbs to lose....

    I am in the same boat, I will most likely need surgery to get rid of all the excess skin but I am financially in the hole right now. The only suggestions I have are....

    1) Save up for the costs
    2) Save up for half, and finance the other half
    3) Finance the whole procedure with a plastic surgery loan
    4) Set up a gofundmee account
    5) Get another doctor to vouch for you that this is a medical necessity. Maybe 2 or 3 doctors saying you need this will make the insurance company reconsider.

    Good luck to you.
  • missmeganmiranda
    missmeganmiranda Posts: 2 Member
    I myself am not dealing with the issue but I have a friend who is, she raised a lot of money from gofundme.com. She dealt with the same type of issue and had to figure it out on her own. It's sad that the insurance companies no longer care about the health of their members. I am so sorry you are having a tough time. God will handle it.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    edited June 2015
    You could search for an online fundraising vehicle. Do a quick Google of "get money for surgery through online donations" or some similar type of search.

    I know that this might not seem very appealing at first, but don't rule it out until you've researched it.

    The other day I heard a story on the radio about a lady who got people to pay her to see a movie she didn't want to see. If she can raise $10K for a stupid cause like that, then you might be able to raise money for your surgery. Edited to add: the money actually went to a charity, not to her, personally.

    See link: http://www.marketplace.org/topics/life/people-paid-10000-get-one-woman-see-entourage

    Who knows what the tax ramifications would be for this sort of income? That would have to be part of your research.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Wasnt the 10k for childrens cancer though, so not exactly in her pocket.
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Wasnt the 10k for childrens cancer though, so not exactly in her pocket.

    Yes, I added that information to my original response. (We probably cross posted.)
  • 00_donna
    00_donna Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for the replies I really appreciate them. I know about gofundme but I am not sure if I would be able to raise such a large amount as I don't know many people, and my close family members don't have a lot either.

    I am financially in the hole as well at the moment, See I was thinking about getting a second job, but my loose skin bothers me literally 24/7, it gets rashes very easily, it's so very hard dealing with this. this is why I need to get it done soon. I'm tired of making excuses for myself because of my loose stomach skin.

    Also, I have not had children yet and I really want to in the future, so I don't want to pay 8-10k for a procedure, only to have to turn around again several years later and possibly have to do it again.

    I don't want to look like a Victoria Secrets model, I just want to get this excess skin off so I can live my life! That is the reason I lost so much weight in the first place, right? LOL :smiley:

    I feel for you all who deal with what I'm dealing with right now, it's a daily struggle.
  • Mowzer7
    Mowzer7 Posts: 4 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm so sorry for your problem. It sounds like this is more of a legal issue than a medical one. Your medical need is clear. The insurance company's position is that your current condition is not covered under their legal contract. You may have already done this, but have you investigated an appeal to an outside body? I can't give you specifics because I'm not a specialist and, in any case, the rules vary from state to state, but sometimes an insurance company can be forced to provide coverage by an oversight agency. Some states have consumer agencies that help, some have boards regulating the insurers, etc. If you are poor enough, you may qualify for legal aid and have someone who can help guide you through your options. It makes me nuts to think of people having to fund healthcare from a gofundme account.
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Until you can get it approved, you can try wearing shapewear of different sorts to pull it up and against your body so it doesn't rub.

    Here are some: http://www.lymphedemaproducts.com/products/msw_girdles.html

    If you can shape it inside the shapewear so there are no folds, that could stop the rubbing and rashes.

    If the traditional elastic girdle ends up being uncomfortable, you can try an actual well-made corset. I've worn both Spanx-type undergarments and actual corsets for special occassions, and I find that because the pressure of the Spanx doesn't change, it can be...kind of claustrophobic, if that makes sense. And it FEELS WAY tighter at the same "holding power." It would be harder to arrange yourself within it, though.

    I hope that's possible for you! And best of luck!
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Also, if medical shapewear works, it might be better than having the surgery and then possibly having worse issues with the pregnancy and needing another surgery after, as you say.....
  • 00_donna
    00_donna Posts: 8 Member
    @Mowzer7 I don't know much about how insurance works. I live in Florida and I have united healthcare as my insurance. Unfortunately I think all insurance companies are alike when it comes to skin removal surgery. They are very strict, which I understand but at the same time it's very unfortunate.

    I know a woman (she use to be my neighbor) who just gave up because insurance kept denying her, she had to deal with her issues for almost 4 years, before she could save up enough money for her surgery. During these 4 years she told me she had to go see her doctor over 10 times and go to the ER twice because of her terrible rashes and open sores, and still nobody did anything for her, she had to do it all alone.

    But I have also heard of rare instances of people who get full body lifts covered completely through their insurance and think "what the heck?" Don't get me wrong I'm very happy for them, but how do people manage to do that? Like I said I can deal with my loose skin on my thighs and underarms, because they are not giving me problems. But my stomach is just an overhang of loose skin and it's something I'm not wanting to deal with for the next several years.

    I honestly don't understand how excess abdominal skin is considered a cosmetic surgery, especially if you're dealing with rashes/sores/boils. How is someone meant to live with this daily?
  • Blesmols
    Blesmols Posts: 35 Member
    Insurance companies tend to see the skin removal procedure after weight loss as cosmetic. Additionally, I would also think they would want a medical assessment to see if you are a risk for regaining the weight. I'm not trying to be unkind when I say these things, either. I have an amazing amount of loose skin. I'm 46, have a history of weight changes, and pain makes exercise difficult for me. My best advice to up your chances of getting an insurance company to see things your way is to continue to see a doctor every time you get a rash or hard to heal wound. This will provide proof of medical necessity over time. If your insurance offers a nurse advisor, blow up that person's phone with discussions on how much you need necessary skin removal. Talk to your medical provider and their chosen hospital about patient assistance. Sometimes, if your income is low enough, and either your out-of-pocket medical costs exceed a certain income percentage or your plan is high deductible, you will be eligible for their assistance. Just call the facility's main number and ask for the patient assistance administrator. If they can't help you, they may know who can. Often, they keep lists of medical programs in your area. Even if they can't help you with skin removal, if they help you with all your other medical expenses, perhaps you can sock away money for other use.

    In that same vein of lowering overall medical costs, here's one of the best resources I know: http://www.needymeds.org/. They have a card that if you do not have insurance or are on Medicare but lack certain prescription coverage, you can use it to lower medicine costs. Last I checked, Walmart accepted it. They just have to enter it as if it's insurance. Since you have insurance, it will be your best resource for patient drug assistance by drug company.

    I have read in many places and can vouch for weight lifting as a means up propping up skin slack. It's not a miracle, but as the muscle grows, it fills space where the fat was. I think. Lol As for rash prevention, I use Gold Bond Medicated powder and they make a cream if that makes your skin too dry for the surfaces to pass over one another. Other than that, please know you're not alone in this situation. I have many days I look at my skin flaps, especially my belly/pubic hang, and just want to scream. I call it my "continental shelf." Some days I prop it with control pants to keep it out of the way of my workout. I have good days and bad days. Nonetheless, I congratulate you for holding on and losing weight. :) Every person who does is an inspiration to me.
  • 00_donna
    00_donna Posts: 8 Member
    @AusOmega Thank you for all your information. Believe me I know all about gold bond powder I use it for under my boobs but for under my stomach skin fold, it doesn't help and it gets kind of irritated especially if there's a bad rash there already.

    If you don't mind me asking, how much weight have you lost? Is your loose skin giving you a lot of problems, or is it tolerable?
  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Try this, too: http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/product/index.jsp?productId=11005964&camp=CSE:GooglePLA:11005964:9155602:SOCKS/RUNNING ACCESSORIES&CAGPSPN=pla&CAWELAID=120138600000198719&catargetid=120138600003189275&cadevice=c

    And I'm going to be weird, but bear with me. I've gotten rubbed raw spots, and the BEST THING EVERRRRR when you have a sore is Boudreaux's Butt Paste.
  • alicat1974
    alicat1974 Posts: 12 Member
    A product I use that has completely healed up my loose skin rashes has the stupidest name, but has worked wonders for me: Anti Monkey Butt Powder, or also Lady Anti Monkey Butt Powder. I found it much more effective than Gold Bond, cocoa butter, body glide, etc. It can be tough to find retail, but Amazon has got it for around $7 a package. Good luck and congrats on your weight loss.